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Prince Harry lays a wreath at the Independent Arch at Brickdam. The Independence Arch can be described as one of the nation’s most important national symbols. It was presented to Guyana, by the Demerara Bauxite Company [DEMBA) as an Independence gift, in 1966 to symbolise the end of an era, while ushering in a new phase of Guyana’s history. In May, 2016, newly sworn in President, David Granger initiated the restoration of the Independence Arch, which has now become an attractive feature on upper Brickdam, equipped with lights.

Prince Harry lays a wreath at the Independent Arch at Brickdam. The Independence Arch can be described as one of the nation’s most important national symbols. It was presented to Guyana, by the Demerara Bauxite Company (DEMBA) as an Independence gift, in 1966 to symbolise the end of an era, while ushering in a new phase of Guyana’s history. In May, 2016, newly sworn in President, David Granger initiated the restoration of the Independence Arch, which has now become an attractive feature on upper Brickdam, equipped with lights.

Prince Harry after laying a wreath at the Commonwealth War Memorial graves

Prince Harry after laying a wreath at the Commonwealth War Memorial graves

Prince Harry lays a wreath at the Commonwealth War memorial graves

Prince Harry lays a wreath at the Commonwealth War memorial graves.



We need to rethink how we look at Royalty. Canada has the queen as the symbolic head of state and she does not in any way interfere with our country.

Harry appears to be an excellent ambassador of goodwill and that is very positive. Base, made an excellent observation.

Time to look at the royal family from a total different angle.

Everyone needs to let go of the past.


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  • 20161204Charming-600x400
Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

How can we appreciate our own leaders, when we show so much affection for our X slave Masters. Once we get independence , we should ban those wretched people from entering on our shores. Royalty is the biggest ponzie scheme, they live off POOR nations.

When we koolie ass get kick in Fiji and in Uganda it is the British Royal family that came to help those East Indians.

The  Arabs give our oppressors critical support. While the Pakis, the China Chinaman and India Indians were nowhere to be seen.

Prashad posted:

When we koolie ass get kick in Fiji and in Uganda it is the British Royal family that came to help those East Indians.

The  Arabs give our oppressors critical support. While the Pakis, the China Chinaman and India Indians were nowhere to be seen.

Indian did seek an intervention in Fiji but was blocked.  The Western world did not want India throwing it's military weight around!

There are sections of Mumbai populated by Indians expelled from Uganda.  India's hands were tied at these people mostly carried British Passports.  I believe India was active behind the scenes with the UK on this!

ba$eman posted:
Prashad posted:

When we koolie ass get kick in Fiji and in Uganda it is the British Royal family that came to help those East Indians.

The  Arabs give our oppressors critical support. While the Pakis, the China Chinaman and India Indians were nowhere to be seen.

Indian did seek an intervention in Fiji but was blocked.  The Western world did not want India throwing it's military weight around!

There are sections of Mumbai populated by Indians expelled from Uganda.  India's hands were tied at these people mostly carried British Passports.  I believe India was active behind the scenes with the UK on this!

Baseman you don't try to fool the people. Indira Ghandhi Indian government said that the Ugandan East Indians were not indian so it is not their concern if they are expelled. The British Royal family helped us Indians.


Us East Indians of Guyana are our own race and our own independent sovereign nation.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
ba$eman posted:
Prashad posted:

When we koolie ass get kick in Fiji and in Uganda it is the British Royal family that came to help those East Indians.

The  Arabs give our oppressors critical support. While the Pakis, the China Chinaman and India Indians were nowhere to be seen.

Indian did seek an intervention in Fiji but was blocked.  The Western world did not want India throwing it's military weight around!

There are sections of Mumbai populated by Indians expelled from Uganda.  India's hands were tied at these people mostly carried British Passports.  I believe India was active behind the scenes with the UK on this!

Baseman you don't try to fool the people. Indira Ghandhi Indian government said that the Ugandan East Indians were not indian so it is not their concern if they are expelled.


Us East Indians of Guyana are our own race and our own independent sovereign nation.

You have to understand, there were many Indians who remained as they carried Ugandan passports.  Idi Amin expelled foreign passport holders.  Had India intervened purely on the basis of ethnicity, this was not good for those Indians remaining.  The Indians expelled were not Indian passport holders and not Indian citizens!

I am not making excuses, but India is not the UK or US from a firepower or economic clout!   India had to work through the Commonwealth and the UK to apply pressure, which they did!  Uganda was expelled and lost all economic assistance.  The UK and India used their influence to block all Western aid and Uganda went bankrupt even before Guyana!


Baseman you don't fool the people.  Idi Amin had included those Indians with Ugandan citizenship in his Asian expulsion order. The Ugandan government then reverse that order 4 days later after  international protest by several countries.  Most Indians with Ugandan citizenship joined their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters in the expulsion because they were afraid Idi Amin wold expell them later. Only four thousand East Indian Ugandan Citizens remain in Uganda.

