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Prince Andrew Flees to Mummy’s Scottish Castle (Again) to Dodge Being Served by Epstein Accuser

Prince Andrew, who was once used to jetting off to America, the Caribbean, or Europe on lavish vacations, has seriously circumscribed vacay options these days.

Now, in an itinerary of dreary summer travels that would have appalled the “Air Miles Andy” of old, Andrew has fled to the safety of his mother’s Balmoral estate in Scotland for the second time in a month.

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Andrew is believed to have made the dash north in an attempt to avoid the humiliation of being physically served papers in Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s upcoming civil lawsuit against him.

British newspaper the Sun published pictures of Andrew and his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, who still lives with him, in the passenger seats of a car that was apparently whisking them the 500 miles to Balmoral. The paper says there have been “multiple attempts” to serve the papers on Andrew at his home, Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park.

Andrew is reported to have been going “stir-crazy” at the property. Although the Lodge, which was formally the late queen mother’s home, has extensive grounds that are a far from claustrophobia-inducing 98 acres, Andrew has reportedly been unwilling to go outside for fear of being pounced on by agents working for famed U.S. attorney David Boies.

Boies previously said in a BBC interview that it was not legally necessary to physically serve Andrew with any paperwork. However Andrew is believed to be fearful the theatrically minded Boies may seek to do so anyway, to shame Andrew and boost interest in the case.

Andrew might feel freer to venture outside at Balmoral, which includes some 50,000 acres of grouse moors, forestry, and farmland, access to which is tightly controlled, especially when the queen is in residence.

His mother is also hugely protective of her favorite son: The Daily Beast exclusively reported last month that British media organizations were warned against trying to snap a picture of Andrew at Balmoral, with lawyers cautioning papers and news outlets against taking or publishing pictures of the royal family or their guests at Balmoral after Andrew arrived there.

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Andrew is not expected to respond or comment on the lawsuit. He has previously denied having sex with Roberts, and said he does not remember ever meeting her. He has sought to cast doubt on the provenance of the famous picture of him with his arm around Roberts’ bare midriff. Legal experts have previously told The Daily Beast he would not be entitled to diplomatic immunity, but that enforcing an American default judgment would be extremely difficult.

A source told the Sun: “Andrew was going stir-crazy inside Royal Lodge for the past few weeks. He wasn’t going horse riding and couldn’t step outside because of attempts to serve him with the legal papers. He knows he is far safer up at Balmoral on the queen’s estate.”

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Giuffre claims that Epstein forced her to have sex with Prince Andrew on three occasions—once in London, at Ghislaine Maxwell’s home; once in New York; and once on Epstein’s private island. (Prince Andrew has repeatedly denied these claims.) And in the docuseries Giuffre claims that Epstein’s decision to send her to the prince was all part of a perverted master plan.

There was a period in the early aughts when Giuffre says that Epstein “started literally trafficking me. There were times that he would send me on a commercial flight to go meet the people…saying, ‘I want you to take care of them and report back to me what they liked, what you did for them.’” Giuffre volunteers that Prince Andrew was one of these targets.


YOU'VE BEEN SERVED: Prince Andrew hit with underage sex assault lawsuit left, Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts Giuffre and socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Photo by VIRGINIA ROBERTS /FACEBOOK

Prince Andrew has discovered that even on home turf he can run but he cannot hide.

The 62-year-old rogue royal has finally been served with paperwork for an explosive sexual assault lawsuit filed by one of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged former sex slaves.

Virginia Roberts claimed she was raped by Andrew — a close pal of both Epstein and his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell — on three different occasions, including when she was underage.

The Daily Mail reports that the affidavit of service was served at Andrew’s Windsor home on Aug. 27.

For more than a year, the prince has kept a low profile and reportedly refused to cooperate with American authorities investigating Epstein. He had also allegedly been avoiding accepting the paperwork., buddy. Andrew stuck by convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, right. Photo by SCREENSHOT /NEW YORK POST

Andrew has denied any wrongdoing.

Roberts has said she was forced by twisted tycoon Epstein to have sex with Andrew when she was just 17, the suit filed in Manhattan federal court claims.

Her lawyer David Boies told The UK Sun that delivering the paperwork was only a matter of time.

“We will make a report to the court of what we have done. If the court confirms Andrew has been served, the judge will give him a deadline to respond,” he told the newspaper.

“I don’t really believe his legal team are going to ignore this — but that’s what they have done consistently, so maybe that will happen. If Andrew doesn’t respond there can be a default judgement against him.”

For more than two years, the petulant prince has been on the hot seat. First, he gave a disastrous interview with the BBC claiming he had no recollection of meeting Roberts and suggested a now infamous photo of himself, Maxwell and the teen was doctored.

Prince Andrew now has 21 days to respond but he may try to get an extension because he’s not in the U.S.

