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Nehru posted:

Trump Ohio Campaign Chair said, " If you are black and not successful, it is your fault".

I do not see anything wrong with his statement. It could be any color for that matter. There are a lot whites, Hispanics and other races, cultures etc. that could be included in his statement. It only matters now because of election...

Nehru posted:

Well Skelly Bhai, you also have a point. Sometimes we get too sensitive with the color thing. But then again she could have said " If you live in the great USA and not successful, it is your own fault". Dat way color dont get mix in.

But black ppl always up in arms. I posted before that Michele Obama should go out and wag her finger at them. This Black guy on Don Lemon show said, Michele will be wagging her finger on Trump once she gets out on the campaign trail. He claims she is the Democratic Party secret weapon. She should go out in  the midst of black people and caution dem. See how she runs away. In a hurry.

seignet posted:
Nehru posted:

Well Skelly Bhai, you also have a point. Sometimes we get too sensitive with the color thing. But then again she could have said " If you live in the great USA and not successful, it is your own fault". Dat way color dont get mix in.

But black ppl always up in arms. I posted before that Michele Obama should go out and wag her finger at them. This Black guy on Don Lemon show said, Michele will be wagging her finger on Trump once she gets out on the campaign trail. He claims she is the Democratic Party secret weapon. She should go out in  the midst of black people and caution dem. See how she runs away. In a hurry.

You have absolutely no idea of the concept of a level playing field.

You probably never came across the concept of institutional racism.

You should sit out such discussions as you have no intelligence to speak on the subject. None whatsoever.

Nehru posted:

Well Skelly Bhai, you also have a point. Sometimes we get too sensitive with the color thing. But then again she could have said " If you live in the great USA and not successful, it is your own fault". Dat way color dont get mix in.

Color is an essential part of Trump's campaign so what she said is exactly what she means. I once witnessed a scenario where a black person called enquiring about a security job and the person said the job was no longer open. A Hispanic person (with somewhat white voice) called and they said the job was open. Minutes apart and for a security job at that. Blacks don't get employed as easy as whites or even Browns so the issue is not as simple as black and white.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Well Skelly Bhai, you also have a point. Sometimes we get too sensitive with the color thing. But then again she could have said " If you live in the great USA and not successful, it is your own fault". Dat way color dont get mix in.

Color is an essential part of Trump's campaign so what she said is exactly what she means. I once witnessed a scenario where a black person called enquiring about a security job and the person said the job was no longer open. A Hispanic person (with somewhat white voice) called and they said the job was open. Minutes apart and for a security job at that. Blacks don't get employed as easy as whites or even Browns so the issue is not as simple as black and white.

Bhai Kasz, I will never say it is as simple as Black and White.  However, what and how you say things can make a difference.


Me Rass used to try Heducate Jagdeo on Communication and Public Speaking but the man dont listen.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Well Skelly Bhai, you also have a point. Sometimes we get too sensitive with the color thing. But then again she could have said " If you live in the great USA and not successful, it is your own fault". Dat way color dont get mix in.

Color is an essential part of Trump's campaign so what she said is exactly what she means. I once witnessed a scenario where a black person called enquiring about a security job and the person said the job was no longer open. A Hispanic person (with somewhat white voice) called and they said the job was open. Minutes apart and for a security job at that. Blacks don't get employed as easy as whites or even Browns so the issue is not as simple as black and white.

Happened to me in 1970. Exactly the same way. Been called Paki, *****h host of other names. Only colored guy working alongside whites in a high technology environment. Went for a job once in an engineering office. Several interviews later, I enquired from the engineering manager, politely, what was the issue. He was kind enough to answer, he had a tough job convincing the office staff about hiring me. He claimed he felt bad about it.

Coming from Guyana with City& Guilds, one Human Resources Manager commented, "You people still swinging on trees."

After 16 years of all dat crap, I decided to be my own boss. God get me much favor. Still interacted with White people. But of a better quality-they always eager to help my business grow. On to this day.  Perhaps, it is God gift of hand skills and a mathematical mind.

For Kari.

Black people for hundreds of years complains about the same thing-white racism. After all most 600 years, one would tink their leadership would be cognizant. 

And  you most certainly have done better than dem in the short span you are in America.

You have any idea why? Meaning ur progress. 

Nehru posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Trump Ohio Campaign Chair said, " If you are black and not successful, it is your fault".

Suh who fault is it? 

The system. Why you think mostly whites on Wall Street, in Civil Service Positions, MTA,

Who is responsible for our failure? If abee nah wuck abee will have to dig shit and plant onion. Coolie don't blame the problem on government or a failed system. 

