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‘Votes alone don’t validate elections’

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…says former minister Dr Henry Jeffrey

THE Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) obligation in Guyana’s current electoral situation is to factor into its final decision all credible allegations of electoral wrongdoing with the sole aim of being guided by the compass of law and the best interest of the electorate.

Such is the held position of political analyst and former Education Minister Dr. Henry Jeffrey and made public in his weekly column, Future Notes, on Wednesday.

He made the comments: “All the propaganda and efforts to create a fait accompli have failed to convince me that GECOM must simply declare a winner from the recount and that the claims of illegalities must await an elections petition. GECOM is an independent body and the commissioners are expected to collectively review the evidence and put their minds together to come to collective decisions and solutions in the interest of the nation.”

His position does not align with some politicians who have made light of numerous missing statutory documents from ballot boxes in the current elections and have doubted the existence of electoral fraud in the form of persons voting for the dead and migrated.

While one side of the main political divide argues that every election will produce margins of error and that the ones discovered are minimal, the other side argues that the irregularities number over 6,000 and have compromised approximately 90,000 votes.

In his column, Dr. Jeffrey examined how GECOM, according to law and compared to other international cases, could proceed and what will be the likely challenges.

Establishing his position, he cited the Zimbabwe case of Chamisa v Mnangagwa which suggests that, in order for an election to be truly free, fair and credible, it must be conducted in full compliance with the constitution and applicable electoral laws.

He said that once the petitioner — which role has been primarily taken up by the APNU+AFC coalition — provides the commission with the facts which point to acts of electoral irregularities, the burden of action then shifts to the commission as the electoral body.

Dr. Jeffrey said that, though some countries have departed from this, the historic narrative has been that an election will be invalidated if the irregularities, mistakes or errors highlighted affected the result of the elections.

In one case he cited where Malawi departed from this practice; he stated that this had resulted from the decision that the electoral malpractices were not enough to alter the results of the presidential elections.

Pointing to another case, he noted the Pabey v. Pastrick case at the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that the East Chicago mayoral primary, in which East Chicago Mayor Robert Pastrick defeated his challenger George Pabey, had to be redone.

Pabey had complained that votes in the elections were solicited from the poor and the frail, while there were cases of persons voting in place of the dead. It was the court’s conclusion that the integrity and results of that election were compromised.

Meanwhile, the Kenyan Supreme Court in 2018 invalidated the presidential elections after election forms were found with missing watermarks and serial numbers; some were unsigned by returning officers (ROs) and others were not signed by party agents. The elections were invalidated, although they were deemed “passed” by all international observers. In this case, a 1.4 million vote margin separated the top two candidates.

The Carter Center commented on that occasion: “…the court’s decision reinforced the independence of the judiciary.”

Referring once again to the Zimbabwe case of Chamisa v Mnangagwa, Dr. Jeffrey put forward: “The coalition is claiming that over 80,000 votes have been tainted by fraud and bearing in mind the apparent importance of strong political pressure, the PPP/C is attempting to create a fait accompli. However, ‘for an election to be truly free, fair and credible it must be conducted in full compliance with the constitution and applicable electoral laws.’ Thus, the votes in the boxes are only one aspect of the test that an election has been valid.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jeffery talking sheer fraff. Ker he stupid ass. A decent Guyanese should put two box on he head and let he ketch some sense. 

These fools need to end their Idi Amin attitude.

Last edited by Former Member

He is a PNC member. Let him give his opinions to CARICOM and the OAS. They will put shoe prints in the crack of his ass so fast that he would not even know who he is.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

He is correct. The recount was an AUDIT, and the tally was just one of a four-part process.

No Mademoiselle. An audit is never conducted in such a manner. There are strict rules and discipline which guide you and standards which you measure against.

I had mentioned a while back to do a professional audit, and you laughed it off!

now, go audit your cook up.

@Django posted:

Do you all know Jeffery was with Jagan , shook his hand in Stabroek Market ,he was with Jagan and others meeting the people , it was few weeks before 1992 elections.

We know, and Hinds was with WPA fighting for free and fair elections. Now he said burn the ballots.

@Django posted:

Do you all know Jeffery was with Jagan 

Do you know Burnham was with Jagan? I heard he and Jagan slept in the same room in George Mahadeo's home at Uitvlugt Front in 1953.

Ten years after that Burnham's fans burned down the same building. It housed a dry goods store in the lower floor. That event is mentioned in Jagan's memoir "The West on Trial". The chapter on the racial disturbances.

@Former Member posted:

Do you know Burnham was with Jagan? I heard he and Jagan slept in the same room in George Mahadeo's home at Uitvlugt Front in 1953.

Ten years after that Burnham's fans burned down the same building. It housed a dry goods store in the lower floor. That event is mentioned in Jagan's memoir "The West on Trial". The chapter on the racial disturbances.

