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Private criminal charges filed against GECOM Chair

Claudette Singh
Claudette Singh

Private criminal charges of misconduct in public office have been filed against Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) retired Justice Claudette Singh, for what complainants  are alleging is her disregard to have heeded advice that the recount of votes of the March 2nd elections was unlawful.  


According to legal documents seen by this newspaper, Keith Ondaan of Amelia’s Ward Linden is alleging that despite advice from the Commission’s legal officer and Chief Parliamentary Counsel on March 16th and May 17th respectively that the recount was unlawful Singh “recklessly and unlawfully” disregarded that advice.

Ondaan is contending that though the Chairperson had been informed that the recount was “unconstitutional,” she “knowingly caused” the order which facilitated the recount, to be gazetted. 

Also filing misconduct charges against the Chairperson are Lorraine Joseph of Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and Onita Walcott of Victoria Village ECD.For her part, Joseph is alleging that between May 29th and June 23rd the Chairperson “acted recklessly and unlawfully” by breaching the recount order gazette on May 4th and an amended recount order of May 29th.

Meanwhile, Walcott is alleging that between March 14th, June 13th and 23rd, Singh acted recklessly and unlawfully by refusing to accept the report of Chief Elections Officer of the Commission—Keith Lowenfield.  

Stabroek News understands that Singh has not yet been served, but that the matter will be called on August 5th before the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.


Since general and regional elections were held on March 2nd, there is yet to be an official declaration of the results.

A plethora of litigation which is still ongoing has been mounted over the embattled elections.

Both the incumbent APNU+AFC and the main opposition PPP/C have claimed victory at the polls.A national recount of ballots cast was, however, subsequently executed which indicate an opposition win.

Though the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)—Guyana’s final appellate court has endorsed the validity of the recount, a government supporter has since mounted the most recent challenge to the recount’s validity.

Last Monday, acting Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire ruled among other things, that quite contrary to litigant Misenga Jones’ interpretation, the CCJ did in fact validate the recount, the results from which the chief justice said are the only ones that can to be used to make an official declaration.


Jones has since appealed Justice George-Wiltshire’s ruling to the Guyana Court of Appeal which will be delivering its ruling at 11 tomorrow  morning.

Jones is of the view that GECOM was obligated to accept the CEO’s report of June 11th, made before the recount, in which he relied on the declarations made up to March 13 by the Returning Officers for the 10 administrative regions.

Those declarations, which were disputed due to the manipulation of the Region Four results, had been held in abeyance as the recount was agreed to. The recount showed that the PPP/C won the majority of votes, while Lowenfield had sought to declare results in favour of the incumbent APNU+AFC.

Following the CCJ ruling, Singh had instructed Lowenfield to submit a report using tabulations from the national recount of ballots cast on March 2nd. Lowenfield has, however, repeatedly submitted reports which show a win for the incumbent.The tabulation of the recounted ballots saw the opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) leading the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) by 15,416 votes—with the PPP/C securing 233,336 votes compared with 217,920 secured by APNU+AFC.

Before the recount, a highly controversial declaration made by Clairmont Mingo, Returning Officer for Electoral District Four, the coalition was poised to win with 237,017 of the 472,834 votes cast. This is 7,638 more than the 229,379 secured by the PPP/C.


What the Hell!!! When these Jackasses will learn to accept defeat through peaceful manner.  Guyana is heading towards DICTATORSHIP, ,ask Lewis and Greene they are the authors of the New Manifesto.

APNU/PNC is waiting to draw BLOOD before leaving.


Charges against GECOM Chair an abuse of court – Nandlall

Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall has argued that the private criminal charges filed against Chair GECOM Justice Claudette Singh are tantamount to unparalleled ignorance and an abuse of the court.

During an interview with this publication, Nandlall made it is clear that these charges are below nuisance value and called for the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) to immediately, under Article 187 of the Constitution, take over the charges and terminate them forthwith.

Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall

According to court documents seen by Guyana Times, three sets of private criminal charges were filed against the GECOM Boss.

