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For Immediate Release:
North America Region
Peoples National Congress Reform
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, New York – May 18, 2021.
Ignore the grandiloquence - Propaganda Reporting, and Poor Journalism.
Why what’s happening in the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) is so important to the PPP/c and its cronies?
Over the last few months, the PPP/c and its surrogates seemed very concerned on who leads the PNCR. Ever wonder why? Their picketing exercise under disguise for the removal of David Granger, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform and former President of Guyana didn’t go unnoticed by Guyanese in the Diaspora. The question that must be asked, is what is their FEAR?
Let the record show that No PNC group or groups in New York penned any letter to the Guyana Times. We all know that the Guyana Times only publishes as instructed by the dictators of the fraudulent installed government in Guyana.
The People’s National Congress Reform is a democratic Party that practices democracy and believes in using its existing processes as outlined in its constitution to elect a leader.
Party members in the Diaspora follow the rules that govern the PNCR and believe in upholding the principles that supports democracy. The vehicle for electing a leader for the Party will be utilized as has been done before and in the history of the Party. In the PNCR, unlike in the PPP/c, no one man calls the shots.
While nonmembers of the PNCR or surrogates of the PPPC in the diaspora may be screaming for the removal of Party Leader and former President David Granger, and while a few radicals may have joined that clarion call. Let it be known that the Party groups in New York DID NOT and SHALL NOT make such statements. Guyana Times needs to provide accurate names, of the persons they spoke with. We will not ask for the fictitious letter because we know that the PPP’/c is known for producing fake documents. Remember the fake degrees for Irfan Ali. Remember the fake ballot boxes, the fake ID cards, remember the fake GRA checks produced by GBTI.
Its time Guyana Times start practicing good journalism, its time they start reporting accurately, it’s time they stop fabricating news, it’s time they stop allowing themselves to be used by the fraudulently installed Government. We in the diaspora are aware of all the skullduggery used by the PPP/c to steal the 2020 elections.
The North America Region (NAR) the umbrella under which most Party groups of the PNCR fall sees this article for what it is, FAKE. A responsible newsroom would never take fake news and attempt to make it newsworthy.
No PNCR group or groups in the Diaspora called for the resignation of the former President. We see this article for what it is, PROPAGANDA “
It is time that the Guyana Times act responsibly! It is time the Guyana Times stop polluting the information ecosystem!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Fishing for recognition is what the Desperados are doing. Once constitutional reforms are implemented, the desperados can't vote in the Guyana elections. Why are they worried about what the PPP/C is doing?

We don't have to worry about them and the next election. We are already running the country. We are the change.

We have created over 20,000 jobs on the road to creating 50,000. We are investing in 20,000 people including afro_americans. We have set the stage for building 50,000 units of houses by rebuilding the infrastructure.

@Ramakant-P posted:

We have created over 20,000 jobs on the road to creating 50,000. We are investing in 20,000 people including afro_americans. We have set the stage for building 50,000 units of houses by rebuilding the infrastructure.

You are a liar.

@Ramakant-P posted:

We have created over 20,000 jobs on the road to creating 50,000. We are investing in 20,000 people including afro_americans. We have set the stage for building 50,000 units of houses by rebuilding the infrastructure.

Show us the evidence

@Ramakant-P posted:

Fishing for recognition is what the Desperados are doing. Once constitutional reforms are implemented, the desperados can't vote in the Guyana elections. Why are they worried about what the PPP/C is doing?

We don't have to worry about them and the next election. We are already running the country. We are the change.

We have created over 20,000 jobs on the road to creating 50,000. We are investing in 20,000 people including afro_americans. We have set the stage for building 50,000 units of houses by rebuilding the infrastructure.

Dreaming is free!


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