I have the memoir, given by a good friend ,read it half way ,because i know the rest what happened. Will have to review the chapter.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

I have the memoir, given by a good friend ,read it half way ,because i know the rest what happened. Will have to review the chapter.

Please do. Look for George Mahadeo's name. George was the brother of Gangaram Dwarka, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Housing pre-1992.

@Rochelle posted:

He is correct. The recount was an AUDIT, and the tally was just one of a four-part process.

You and Henry Jeffrey are both barefaced idiots. I see ANUG made a statement divorcing themselves from his asinine comment. 

Bibi Haniffa
@Django posted:

Will do.


Incidentally it was George Mahadeo's son, Jai Prakash Mahadeo, who told me that Jagan and Burnham slept in their home. Jai and I sat on the same bench at Zeeburg Secondary School before his father sent him to England in 1966.

@Django posted:


Can you give a landmark of "George Mahadeo's home at Uitvlugt Front in 1953"

Any relation to Uncle Deo from Leonora ?

Yes. At the juncture of the public road and estate road is Tiwari drugstore. The next building on the estate road stands on the spot where George Mahadeo's home stood. When I left Guyana in 1996 that property was owned by Ramesh Sookraj who also owned a cinema near Pouderoyen. Ramesh's building was partially destroyed by fire in 1994 but he rebuilt.

George Mahadeo was not related to Deo Mahadeo. 

@Former Member posted:

Yes. At the juncture of the public road and estate road is Tiwari drugstore. The next building on the estate road stands on the spot where George Mahadeo's home stood. When I left Guyana in 1996 that property was owned by Ramesh Sookraj who also owned a cinema near Pouderoyen. Ramesh's building was partially destroyed by fire in 1994 but he rebuilt.

George Mahadeo was not related to Deo Mahadeo. 


I know Ramesh Sookraj property. When his son was managing Tarla ,i used to fix the sound system .Also attached the sound system to a Video Projector to show video tapes.

I mentioned Ramesh uncle Robert is my aunt husband ,step father sister.

When Robert returned to Guyana ,purchase the Cinema at Vreed-en-hoop ,i was the technician for the sound system .He never knew me ,due to moving to Trinidad. When we met ,i told him who i am ,he smiled. My brother went to Trinidad and was working for them .I could have gone too ,didn't want to leave my mother in Guyana ,all my siblings was abroad ,i was the only one left ,until i migrated.

Robert had a limo and will send his driver to pick me up ,when there are any electronics problems at the Cinema and Home.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:


I know Ramesh Sookraj property. When his son was managing Tarla ,i used to fix the sound system .Also attached the sound system to a Video Projector to show video tapes.

I mentioned Ramesh uncle Robert is my aunt husband ,step father sister.

When Robert returned to Guyana ,purchase the Cinema at Vreed-en-hoop ,i was the technician for the sound system .He never knew me ,due to moving to Trinidad. When we met ,i told him who i am ,he smiled. My brother went to Trinidad and was working for them .I could have gone too ,didn't want to leave my mother in Guyana ,all my siblings was abroad ,i was the only one left ,until i migrated.

Robert had a limo and will send his driver to pick me up ,when there are any electronics problems at the Cinema and Home.

George passed away about two years ago, his daughter lives in Scarborough. His son Jai that went to England married my neighbour, Shirley who is Ramkirath's  daughter. So you know Simon?

@kp posted:

George passed away about two years ago, his daughter lives in Scarborough. His son Jai that went to England married my neighbour, Shirley who is Ramkirath's  daughter. So you know Simon?

George used to have a store on Regent Street,me thinks so.

Simon name rings a bell .

In my teenage years my elder aunt ,disclose the family connection. My Aunt used to manage the Cinema business ,i was told ,her name was also Shirley .They left Guyana when i was young. I saw my aunt when my step father died ,sadly few years after she passed away .After her death Robert return to Guyana. My aunt and siblings parents are from De Kinderen ,on the side where Bulla residence on, going towards the back lands .i can recall my mom taking me to the home when i was little.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:
My brother went to Trinidad and was working for them .I could have gone too ,didn't want to leave my mother in Guyana ,all my siblings was abroad ,i was the only one left ,until i migrated.

Django ---

Children have the pleasure/obligation to care for their parents.

Similar situation with us as ten children. All except one were married and were off to Canada and the US_of_A.

My younger brother took care of mom until they both came to Canada.

My younger brother is the only one who was with my mom from the time he was born to the time she transitioned in life.

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

My aunt and siblings parents are from De Kinderen ,on the side where Bulla residence on, going towards the back lands .

Django -- Interesting place and name.

I was born at De Kinderen, West Coast, Demerara.