Last edited by Prashad
Danyael posted:
Prashad posted:

Us East Indians of Guyana are our own race and our own independent sovereign nation.

there is no biological identity to race. You can think of yourself as a nation in the old tribal sense but you are not sovereign over territories in the modern sense.

You keep that talk for when Eric come looking for his stolen lands.

Prashad posted:

Baseman you don't fool the people.  Idi Amin had included those Indians with Ugandan citizenship in his Asian expulsion order. The Ugandan government then reverse that order 4 days later after  international protest by several countries.  Most Indians with Ugandan citizenship joined their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters in the expulsion because they were afraid Idi Amin wold expell them later. Only four thousand East Indian Ugandan Citizens remain in Uganda.

Ok, what should the Indian Govt have done?

ba$eman posted:
Prashad posted:

Baseman you don't fool the people.  Idi Amin had included those Indians with Ugandan citizenship in his Asian expulsion order. The Ugandan government then reverse that order 4 days later after  international protest by several countries.  Most Indians with Ugandan citizenship joined their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters in the expulsion because they were afraid Idi Amin wold expell them later. Only four thousand East Indian Ugandan Citizens remain in Uganda.

Ok, what should the Indian Govt have done?

The Indian government could have invaded Uganda and take care of the fat dictator Amin like what Israel did. They could have follow the example of the orthodox Jews.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
ba$eman posted:
Prashad posted:

When we koolie ass get kick in Fiji and in Uganda it is the British Royal family that came to help those East Indians.

The  Arabs give our oppressors critical support. While the Pakis, the China Chinaman and India Indians were nowhere to be seen.

Indian did seek an intervention in Fiji but was blocked.  The Western world did not want India throwing it's military weight around!

There are sections of Mumbai populated by Indians expelled from Uganda.  India's hands were tied at these people mostly carried British Passports.  I believe India was active behind the scenes with the UK on this!

Baseman you don't try to fool the people.Indira Ghandhi Indian government said that the Ugandan East Indians were not indian so it is not their concern if they are expelled. The British Royal family helped us Indians.


Us East Indians of Guyana are our own race and our own independent sovereign nation.

Prash,why all the guys saying we are Indians,help them to define the Indo Guyanese.

Last edited by Django

The indo Guyanese are descendants of misfits from several parts of Asia who were also separated by the cast system. But even the outcasts have this opinion of themselves that they are above the descendants of African slaves. If it wasn't for the abandoned former slave quarters, and the existence of rice, cane, etc. plantations that were kept in working conditions by the black slaves, the Indians would have nothing to start off with. And as soon as they saw their chance, the Indians abandoned the plantations and went into banditry and corner shops. 


This is a bunch of false assumptions by Mr. T. East Indians never saw themselves as superior to Africans. The history of East Indians in Guyana will show that many early East Indian men in British Guiana had African wives. I myself have genetic African genes from three different west African countries. Mr.T you should read Edgar Mittaholzer writing about his experiences with the East Indians when he was growing up and the inferior position that the coolies were in the society of British Guiana.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Danyael posted:
Prashad posted:

Us East Indians of Guyana are our own race and our own independent sovereign nation.

there is no biological identity to race. You can think of yourself as a nation in the old tribal sense but you are not sovereign over territories in the modern sense.

You keep that talk for when Eric come looking for his stolen lands.

You are exactly as Eric except you argue for particular ethnic sovereignty as earned by being present. That is a spurious argument. Eric claims it by natural patrimony which is equally farcical since Africans are carpetbaggers just as indians are. The citizenship rights are all rights defined by the occupying Colonials. It is the only rights that matters in the modern world.


Danyael the aim of a sovereign Independent nation for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people is to ensure that these groups do not perish from the South American continent but to survive and strive into the future . It is not an act to trample on the rights of any other group of people.

Prashad posted:

Danyael the aim of a sovereign Independent nation for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people is to ensure that these groups do not perish from the South American continent but to survive and strive into the future . It is not an act to trample on the rights of any other group of people.

Nature will take it's course...only the strong survive...Darwinism

Prashad posted:

. show that many early East Indian men in British Guiana had African wives. .


Either they had black women or they used their fingers for sexual gratification.  There were no other women.

And as soon as enough Indian women were present they debased the offspring of these liaisons with black women, and described them as "bastards"  from which the word Dougla is derived from.

You will note that the off spring of these liaisons were accepted by their black relatives. Its the Indo ones which rejected them.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

. Mr.T you should read Edgar Mittaholzer writing about his experiences with the East Indians when he was growing up and the inferior position that the coolies were in the society of British Guiana.


He had nothing but contempt for blacks and in fact had extreme self hatred for being part black.

Apparently he views being part black as a sin as you do.


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