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Prime piracy suspect ‘Crack head’ held in Suriname

`Crack head’ (on the ground) when he was brought to shore by fishermen.

A Guyanese fisherman was yesterday arrested in Suriname and is being questioned by law enforcement there about the April 27th piracy attacks that have left 3 dead and 12 missing.

The suspect,  who is known by the alias ‘Crack head’, and who lives and works in Suriname, was held by  fishermen yesterday morning in Commewijne, Suriname, after they suspected that he had a hand in the attack, since he was one of the first persons identified by survivors.


Relatives of the missing fishermen said that they were told yesterday by persons that the suspect they captured out at sea told them that he was involved in the piracy attack in Surinamese waters.

A police source in Suriname yesterday afternoon confirmed that the suspect who investigators were on the hunt for is under arrest. The source, not wanting to confirm any confession, noted that the suspect was being questioned yesterday afternoon.

However, relatives of the missing fishermen told this newspaper, that after receiving a thrashing from the locals, the suspect told the local fishermen that he was involved in the attack, but that he and a group of men acted on instructions from someone.

On Saturday morning several persons were held in Suriname including a female who was questioned and released. Suriname lawmen had also been questioning boat owners as well.

The authorities in Guyana have kept three men in custody, who they are continuing to question over the attacks.


The Surinamese source had previously told this newspaper that investigators were also speaking to close relatives of the boat owner who had been shot and killed in a drive-by shooting in Suriname, on the 29th March of this year.

The Surinamese police’s initial theory is that the brother of the victim of the drive-by murder, had planned the attack as an act of revenge. The brother is one of the persons being held in custody in Guyana.

Stabroek News was also told, that investigators in Berbice are working to gather evidence against the brother (boat owner) they have in custody.

Meanwhile, the wife of a survivor of the attacks, Sherwin Lovell, 42, has passed away. Lovell informed that his wife who took ill before he went missing, succumbed in Suriname to an apparent venomous bite.

Lovell, a Guyanese national recovering from the attack, now has to mourn the death of his wife, Michelle Amanda Carol.


He told Stabroek News that the woman was bitten on her hand on the 17th of April, a few days before he left for sea, “I don’t know is wah but the thing that bite she is a kinda poison something and it start swell, she went to the hospital and them give she some treatment and she drinking it but then when she drinking the tablet she na want eat nothing, just liquid, liquid and this morning I wake up she die”.

The man explained, that his wife also suffered from low pressure as well and his going missing for several days had increased the stress on her. “The hospitals over here (you have to pay) so if you don’t have money over here you can’t get treatment”, he noted.

Lovell, a father of one, explained that due to his wife’s death he was unable to meet with Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday. He said, “This is so hard for me with the things I go through and now this happen to me, it hurt me”.

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Jagdeo calls for swift steps by Guyana, Suriname to address piracy attacks

-meets with affected families

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo (centre in foreground) meeting with affected residents in Suriname.

Calling the recent murderous acts of piracy on Guyanese fishermen in Suriname’s waters “an act of terrorism”, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday called for swift collaborative efforts between the two nations’ governments in bringing justice for the crimes committed.

Jagdeo travelled to Suriname on Saturday along with former Attorney General and PPP/C Parliamentarian Anil Nandall to meet with relatives of victims of the gruesome piracy attacks on local fishermen which occurred on April 27th and May 3rd . Three persons have been confirmed dead and 12 are missing and feared dead.   They are all said to be Guyanese.


“He (Jagdeo) described these attacks as acts of terrorism and called upon both the Government of Guyana and Suriname to work collaboratively and swiftly in addressing these horrific incidents fully and comprehensively,” a statement from the Opposition Leader’s office last evening read.

Some of the affected residents at the meeting in Suriname with Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo.

“He urged that the full force of the law be used to bring the perpetrators to justice. He emphasized that these are exceptionally criminal acts which require an exceptional response from the Government of Guyana and not the lukewarm, run-of -the mill approach, thus far, adopted,” it added.