I have an uncle called Bulla, who was a barber.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I have an uncle called Bulla, who was a barber.

Bulla Mubarak the barber lived in Uitvlugt Pasture. He was also a security guard at the sugar estate. In addition he was an accomplished singer who performed in Indian radio programmes like Geet Neerala.

@Former Member posted:

Django -- Interesting place and name.

I was born at De Kinderen, West Coast, Demerara.

I have an uncle called Bulla, who was a barber.

My barber at Uitvlugt Front name was Bulla, he had a tent opposite the Community Center.

@Django posted:

George used to have a store on Regent Street,me thinks so.

Simon name rings a bell .

In my teenage years my elder aunt ,disclose the family connection. My Aunt used to manage the Cinema business ,i was told ,her name was also Shirley .They left Guyana when i was young. I saw my aunt when my step father died ,sadly few years after she passed away .After her death Robert return to Guyana. My aunt and siblings parents are from De Kinderen ,on the side where Bulla residence on, going towards the back lands .i can recall my mom taking me to the home when i was little.

My father is from Pln. DeKinderen. Bulla was known as scrap iron ,he had trucks that would transport sugar to G/T.

 Simon was my neighbour in Ocean View, he used to work at the court in Vreed-en-Hoop, he married a Chinese girl from Wales whose family had owned the Wales cinema. Shirley and Simon are brother and sister. After George business was burnt down, he moved to Uitvlugt Train Line Dam and used to work in G/T.

@Former Member posted:

Bulla Mubarak the barber lived in Uitvlugt Pasture. He was also a security guard at the sugar estate. In addition he was an accomplished singer who performed in Indian radio programmes like Geet Neerala.

He loves to drink, he would come to our house in the compound to cut me and my Grand Father hair, if he is Sweet I would get many cuts and he would put powder all over my head. When I became 12 ,I started to cut my own hair, up to now.  All because of Bulla.


KP ...

Interesting information you have provided.

I was at De Kinderen for about six month after which I was living at MacKenzie, Demerara River, until I want to Georgetown for High School studies then abroad for university studies.

Returning to Guyana after studies, I have met many individuals from the surrounding areas, including De Kienderen, when I was living at Leonora.

@Former Member posted:

KP ...

Interesting information you have provided.

I was at De Kinderen for about six month after which I was living at MacKenzie, Demerara River, until I want to Georgetown for High School studies then abroad for university studies.

Returning to Guyana after studies, I have met many individuals from the surrounding areas, including De Kienderen, when I was living at Leonora.

My father lived on the Old road, married then moved to MMZ main road a couple doors from the cinema, he was the Chemist at DDL.

 I grew up with my grand father in the staff compound and when he retired we moved to Ocean View.

@kp posted:

My barber at Uitvlugt Front name was Bulla, he had a tent opposite the Community Center.

My father is from Pln. DeKinderen. Bulla was known as scrap iron ,he had trucks that would transport sugar to G/T.

 Simon was my neighbour in Ocean View, he used to work at the court in Vreed-en-Hoop,

he married a Chinese girl from Wales whose family had owned the Wales cinema. Shirley and Simon are brother and sister. After George business was burnt down, he moved to Uitvlugt Train Line Dam and used to work in G/T.

Wait a minute i know that Guy ,there was a guy who was a goldsmith from Leonora lived in the second street in Ocean View, closer to street where the Hindu Temple is located. He was a good friend of mine ,i think Simon used to hang with him.

@kp posted:

My father lived on the Old road, married then moved to MMZ main road a couple doors from the cinema, he was the Chemist at DDL.

 I grew up with my grand father in the staff compound and when he retired we moved to Ocean View.

So you know Ahmad ,another chemist at DDL ? Another cinema i used to fix the sound system ,also set up a back up amp.

I forget to mention Pracko from Ocean View is a relative.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

KP, Django etc ...

Interesting sharing of information.

There is a general saying from the olden days ...

"Most of us are related from past ancestors in Guyana."

Who knows if your parents or grand parents are not related to my step father parents ,also they were Muslims. The old timers was living like family in their communities.

Last edited by Django

Could indeed be so, Django ...

Being extremely careful ...

It is you personal choice to do so ... perhaps you can send me the information in Private Message ... and we can discuss details there.

@Former Member posted:

Could indeed be so, Django ...

Being extremely careful ...

It is you personal choice to do so ... perhaps you can send me the information in Private Message ... and we can discuss details there.

I don't have info on the older folks ,my aunt and siblings passed away ,no one to gather information. Sad when we were younger never asked for information for record keeping.

Last edited by Django

That is the situation with most of us younger generation.

Anyway, as general discussions like this one continue to take place in time one one names would emerge.

My personal views/approach and ways of life ...

"I respect all and accept the view that somewhere in the past, we are related from older ancestors."


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