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The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) condemns the de facto Government’s refusal to grant Carter Center permission to return to Guyana to complete its mission of observing March 2, 2020, General and Regional Elections. The exploitation of the COVID-19 and the use of a politically appointed and dominated Taskforce to carry out this wicked design is simply pathetic. It demonstrates the desperate lengths that the Rigging Cabal is prepared to travel, in order to deny the recount process of transparency, oversight, and credibility and to lay the platform to possibly pervert the process.

The COVID-19 Taskforce comprises of several former Ministers of the de facto Government and known political hacks of APNU/AFC, including, Joseph Harmon (Chief Executive Officer), Moses Nagamootoo (Chairman), Volda Lawrence, Karen Cummings. It would be observed that none of these persons above is a medical practitioner or in any manner professionally and technically qualified to be part of such an entity. This farce was established, specifically, to derail and frustrate the recounting process, including, the prevention of international accredited observers from returning to monitor the recount. Their previous shenanigans include fumigation of the Author Chung Convention Center when the recount process was about to commence, over a month ago, and their threat to quarantine, for fourteen days, the CARICOM observer team. President Granger is hiding behind this Taskforce to give himself plausible deniability. There is nothing stopping him from intervening in the manner that he did, in relation to the CARICOM team and there is nothing preventing the utilization of the same protocols used in respect of that CARICOM team from being used in relation to Carter Center and other International Observer Teams to facilitate their return to Guyana to complete the task for which they have been accredited.

The March 2, 2020, elections have not been completed and their accreditation has not been revoked. Their right to complete their mission is therefore guaranteed by both local and International Law.

Observation of elections by International Observer Teams is now a cornerstone of democracy in the modern world. Many International Treaties guarantee it. To execute their election thieving design, the Rigging Cabal has disregarded all of them. By remaining silent on this issue, GECOM has violated its own decision to invite all accredited observer teams to return.

We demand that the de facto Government and GECOM, immediately, clear the way for the Carter Center and other International Observer Teams, desirous of returning to Guyana, to complete their mission, being able to do so.

People’s Progressive Party

May 4th, 2020

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