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Prime Minister visits OLPF centers - as Region Four distribution wraps up


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds today visited the Neighbourhood Democratic Council offices at Cane Grove and Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara for the final leg of the Region 4, One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) distribution exercise.


One Laptop Per Family [OLPF) recipients at the Ann’s Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council [NDC) undergoing basic Information Communication Technology (ICT) training

One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) recipients at the Ann’s Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) undergoing basic Information Communication Technology (ICT) training


Since the OLPF exercise restarted on May 21, the OLPF Secretariat has been targeting different communities in Region Four, Demerara-Mahaica.  Within the period of just over two weeks, there has been a distribution of close to 6,000 laptops, to beneficiaries of this region. Today 116 laptops were given to residents of Cane Grove and 76 to residents of Ann’s Grove. Basic operational training for the laptops also commenced today and will continue throughout the following week.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds delivering remarks to Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara residents during the One Laptop Per Family distribution exercise

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds delivering remarks to Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara residents during the One Laptop Per Family distribution exercise


The Prime Minister, during his visit to the centers said that he was overwhelmed with joy to witness the successful completion of the distribution in Region 4, and urged the recipients to make full use of the laptops and the training and to take full care of them.


He said that is this is an initiative by the Government of Guyana to educate citizens on Information Communication Technology (ICT), and to make it available to them across the country.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds handing over a laptop to a happy recipient at the OLPF distribution at Ann’s Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council [NDC)

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds handing over a laptop to a happy recipient at the OLPF distribution at Ann’s Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC)


The manager in charge of the exercise at Ann’s Grove Mr. Ganand Randy Chanderpaul said that there has been a great amount of gratitude expressed to the government for this programme by the recipients and this was corroborated by the residents. Andrea Raghunandan of Ann’s Grove said that she is thankful for the laptop as it will benefit her and her family in a great way. Another recipient who also resides in Ann’s Grove, Samantha Sam also expressed her joy in receiving her laptop. She said that she is a young mother and this laptop will aid her children with their academic work.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds interacting with recipients of Ann’s Grove during the OLPF distribution at the Ann’s grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council [NDC)

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds interacting with recipients of Ann’s Grove during the OLPF distribution at the Ann’s grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC)


The OLPF programme was launched in 2011, and was pioneered by former President Bharrat Jagdeo. The original aim of this programme is to equip 90,000 families with laptops and to expand the use of ICT.


With the Region Four distribution, there are now about 34,000 laptops in the hands of beneficiaries.

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