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Amid a series of new claims by the ruling PPP/C of irregularities in Monday’s general elections, the US Embassy has taken the extraordinary step of issuing a statement affirming its view that the voting was free and fair.

The statement would be taken as a slap-down of the continuing PPP/C attempts to tarnish Monday’s voting.

The US Embassy statement follows:

U.S. Embassy Stands by its Assessment of Free, Fair, and Credible Electoral Process 

GEORGETOWN –– The United States Embassy is in receipt of the recent allegations made by the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and has looked into the claims. Nothing contained therein changes our baseline assessment of the electoral process.

Based on our observations of the polling, counting, and tabulation process and the conclusions reached by other international observer missions, we continue to assess that the election process was free and fair.  We remain confident in the Guyana Elections Commission’s ability to deliver credible results that accurately reflect the way votes were cast by the Guyanese people on May 11.  We urge the Guyana Elections Commission to continue with its important tabulation work and to provide verified results at the earliest possible opportunity.

The United States Embassy understands the Guyanese people’s desire to see the final results of these elections. It is important, however, to provide the Guyana Elections Commission the time and space to conclude its work‎. We urge the people of Guyana to continue to exercise patience.

The United States Embassy calls upon all political leaders to adhere to the Political Party ‎Code of Conduct, which specifically proscribes public criticism of the Guyana Elections Commission or interference with its work. We expect all parties to respect the final results of these elections.

APNU+AFC also denounced today’s new allegations by the PPP/C.

In a statement, it said:

A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) sees the recent memorandum by the PPP/C to the Diplomatic Community as just in a series of obstructionists tactics to prevent the declaration of the results of the May 2015 Elections.

The PPP/C’s contentions that the many statements of polls received by Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) from the ten Electoral Districts were identified as fakes is ludicrous.

APNU+AFC sees this spurious claim as an attempt to deny the will of the people who have voted resoundingly for change.

When APNU+AFC met with GECOM, yesterday, the Chief Elections Officer Mr. Keith Lowenfield assured the Coalition team, headed by Presidential Candidate David Granger, that 94% of the Statement of Polls had been verified by him. It is apposite to note that Statements that have been officially verified, cannot be fake.

APNU+AFC would like to reiterate that GECOM is an independent body and should act within the Law as stated in the Representation of the Peoples’ Act. APNU+AFC therefore, calls on GECOM to announce the results of these elections.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:

almost 12 we wait and see

PPP WON  PPP 50.1236%,  PNC 49.721%


This corresponds exactly to what I was told this morning by a GECOM contact. A difference of like 3,000 votes in favor of the PPP.

It is what I am hearing BUT I still waiting for Dr Surujbally.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:

almost 12 we wait and see

PPP WON  PPP 50.1236%,  PNC 49.721%


This corresponds exactly to what I was told this morning by a GECOM contact. A difference of like 3,000 votes in favor of the PPP.

When you and Nehru got the same contacts...then is time to hang it up

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:

almost 12 we wait and see

PPP WON  PPP 50.1236%,  PNC 49.721%


This corresponds exactly to what I was told this morning by a GECOM contact. A difference of like 3,000 votes in favor of the PPP.

When you and Nehru got the same contacts...then is time to hang it up


I was lil worried too I confess when he posted that figure


Now I'm really really confused


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