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Private criminal charges loom over ExxonMobil’s multi-million US dollar signing bonus


Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram

Chartered Accountant and Attorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram on Saturday signaled that private criminal charges might be laid against several top Guyana government ministers and officials for allegedly failing to deposit a multi-million United States (US) dollar signing bonus from ExxonMobil into the Consolidated Fund.

Ram said he did not regard taking the matter to the police, but indicated that it was heading there. “I don’t see that as my role. If I am consulted,  I certainly will consider it and I can tell you that the matter has been raised with me,” he said, adding that if he is asked to file a complaint with the law enforcement agency, “it is something that I will have to seriously consider”.

While a US$20 million figure has been very much touted, well-placed government sources have said it is a little more than US$15 million but less than US$20 million.

People’s Progressive Party Civic Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs said criminal and civil action could be filed in the coming days and he ruled out blocking next week’s passage of the estimates of expenditure for 2018. “It is under active consideration by the opposition…We will not do anything to affect the estimates because the estimates are important for goods and services to be delivered to the people of this country,” he said.

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan did not respond to several calls to his mobile phone to ascertain the exact amount of the money that government received from that American oil giant and whether the cash was indeed deposited into the Consolidated Fund.

Opposition MP and former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

However, Ram said based on his checks the bonus has not been reflected in the budgetary figures since the Financial Secretary, Dr. Hector Butts had instructed the Bank of Guyana Governor, Dr. Gobind Ganga in September 2016 to open a US dollar interest-bearing account for the deposit of the signing bonus.

“I have made a through evaluation of the records and there is no evidence of the money being brought to book,” Ram told Demerara Waves Online News.

Meanwhile, Ram called on President David Granger to rescue the credibility of his organisation by calling in the police himself and hold a public inquiry into the operations of the Ministry of Natural Resources. “If President Granger wants to regain the public trust in his administration, he needs to apologise to the nation for this diabolical act by his Ministers, remedy the violations, call in the Police, and take surgical action,” said Ram, a well-known television talk-show host.

Ram recalled that when in Opposition the APNU+AFC coalition, and very specifically the Alliance For Change of which Raphael Trotman is now leader, had repeatedly claimed that then Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh should be taken before the courts on a criminal charge under the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act. “It is as clear as day to me that offences have been committed under section 85 of that Act by more than one person. This is now a criminal matter and the Guyana Police Force should be called in,” he said.

Ram said an inquiry into into all aspects of the administration of the Ministry of Natural Resources should include the negotiation of contracts outside of Guyana, in Grenada and in New York; the process leading up to the signing of an unnecessary, new Petroleum Agreement with Esso Exploration and Production (Guyana) Limited and all financial transactions in local and foreign currency.

High-level government sources, however, told Demerara Waves Online News that Trotman played absolutely no role in the negotiation process. The sources reiterated that government requested a bonus from ExxonMobil to be used solely for strengthening its legal and diplomatic efforts in resolving the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy even up to the level of the International Court of Justice if the United Nations Secretary General decides to send it there.

The Chartered Accountant charged that  with the alleged violation of Guyana’s Constitution and the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA), that “critical information” in the 2018 National Budgetary estimates of expenditure now being considered by the National Assembly is  “inaccurate, incorrect and meaningless;

He also said that Article 216 of Guyana’s Constitution has been knowingly violated; the 2016 financial statements of the Government and of the Consolidated Fund for 2016 are similarly deficient.

Ram said in light of the circumstances, the Report of the Auditor General should be withdrawn in keeping with auditing standards applied by his office because it is inapplicable. The financial statements and the auditor’s report of the Bank of Guyana for 2016, Ram added, face the same jeopardy.

He charged that “this web of deception has ensnared high level officers of the Ministry of Finance, the Geology and Mines Commission and the Bank of Guyana, including the Chairman of its Audit Committee Mr. Anand Goolsarran.

“In an ironic twist, the dam of eighteen months of denial and obfuscation concerning the payment of a Signing Bonus by ExxonMobil to the Government of Guyana broke apart one day before the UN declared International Anti-Corruption Day. The forced admission by the Government is a shocking revelation of a conspiracy to deceive the people of Guyana about billions of dollars,” he said.

The public policy critic and political analyst charged that a number of government ministers could not be trusted with Guyana’s oil wealth. “The petroleum resources of this country do not belong to a cabal ensconced in this Administration but to all Guyanese, present and future. Each such Guyanese expects and deserves that its government – whether APNU, PNC or PPP – owes to them honesty, decency and integrity demonstrated in accurate accounting, proper accountability and good governance, not only on World Anti-Corruption Day but each and every day of the year.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No plans to ask ExxonMobil for advance payments –Minister Trotman clarifies

President David Granger during his visit to the ExxonMobil's rig.
President David Granger during his visit to the ExxonMobil’s rig.

[] – Minister of Governance with responsibility for Natural Resources and the Environment sector, Raphael Trotman, is refuting claims carried in the media that the government plans to ask US oil company ExxonMobil for upfront payments ahead of the commercial production of oil here.

According to a release from the government, Minister Trotman said the assertions carried in the report “Guyana wants Exxon-Mobil to front-load some oil profits for major projects”, are false as it was never directly communicated that Government had asked the company or intends to ask the company for advances.

Trotman further said he was approached by the journalist who questioned whether the government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments which area of development would the funds be channeled into.

