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Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo's today met with the staff at the Office of the Prime Minister.


The meeting took place at OPM and Prime Minister Nagamootoo assured the staff that there will be no witch hunt against any staff member and asked that the staff continue to perform their duties in a professional manner.


Prime Minister Nagamootoo briefly outlined his vision for the functioning of the OPM and implored staff that the OPM must be service oriented to the citizens of Guy...ana.


"People come here for service, and we must provide service because we are paid servants to the people. We must not keep people waiting," Prime Minister Nagamootoo told the staff.


Prime Minister Nagamootoo informed staff that the office will take responsibility for the portfolios of Public Information and Constitutional Reform.

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APNUAFC's photo.

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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's where the action will be.


This will be an executive PM not rubber stamp.

We will see about that.   Granger said that he will not change Burnham's system.  Remember he was calling for changes to the constitution.  Now that he won by unfair means, he said no changes.  He then proceed to put the JUDAS in charge of constitutional reforms.

Tell me if Moses will be a rubber stamp.  Tell me again, please.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Uncle Rama, try and be more positive. Your help is needed to push for changes to the PPP/C Constitution.

I am positive that Granger won't change the constitution which brought him to power.  If he does then he is stupid.  We knew he used Moses and Khemraj to get what he wanted. Those two *******s can't see pass their noses..  If you follow those blind idiots then you and them will fall into the pit.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Uncle Rama, try and be more positive. Your help is needed to push for changes to the PPP/C Constitution.

I am positive that Granger won't change the constitution which brought him to power.  If he does then he is stupid.  We knew he used Moses and Khemraj to get what he wanted. Those two *******s can't see pass their noses..  If you follow those blind idiots then you and them will fall into the pit.

Prime Minister to charter Constitutional Reform process

May 22, 2015 11:12 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo following his swearing in.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo following his swearing in.

[] โ€“ Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is now responsible for two key aspects of the APNU+AFCโ€™s plan to take Guyana forward โ€“ the Information Sector and constitutional reform.

The APNU+AFC in its elections manifesto stated that it โ€œrecognizes that the Constitution, in its current form, does not serve the best interest of Guyana or its people.โ€

The coalition pledged that within three months of taking up office, APNU+AFC will appoint a Commission to amend the Constitution with the full participation of the people.

According to the coalition, the amended constitution will put the necessary checks and balances in place to consolidate Guyanaโ€™s โ€œethos of liberal democracy. Freedom of speech,reduction of the power of the President and the Bill of Rights will be enshrined in the document.โ€

As it relates to the information sector, APNU+AFC stated that it would give priority to the restructuring and liberalisation of the telecommunications and information sectors.

Nagamootoo in a recent interview indicated that he has the responsibility of oversight for both of these sectors.

โ€œI will oversee information sector and constitutional reformโ€ฆparticularly constitutional reform which we see as important so I will be driving that through my office,โ€ the Prime Minister said.

He however indicated that his role is going to be one with some oversight of how all the ministries function.

Nagamootoo was sworn in on Wednesday at the Ministry of the Presidency after which he pointed out that for the constitutional reform, a start would be made โ€œon humbling the powers of the president, the excessive powers of the executive, and to see how we could bring about greater inclusion within the governing system.โ€

Nagamootoo will also have direct responsibility of the Parliamentary Agenda for the APNU+AFC government.


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