At a location, where according to the PPP/C, hundreds of Guyanese, including the families of those who perished at the hands of pirates recently and survivors turned out, Jagdeo listened to the cries of the people and offered condolences even as he expressed his party’s solidarity to those affected by the tragedy.

“The families and the survivors explained in great detail the horrors that they have endured at the hands of criminals and expressed great fears that these atrocities will be repeated unless the perpetrators are arrested and brought to justice,” the statement said.

Jagdeo also committed that his party will do all that it can, both in and out of Parliament, to assist , including working with the Government to bring relief  to this situation.


For his part, Nandlall, also condemned the horrendous attacks and pointed out that these are appropriate cases for Government to use “special prosecutors” to prosecute those charged in an effort to secure convictions.

The PPP/C said that today it will again take to meeting with affected persons at another location in Suriname.


Jagdeo trying real hard to be noticed now he's using the death of these poor guys as political fodder. What a fricken moron. Maybe he should be proactive, buy a boat and hang out in the waters keeping watch. 


Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

My question is where is the President?  I never said he should be in Suriname.  But since you claim that he has people for that, who are his people there?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

My question is where is the President?  I never said he should be in Suriname.  But since you claim that he has people for that, who are his people there?

DO some reading to find out...

Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

My question is where is the President?  I never said he should be in Suriname.  But since you claim that he has people for that, who are his people there?

DO some reading to find out...

I am asking you because you made the claim that the President has his people there.  

Bibi Haniffa

Ramjattan to press Suriname for better info to relatives of missing fishermen

When Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan meets with the  Surinamese authorities today, he will be pleading for increased communication between them and relatives of the  fishermen missing following recent piracy attacks, among other requests.

“They did indicate that they want to see a little better communication with them and a number of other things which included hearing from the police and wanting to know the search will continue…,” Ramjattan told Stabroek News from Suriname where he currently is.

The Minister of Public Security arrived in the neighbouring country over the weekend and yesterday met with relatives of the victims of the attacks.

At today’s meeting, Ramjattan and his delegation will be meeting with Surinamese Minister of Police and Justice Stuart Faithful to discuss the way forward as it relates to the investigation into the horrific attack and the missing fishermen.

“We are going to have a very lengthy discussion on all that was going on in relation to this issue and other issues. This is the occasion for talks on a number of matters,” he asserted.

At a closed door meeting at the Guyana Embassy in Paramaribo, Suriname, yesterday, Ramjattan, along with Deputy Crime Chief, Senior Superintendent M.Kings-ton and Deputy Commander of B Division, Wayne Dehearte, engaged with relatives and listened to their concerns. Guyana’s Ambassador to Suriname, Keith George was also a part of the meeting.

“It was a meeting to more or less give solidarity, comfort and conciliation to the deceased’s relatives and to ask them how they see the approaches, in relation to the investigation in Suriname…We want to hear from relatives of the deceased, as to how we can help them in their time grief,” Ramjattan said.

During the meeting, he explained that relatives requested better communication between them and the Surinamese police and for the searches to continue until the dozen missing persons are located.

According to the minister, he has assured the relatives that he would highlight their concerns to the Surinamese authorities today when they engage, even as he pledged government’s commitment to working with its counterpart in seeing they are taken care of.

“We told them we are here to tell Surinamese authorities that we want to collaborate and cooperate with them to the fullest,” he said.

Another issue raised, Ramjattan said, was the eagerness of families to have police turn over the corpses located thus far to them for funeral arrangements.

But he explained that while he understands their concerns, he had to explain that in such circumstances there are certain procedures that have  to be followed by every country and they have to be patient.

“It is an investigation now within the jurisdiction in Suriname… The Surinamese authorities have their procedures in which they would like to be certain who these bodies are and do DNA testing [and] it might take some time. But I had to tell them [relatives] until the authorities make the decision that they are going to release [the bodies], we have to abide to the country’s laws,” the public security minister pointed out.