As black people to get up 4am to catch train and wuck for $7 an hour, and walk in snow to go to school and eat you lunch while you walking. It called sacrifice my friend.

Last edited by Former Member

I agree with Nehru Bhai.

Trump campaign chair is out of line here.

These are white folks who do not understand how hard it is for Blacks who face discrimination and have to struggle to survive and compete when the odds are stacked against them.

First time I disagree with the Trump team. They are waaaaaayyyy out of line here.

Last edited by Former Member

Chinese are successful all over the world. Indians are successful all over the world. Guyanese in the diaspora are successful because of hard work and sacrifice. Black people always want you to share their burden and listen to their lame ass excuses. (GOYA) means: "Get Off Your Ass" and work. That's the first thing I learn in Real Estate. I love Trump because he speaks the truth. If you lazy, you blasted lazy.  

ksazma posted:

As much as I do agree that there is still institutionalized racism, blacks have to also do more to fix the problems in their communities. It is not one or the  other. It is both.  

Blacks have nobody else to blame but themselves. What is wrong with getting a free education and trying to better yourself?

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

As much as I do agree that there is still institutionalized racism, blacks have to also do more to fix the problems in their communities. It is not one or the  other. It is both.  

Blacks have nobody else to blame but themselves. What is wrong with getting a free eduas of cation and trying to better yourself?

No time in their history are they poised for progress as of the present. It is said, when things are going to get better, it gets real bad before the breakthrough. It is real bad for Blacks in America.

However, that has alot to do with the Obamas. If he chooses to go around the world making useless speeches to White audiences for big bucks like the Clintons, then he would have abandoned the plight of Black folks.

If he chooses to work for them, then he has all the resources available to help black people. He has the connections through the Clinton Foundation to harness the capital, he has the connections to wisely use federal assistance. And most importantly, he has Blacks respect as a mentor.

And with the Trump Presidency-and his savvy of business.....As it is said, heaven and hell will move. 

From observations, Blacks basically likes office jobs, sports, entertainment, etc, etc. Like most other races who work with their hands doan starve and always have some money in their pockets. That kind of money comes very slow, like trickles.

Blacks are not too keen on slow money. Fast bucks is their aims. Choke and Rob is not the wise use on ones hands.

Blacks world wide are more cohesive than any race of people on earth. Just imagine with the internet how much wealth they can generate. Caribj only buys Black products-he is a shining example of Black Pride.

The world has massive unemployment of its youths-blacks and whites. The solution, is for capital to engage young entrepreneurs. Making products and selling it to the world through the internet. Or even within their countries and communities.

Big Business stagnates individual progress and uses Globalization for low cheap slave wages. One million entrepreneurs world wide could create 100 million jobs world wide and another billion jobs in spin offs.

I hope Obama doan go after the big speaking bucks and he be more black.


seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

As much as I do agree that there is still institutionalized racism, blacks have to also do more to fix the problems in their communities. It is not one or the  other. It is both.  

Blacks have nobody else to blame but themselves. What is wrong with getting a free eduas of cation and trying to better yourself?

No time in their history are they poised for progress as of the present. It is said, when things are going to get better, it gets real bad before the breakthrough. It is real bad for Blacks in America.

However, that has alot to do with the Obamas. If he chooses to go around the world making useless speeches to White audiences for big bucks like the Clintons, then he would have abandoned the plight of Black folks.

If he chooses to work for them, then he has all the resources available to help black people. He has the connections through the Clinton Foundation to harness the capital, he has the connections to wisely use federal assistance. And most importantly, he has Blacks respect as a mentor.

And with the Trump Presidency-and his savvy of business.....As it is said, heaven and hell will move. 

From observations, Blacks basically likes office jobs, sports, entertainment, etc, etc. Like most other races who work with their hands doan starve and always have some money in their pockets. That kind of money comes very slow, like trickles.

Blacks are not too keen on slow money. Fast bucks is their aims. Choke and Rob is not the wise use on ones hands.

Blacks world wide are more cohesive than any race of people on earth. Just imagine with the internet how much wealth they can generate. Caribj only buys Black products-he is a shining example of Black Pride.

The world has massive unemployment of its youths-blacks and whites. The solution, is for capital to engage young entrepreneurs. Making products and selling it to the world through the internet. Or even within their countries and communities.

Big Business stagnates individual progress and uses Globalization for low cheap slave wages. One million entrepreneurs world wide could create 100 million jobs world wide and another billion jobs in spin offs.

I hope Obama doan go after the big speaking bucks and he be more black.



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