The first hearing is slated for Monday in New York when it will be determined if the prince has officially been served with the papers.

Er, uh. Prince Andrew is interviewed by the BBC on his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. Photo by SCREENSHOT /BBC NEWSNIGHT

Roberts lawsuit reads: “Prince Andrew intentionally committed battery by sexually assaulting Plaintiff when she was a minor. On multiple occasions Prince Andrew intentionally touched (Roberts) in an offensive and sexual manner without her consent. ”

It adds of an encounter in New York: “During this encounter, Maxwell forced Plaintiff, a child, and another victim to sit on Prince Andrew’s lap as Prince Andrew touched her. During his visit to New York, Prince Andrew forced Plaintiff to engage in sex acts against her will.”

In addition, the document accuses Andrew of “publicly feigning ignorance” about Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation.

Epstein killed himself in 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking.

Maxwell faces trial on similar charges in November. She denies wrongdoing.


Prince Andrew served with US civil suit, lawyers say

Prince Andrew hit with suit

Photo: The Canadian Press --- Prince Andrew for an American woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Prince Andrew say they have served him with legal papers in a U.S. civil suit.

Attorneys for Virginia Giuffre say the documents were handed over to a Metropolitan Police officer on duty at the main gates of Andrew’s home in Windsor Great Park at 9:30 a.m. on Aug. 27. The handover of the documents, first reported by Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper, is important because Andrew would be obliged to respond within 21 days of the summons.

“If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint,” Giuffre's lawyers said in the documents.

Andrew’s representatives did not respond to a request for comment. The prince has repeatedly denied the allegations in the lawsuit brought by Giuffre, a longtime accuser of the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

When the suit was filed last month in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, legal experts suggested it left Andrew with no good options as the second son of Queen Elizabeth II seeks to repair his image and return to public life.

If the prince tries to ignore the lawsuit, he runs the risk that the court could find him in default and order him to pay damages. And if he decides to fight, Andrew faces years of sordid headlines as the case winds its way through court.

The lawsuit is another unwanted story for the royals, reminding the public of Andrew’s links to Epstein two years after his death. Britain’s royal family is also still recovering from allegations of racism and insensitivity leveled at them by Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, earlier this year.


Prince Andrew to challenge U.S. court jurisdiction in accuser's lawsuit

Sep 13, 2021  •  4 hours ago  •  2 minute read -- Source - Toronto Sun - left, Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts Giuffre and socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Photo by VIRGINIA ROBERTS /FACEBOOK

NEW YORK — Britain’s Prince Andrew plans to challenge a U.S. court’s jurisdiction over a civil lawsuit by a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her two decades ago, when she was 17.

In a Monday filing with the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, a lawyer for Queen Elizabeth’s second son said Andrew also plans to contest whether he was properly served with Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit.

Andrew has denied Giuffre’s accusations, and said he had no recollection meeting her.

Giuffre, 38, has also claimed she was abused by the late financier Jeffrey Epstein at around the same time as Andrew’s alleged abuse.

Lawyers for Giuffre did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Andrew’s lawyer did not immediately respond to a similar request.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan in Manhattan scheduled an initial conference in Giuffre’s lawsuit for later on Monday.

Andrew, 61, the Duke of York, is a former friend of Epstein, a registered sex offender who killed himself in a Manhattan jail in August 2019 after U.S. prosecutors charged him with sexually exploiting dozens of girls and women.

The prince stepped down from royal duties and saw charities and other organizations distance themselves from him after he gave a November 2019 BBC interview now widely seen as disastrous concerning his relationship with Epstein.

Giuffre’s lawsuit puts Andrew in a tough position because he could be held in default and owe damages if he ignores it, or face years of legal battles by defending himself in court.

According to the Aug. 9 complaint, Andrew forced Giuffre to have unwanted sexual intercourse at the London home of Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite and Epstein’s longtime associate.

The complaint also said Andrew abused Giuffre at Epstein’s mansion on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, and on a private island Epstein owned in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Giuffre’s lawyers said Andrew was served with the lawsuit on Aug. 27, when a process server left a copy with a police officer guarding Royal Lodge, his home in Windsor, England. The officer said the lawsuit would be forwarded to the prince’s lawyers.

But in a Sept. 6 letter, Gary Bloxsome, a lawyer for Blackfords, which said it represents Andrew in U.K. matters, said the attempted service may violate the Hague Convention.

Bloxsome also said Giuffre’s lawsuit “may not be viable” because she signed a 2009 release in a separate Florida case covering “claims against persons associated with Jeffrey Epstein.”

David Boies, a lawyer for Giuffre, said in a Sept. 10 court filing that Andrew had “apparently instructed” his lawyers at Blackfords to “evade and contest service.”

Maxwell has pleaded not guilty to charges she aided Epstein’s sexual abuses and faces a scheduled Nov. 29 trial before a different Manhattan federal judge.


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