He noted that from his understanding the bodies that were recovered are “badly decomposed” and the only way to ascertain rightfully “who are these persons …DNA is the best way to know this and they are asking the Guyanese relatives to be cooperative.”

Asked if the government has committed to assist in transporting the bodies back to Guyana, the minister responded in the negative.

On Saturday, relatives of the missing fishermen were called to Paramaribo, Suriname where they provided samples for DNA matching to help identify several bodies that have been recovered.

The April 27th attack by suspected Guyanese pirates off the Surinamese coast has stoked fears in the fishing industry straddling the two countries and there have been calls for both Georgetown and Paramaribo to take concerted action.

The search for the twelve missing fishermen is continuing. However, as time goes by the chances of the search team finding them gets slimmer and slimmer.

The missing men who have been identified are: Tilaknauth Mohabir, 50, also known as ‘Kai’; Ganesh Beharry, Ralph Anthony Couchman, 19, also known as ‘Burnham’; Ramesh Sancharra, 48; Glenroy Jones, 21; Ramnarine Singh; Bharat Heeralall also known as “Record”, 49; Sunil known as Poddock, Mahesh Sarjoo, 35 and Rajkumar Bissessar. Three other fishermen are still to be identified.

Four boats were attacked by pirates in Surinamese waters two Fridays ago. Each boat was said to have been carrying five passengers, including four fishermen and a boat captain, most of whom were Guyanese. Sixteen were said to be missing after the attack.

However, four men who survived the attack were rescued initially, and then a fifth survivor was found last Thursday. In the first instance, the survivors were Darmandew Persaud, Anil Lall, 18, Marvin (only name provided) and a Surinamese national, whilst Sherwin Lovell, 42, was found last Thursday.


Here you go Bibiski,

read um,stepping in for Ray.

Last edited by Django

Surinamese officials promise fishermen safety at sea in a week


May 7 2018

The authorities in Suriname during a meeting on Saturday promised fishermen safety at sea in a week’s time, while distributing hampers to the twenty affected families in the April 27 piracy attack which left 12 fishermen missing.

Suriname’s Minister of Defence, Ronni Benschop during the meeting told the fishermen that they will be allowed to head out back to sea to ply their trade in a week’s time, noting that they are putting measures in place to ensure the safety of the local fishermen.

The fishermen in Paramaribo, Suriname have docked boats since the two most recent piracy attacks in the water. The boat owners have stated, that they would not send out their workers to fish until they were certain of their safety.

According to persons who were present at the meeting, the minister said they have sent out boats and helicopters which are working to make the entire area safe again.

Meanwhile, the country’s Minister of Agriculture, Lekhram Soerdjan pleaded with the fishermen to speak up about known pirates, or the areas they would usually operate from.

However, boat owners who were present told this newspaper that the ministers were told that the attackers are usually known to the fishermen, however, for fear of retribution, they would often opt not to identify them.

However, the boat owners noted that it is time the authorities and the fishermen work together and deal with the issue of piracy head-on. One boat owner said, that is the only way, the authorities stand a chance of eradicating this problem at sea.


Alyuh think Jagdeo instigate the Surinamese Gov't. ?

He is trying to score cheap political points.

Prashad posted:

This was an act of terrorism against the Indo Guyanese nation. These heartless renegades should be hunted down and put to death Sword of Gideon style.



Only Indo fishermen were attacked? Banna stop the bullshit, this has nothing to do with race but greed.

You the type who does go in the store an ask how come is only white toilet paper they stock, how come they doan carry brown ones nuh? 

That's where the clerk says, "get white an colour it yourself"

Prashad posted:

This was an act of terrorism against the Indo Guyanese nation. These heartless renegades should be hunted down and put to death Sword of Gideon style.



