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Prison head  to face sexual assault charge

October 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The administration of the Guyana Prison Service is set to undergo some major changes, once the current Director of Prison Welton Trotz is charged for a sexual offence.

Welton Trotz

Welton Trotz

Kaieteur News was reliably informed that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack, has advised that Trotz be charged with sexual assault of a female prison officer. The advice to charge comes a mere two weeks after Trotz was presented with the Disciplined Service Medal at the recent investiture ceremony presided over by President David Granger. It stems from an incident that allegedly took place in Trotz’s office at the Guyana Prisons Headquarters on Brickdam way back in January. Kaieteur News understands that the woman, a Prison Officer One, is alleging that Trotz, who was confirmed as Director of Prisons last year July by then President Donald Ramotar, made sexual advances towards her. She rebuffed him on several occasions. She claimed that after these advances failed, the Director invited her into his office and showed her pornographic images, after which he again made sexual advances to her. The woman became annoyed and subsequently lodged an official complaint with the then Ministry of Home Affairs. A Board of Inquiry, headed by the late Cecil Kilkenny, himself a former Director of Prison, was set up. That Board, after a detailed examination of the facts of the matter had recommended that Trotz face disciplinary action. He was also advised to apologise to the aggrieved female Prison Officer but he did not. All of this transpired before the May 11 General Elections. Months passed and no justice was meted out to the woman; so she went to the police with the intention of getting criminal charges instituted against the Prison Director. After intense investigations by the police, the file was sent to the DPP who subsequently advised that Trotz, a former Assistant Commissioner of Police, be charged with sexual assault of the woman. When contacted last evening, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan told this newspaper, “I have no comment to make at this stage but I will be speaking to him (today).” Three years ago, the late Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, was forced out of office following similar allegations made by a 34-year-old mother of two. The woman had alleged that she was forced to have sex with Greene after she was induced with cash and a promise to assist her in a matter that was engaging the attention of the police. Greene had dismissed the woman’s claims as mere allegations and had declared that God will be his judge, although he later admitted to having consensual sex with her. Following weeks of investigations by a team of detectives from the Jamaica Constabulary Force, under the supervision of then Crime Chief Seelall Persaud, the Director of Public Prosecution advised that Greene be charged with rape. However, Greene successfully got the High Court to overturn the DPP’s advice with Chief Justice Ian Chang ruling that the decision to charge Greene was irrational.

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Prisoner claims detective raped him in station

October 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A 36-year-old man has come forward with harrowing claims of being forced to have unprotected sex with a police officer in exchange for a case against him being dropped, at the very Police station where the infamous case of Colwyn Harding’s baton rape made headlines in November of 2014. The sexual assault allegedly occurred on Tuesday evening at approximately 19:30hrs in the ablution area of the Timehri Police station. Up to yesterday afternoon at 17:30hrs, the victim, the man was reportedly yet to receive medical attention. According to the victim, who lives alone, he attended a barbecue on Saturday evening. As he was going home, he was accosted by his neighbour, who accused him of breaking into his house. He stated that his neighbour also pushed him. “So I was going to the police station to make a report,” the victim said. “But before I meet, the police collect me at Kuru Kuru (Soesdyke, Linden highway). When I go Timehri (police station), the detectives ask the man how he suspects me (of stealing a TV and break and enter).” He recounted that the neighbour then declared that the basis for his accusation was because “People say I am the biggest thief man.” He related that even though he protested his innocence he was placed under arrest by the detective and put in the lockups. He alleged that at the time his step son, a minor, was with him. “I was placed (in the lockups) since Saturday, punishing to eat. I telling them the story, (but) they bring a man who claim that he see me,” he said. However, he was adamant that his stepson had seen who really entered the house. Sodomy According to the man, for three days he languished in the lock ups, depending on food that other inmates and their families shared with him. He said that some time after 19:00hrs on Tuesday night the detective overseeing his case came to him. “He come to the cell, took me out and said that he wants some information from me and he will send me home. Before that, he took me out and he loose the boy (step son). And he give the boy money to go back home to Berbice.” “He took me out of the lock up and tell me to give him a deep throat, let me (perform fellatio). I did that and he told me that he wouldn’t carry the matter to court; (that) he will arrest the man that did the crime,” He said that the detective also sodomized him in the ablution area of the station. He alleged that the detective, when he had finished with the act, told him he had not ejaculated in him. However, the victim related that after spending the night in considerable pain and discomfort, he was shocked that the next day the detective came to him and woke him up, telling him that he would have to attend court at the Providence Magistrate’s Court. “This morning (yesterday) I was surprised to hear that he is carrying the matter to court,” he said. “Since last night I hollering out (but after hearing of the case proceeding) I start hollering out (anew). There is a guy in the lockups that see when he was (having) sex with me.” “When I reach to court, I tell the Magistrate that I’m innocent and (after) the Magistrate put me on $75,000 bail, I also told her what he done to me,” the man said. “But while I was there, the detective brought the virtual complainant and they tell me that today I going to jail.” He added that the Magistrate then ensured that the police escorted him to the Brickdam Police Station, after which ranks took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital at approximately 16:00hrs. Kaieteur News understands that the victim has been under police escort since leaving the Timerhi Police Station. According to the man, he was also a witness in the Colwyn Harding baton rape case. Though he never came forward publicly for fear of discrimination, he alleged that the police nevertheless continued to harass him and accuse him of petty crimes. “Since the Colwyn Harding story I’ve never been at peace,” he said.


this Trotz guy sounds like a 1st class sleazebag harrasser . . . remember Clarence Thomas?


however, i missed the sexual assault part in the DPP "advise"

Last edited by Former Member

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