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Private cane farmers are key to sugar industry’s success - Agriculture Minister

Georgetown, GINA, October 12, 2011
Source - GINA

Cane farmers at the meeting on the lawns of Red House

Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud and a team from the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) today met and engaged private cane farmers on the lawns of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, Kingston where he noted that the contributions of private cane farmers is important to the success of the sugar industry. Minister Persaud told the farmers that it is for this reason, that Government in collaboration with the sugar company has embarked on several initiatives to encourage involvement in private cane farming.

Speaking about the initiatives, Persaud said told the farmers that the ministry has been able to work with GuySuco in assuring an adjustment of cane prices, especially for small cane farmers, adding that in terms of GuySuCo and some of the services that it offers to the farmers, the ministry has been able to facilitate ways in which to make more efficient and timely these services.

CEO, GuySuCo, Paul Bhim addressing the cane farmers

Minister Persaud also stated that the ministry has been providing input to the farmers as well as supplying them fertilizers at half price.

“Private cane farmers are treated uniquely,” Persaud told the farmers, “you have your own set of legislation, a body that has been established that looks at your welfare.”

He advised the farmers that the industry will become much more profitable for them. The viability of the sugar industry informed them that, “there is no other commodity being sold in Guyana where by there is a guaranteed buyer and guaranteed price.”

To further support the private cane farmers, the Ministry in collaboration with the National Cane Farmers’ Committee and GuySuCo has established a revolving fund and today Persaud said that Government has added $5M more to the fund bringing the sum total to $10M.

Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud speaking to the cane farmers

The farmers will be assisted with the maximum of $200,000 at an interest rate of 3% to facilitate the realization of their farming concerns.

“We know we have the limitation in terms of financing for small farmers and recognized that they need some sort of financial support,” Minister Persaud said. This system will allow for that financial assistance to be done it in a way in which it becomes sustainable.

The revolving loan also addresses issues that small cane farmers would face when they go to the banking system in terms of interest rates and collateral, he said.

The various support mechanisms and interventions that the ministry and GuySuCo have facilitated for the farmers will be in effect until the end of 2012, Persaud said, and those that would have come to an end this year will be extended.

“We want to get more people involved in private cane farming,” he said, “if GuySuCo is to be able to make the amount of sugar so that its turn around plan can be viable, the injection and support from the private cane farmers is very crucial and necessary.”

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