Prash you were correct, Our Berbicians are not Guyanese enough. This act exposes the racist AFC/PNC.

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

This was an act of terrorism against the Indo Guyanese nation. These heartless renegades should be hunted down and put to death Sword of Gideon style.



Only Indo fishermen were attacked? Banna stop the bullshit, this has nothing to do with race but greed.

You the type who does go in the store an ask how come is only white toilet paper they stock, how come they doan carry brown ones nuh? 

That's where the clerk says, "get white an colour it yourself"

I agree, this is not a race issue.  Some victims were Black and some of the attackers were Indian! 

This was nothing like Lusignan!

Last edited by Former Member
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

You actually have FOUR likes for talking about Jagdeo's balls. People died the families needed comfort and support the government fail to act, well the experienced opposition took control, they were there when it counts the most.. Because these were poor ,hard working fishermen the government don't care a damn.

Last edited by kp
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

It's a disaster with many lives lost.  Even Frump would have been there.  I wanna believe you don't mean this but just want to irritate Bibi.

Django posted:

Ramjattan to press Suriname for better info to relatives of missing fishermen

When Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan meets with the  Surinamese authorities today, he will be pleading for increased communication between them and relatives of the  fishermen missing following recent piracy attacks, among other requests.

“They did indicate that they want to see a little better communication with them and a number of other things which included hearing from the police and wanting to know the search will continue…,” Ramjattan told Stabroek News from Suriname where he currently is.

The Minister of Public Security arrived in the neighbouring country over the weekend and yesterday met with relatives of the victims of the attacks.

At today’s meeting, Ramjattan and his delegation will be meeting with Surinamese Minister of Police and Justice Stuart Faithful to discuss the way forward as it relates to the investigation into the horrific attack and the missing fishermen.

“We are going to have a very lengthy discussion on all that was going on in relation to this issue and other issues. This is the occasion for talks on a number of matters,” he asserted.

At a closed door meeting at the Guyana Embassy in Paramaribo, Suriname, yesterday, Ramjattan, along with Deputy Crime Chief, Senior Superintendent M.Kings-ton and Deputy Commander of B Division, Wayne Dehearte, engaged with relatives and listened to their concerns. Guyana’s Ambassador to Suriname, Keith George was also a part of the meeting.

“It was a meeting to more or less give solidarity, comfort and conciliation to the deceased’s relatives and to ask them how they see the approaches, in relation to the investigation in Suriname…We want to hear from relatives of the deceased, as to how we can help them in their time grief,” Ramjattan said.

During the meeting, he explained that relatives requested better communication between them and the Surinamese police and for the searches to continue until the dozen missing persons are located.

According to the minister, he has assured the relatives that he would highlight their concerns to the Surinamese authorities today when they engage, even as he pledged government’s commitment to working with its counterpart in seeing they are taken care of.

“We told them we are here to tell Surinamese authorities that we want to collaborate and cooperate with them to the fullest,” he said.

Another issue raised, Ramjattan said, was the eagerness of families to have police turn over the corpses located thus far to them for funeral arrangements.

But he explained that while he understands their concerns, he had to explain that in such circumstances there are certain procedures that have  to be followed by every country and they have to be patient.

“It is an investigation now within the jurisdiction in Suriname… The Surinamese authorities have their procedures in which they would like to be certain who these bodies are and do DNA testing [and] it might take some time. But I had to tell them [relatives] until the authorities make the decision that they are going to release [the bodies], we have to abide to the country’s laws,” the public security minister pointed out.

He noted that from his understanding the bodies that were recovered are “badly decomposed” and the only way to ascertain rightfully “who are these persons …DNA is the best way to know this and they are asking the Guyanese relatives to be cooperative.”

Asked if the government has committed to assist in transporting the bodies back to Guyana, the minister responded in the negative.

On Saturday, relatives of the missing fishermen were called to Paramaribo, Suriname where they provided samples for DNA matching to help identify several bodies that have been recovered.