The first charge was filed by Keith Ondaan of Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden, who alleges that between March 16 and May 18, the GECOM Chair “acted recklessly and unlawfully” when she disregarded the advice of the Legal Officer of GECOM on March 16, and the advice of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel, Mr. Charles Fung-a-Fat SC on May 17, that a recount of the votes from March 2 Regional and General Elections was unlawful and unconstitutional, the defendant knowingly caused the Gazetting of Recount Order on May 4, and it amendment on May 29, 2020.

The second charge was filed by a Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, resident, Lorraine Joseph, who is claiming that Justice Singh acted unlawfully and recklessly between May 29 and June 23, 2020 when she breached the gazetted Recount Order and the amended Order.

Finally, Onita Walcott of Victoria Village, ECD also alleges that the GECOM Chair acted recklessly and unlawfully between March 14 and June 23, 2020 when she refused to accept the Chief Elections Officer’s report on the March 2, 2020 elections.

Chairperson of GECOM Justice Claudette Singh

Expanding on why the charges filed “an expression of unparalleled ignorance”, Nandlall explained that GECOM is an independent constitutional body that has its own independent legal advisor.

He said the Constitution insulates it from any type of advice, direction or influence of any person or any authority including the government.

“So, the Chairman was under a constitutional duty not to be influenced by Fung-a-Fat who is under the control and supervision of the Attorney General – a member of the Government,” Nandlall reasoned.

Secondly, he said the decision to do a recount was not a decision of the Chairperson but a unanimous decision of the Commission. Nandlall argued that there was no vote taken against that decision therefore it is decision of the Commission, and not the Chair.

In a brief telephone interview with this publication, the GECOM Chair made it clear that she has always acted in accordance with the laws and the constitution of Guyana.

“What I did in everything was in accordance with the Constitution and the law,” Justice Singh stated.


The Chairperson caused some of this on herself because she should have enforced GECOM's rules on March 5th instead of locking herself in a room. Now that she has seen the light and wants to do the right thing, she is learning what so many had already known. The PNC can never be trusted with anything. Not even her courtesy. The young generation is getting a crash course of how diabolical the PNC is. This is the last dance for the PNC for they are never getting back into government in Guyana.


I'm sure magistrates who want to be judges, as well as current judges, are viewing this development with trepidation. PNC is signaling they will crush any judge or even retired judge who shows independence and professionalism. Anyone who doesn't agree with Congress Place's interpretation of the Constitution and Laws. Backward step to PNC 1964-1992 regime.

@Former Member posted:

The Chairperson caused some of this on herself because she should have enforced GECOM's rules on March 5th instead of locking herself in a room. Now that she has seen the light and wants to do the right thing, she is learning what so many had already known. The PNC can never be trusted with anything. Not even her courtesy. The young generation is getting a crash course of how diabolical the PNC is. This is the last dance for the PNC for they are never getting back into government in Guyana.

Question? Did she lock herself in the room or was she locked in the room and made unavailable to her Commissioners, contesting parties representatives and observers. Remember the outside handle for the door was removed.

Long Live Democracy.


This is another foolish AFC PNC mistake. The chairwoman will now move swiftly to announce PPP the winner and tell the racist AFC PNC administration to bugger off.

I understand that she was actually locked in her office by PNC coup forces.

PNC screwed up again !

I would welcome a UN or ABCE coalition force intervention force to wipe out and exterminate this AFC PNC criminal cabal. Democracy cannot thrive with these Evil AFC PNC people around. 

Last edited by Former Member

This is great. The US ambassador already said she’s surprised at the hate against the Chairwoman.

The PNC reserve special harsh treatment for non-Black women as noted, Janet Jagan, Chattergee, Sarah and now Claudette!


Dem racist PNC SOBs hate Kuile and White women. Another mistake. They have gone insane. 

Sarah has a vast military background, dem messing with de wrong people.  PNC is now in a self destruction mode. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Any information on who are the attorneys responsible for filing these 'private' charges and if Harmon will assert that they are also APNU charges in disguise?

Of course, they are.   At least, they know how to file charges. That's all she wrote.


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