The April 27th attack by suspected Guyanese pirates off the Surinamese coast has stoked fears in the fishing industry straddling the two countries and there have been calls for both Georgetown and Paramaribo to take concerted action.

The search for the twelve missing fishermen is continuing. However, as time goes by the chances of the search team finding them gets slimmer and slimmer.

The missing men who have been identified are: Tilaknauth Mohabir, 50, also known as ‘Kai’; Ganesh Beharry, Ralph Anthony Couchman, 19, also known as ‘Burnham’; Ramesh Sancharra, 48; Glenroy Jones, 21; Ramnarine Singh; Bharat Heeralall also known as “Record”, 49; Sunil known as Poddock, Mahesh Sarjoo, 35 and Rajkumar Bissessar. Three other fishermen are still to be identified.

Four boats were attacked by pirates in Surinamese waters two Fridays ago. Each boat was said to have been carrying five passengers, including four fishermen and a boat captain, most of whom were Guyanese. Sixteen were said to be missing after the attack.

However, four men who survived the attack were rescued initially, and then a fifth survivor was found last Thursday. In the first instance, the survivors were Darmandew Persaud, Anil Lall, 18, Marvin (only name provided) and a Surinamese national, whilst Sherwin Lovell, 42, was found last Thursday.


Here you go Bibiski,

read um,stepping in for Ray.

Looks like Ray can't read. be careful how you stepping you might step on shit.

alena06 posted:
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

It's a disaster with many lives lost.  Even Frump would have been there.  I wanna believe you don't mean this but just want to irritate Bibi.

Not really, he is a bit Pagla.

alena06 posted:
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

  I wanna believe you don't mean this but just want to irritate Bibi.

You mean Jagdeo scratching his own balls?  Why is Bibi so obsessed to be irritated?

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And where is the President of Guyana?

Where was Jagdeo when the fishermen were being attacked during his era?  After all these people voted for him.

He was there for them, as president and in opposition. 

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And where is the President of Guyana?

Where was Jagdeo when the fishermen were being attacked during his era?  After all these people voted for him.

He was there for them, as president and in opposition. 

Yes as expected comment from a PPP sheep who is terrified that the Jagdeo sheep dog will maul him if he doesn't do as directed.

I bet you blame the PNC for the fact that under Jagdeo no pirates were caught.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And where is the President of Guyana?

Where was Jagdeo when the fishermen were being attacked during his era?  After all these people voted for him.

He was there for them, as president and in opposition. 

Yes as expected comment from a PPP sheep who is terrified that the Jagdeo sheep dog will maul him if he doesn't do as directed.

I bet you blame the PNC for the fact that under Jagdeo no pirates were caught.

How you know that,they are rapist,they are thieves, they are low lives.

alena06 posted:
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

It's a disaster with many lives lost.  Even Frump would have been there.  I wanna believe you don't mean this but just want to irritate Bibi.

Jagdeo not interested with anyone over 50 and why would "scratching his balls" irritate Bibi?

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:
Riff posted:

Why should the President be there? He has people for that....Jagdeo aint got nothing to do but scratch his balls....he just using this incident and people for his benefit

the man  (?) is shameless

It's a disaster with many lives lost.  Even Frump would have been there.  I wanna believe you don't mean this but just want to irritate Bibi.

Jagdeo not interested with anyone over 50 and why would "scratching his balls" irritate Bibi?

Many of you so call men don't have any balls.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

It's a disaster with many lives lost.  Even Frump would have been there.  I wanna believe you don't mean this but just want to irritate Bibi.

Jagdeo not interested with anyone over 50 and why would "scratching his balls" irritate Bibi?

Many of you so call men don't have any balls.

And why don't you shut yuh poke!

Django posted:
Nehru posted:


His biography will be rotten to read.

What did BJ did you you banna.

Did you propose to the man and he rejected you.


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