The Minister said it was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources.

“I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s president in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of government seeking any such money upfront,” he said.

However, while Government has not received any offers to date, Minister Trotman said that it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Chris Ram is on the ball.

Christopher Ram for President.

Jumping on any band wagon,what happened to your support for B.J ?

Chris Ram has a band wagon?  And who told you BJ is running for President?

Bibi Haniffa

We gave to give Django a break. He is being knocked about so much he seems to be getting giddy. 

He actually posted a letter by Ramotar criticizing the handling of the signing bonus matter. Maybe cognitive dissonance? Maybe just trying to give a false picture that he is independent? Maybe, too much blows, being knocked from pillar to post, so he giving up?


Sometime ago, when Ramotar was president and tgecAmelia Falls hydro electrical scheme was in trouble, I suggested to him a concensus project approach. In that approach, such schemes should be classified as national schemes, managed by a management board  comprising equal numbers of government, opposition, members, some members of civic society, members from key development and funding agencies, with all transactions, contracts and bids, etc posted on line and an open and transparent enterprise.

The intent was to take national schemes out of the political sphere where there was in impulse for narrow political interests and gamesmanship, claims of corruption, etc into considerations of national good, integrity. Transparency, etc.

i think that we cannot trust yet government to manage the old industry. The bonus issue is a good reason why not. We should start looking at alternatives.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Chris Ram is on the ball.

Christopher Ram for President.

Jumping on any band wagon,what happened to your support for B.J ?

Chris Ram has a band wagon?  And who told you BJ is running for President?

Shhh... yuh want Django murder a duck today and celebrate wid duck curry? Let him jump high and low in his hatred of BJ. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Django were you getting a cut of the signing bonus?

No cut bhai,i haven saying that for a while.

So why have you been taking all the abuse and insults for supporting the PNC? It looks like you thrive in absorbing verbal abuse.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Django were you getting a cut of the signing bonus?

No cut bhai,i haven saying that for a while.

So why have you been taking all the abuse and insults for supporting the PNC? It looks like you thrive in absorbing verbal abuse.

He enjoys a good cut ass.



not easy to decipher Django's views,may be a few can determine where i stand.The rest are guessing.Your assumption of being knocked about,clearly shows you are in the guessing crew.

The amount of money received by the Government can be easily clarified.The media need to take the letter that requested to open a bank account and ask Mr,Ganga from Bank of Guyana how much money was deposited in the account,also that fella who is sitting in the Freedom of Information Office can take some action.

There is a reason for posting Former President Donald Romouthar letter,figure it out.

Last edited by Django
Prashad posted:

No cut means no white woman, bling, no Swiss bank account and French wine for Django.

Bai Prash, you too obsessed with fair skin and white women. Skin color doesn't make one successful.

skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

No cut means no white woman, bling, no Swiss bank account and French wine for Django.

Bai Prash, you too obsessed with fair skin and white women. Skin color doesn't make one successful.

Tell he r@ss,coming from the experienced.

Django posted:


not easy to decipher Django's views,may be a few can determine where i stand.The rest are guessing.Your assumption of knocking pillar to post,clearly shows you are in the guessing crew.

The amount of money received by the Government can be easily clarified.The media need to take the letter that requested to open a bank account and ask Mr,Ganga from Bank of Guyana how much money was deposited in the account,also that fella who is sitting in the Freedom of Information Office can can some action.

There is a reason for posting Former President Donald Romouthar letter,figure it out.

Good PNC spin here Django. We don't need the media; we need the PNC thieves to come out and admit they stole and intended to steal a whole bunch more. We need them to declare why this "bonus" was done in secrecy. We don't need for them to tell us what they intended to do with the money, we know they intended to share it out among themselves as thieves do. Go ahead and defend them while giving them your full support.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Django were you getting a cut of the signing bonus?

No cut bhai,i haven saying that for a while.

So why have you been taking all the abuse and insults for supporting the PNC? It looks like you thrive in absorbing verbal abuse.

Some fellas that have short comings,feels good being a keyboard warrior.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Django were you getting a cut of the signing bonus?

No cut bhai,i haven saying that for a while.

So why have you been taking all the abuse and insults for supporting the PNC? It looks like you thrive in absorbing verbal abuse.

Some fellas that have short comings,feels good being a keyboard warrior.

Cut your losses and start "rollin".

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Django were you getting a cut of the signing bonus?

No cut bhai,i haven saying that for a while.

So why have you been taking all the abuse and insults for supporting the PNC? It looks like you thrive in absorbing verbal abuse.

Some fellas that have short comings,feels good being a keyboard warrior.

Cut your losses and start "rollin".

What losses?

What's the alternative?

Last edited by Mitwah
skeldon_man posted:

Good PNC spin here Django. We don't need the media; we need the PNC thieves to come out and admit they stole and intended to steal a whole bunch more. We need them to declare why this "bonus" was done in secrecy. We don't need for them to tell us what they intended to do with the money, we know they intended to share it out among themselves as thieves do. Go ahead and defend them while giving them your full support.


Politics is a dirty game,Django don't go over board  so easily,hence my suggestions.

Looks like Guyana Times,take a toll on your psyche.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

All this proves is that the PPP is better at hiding money. 

I have been saying for the past 30 months that the Coalition government is hapless.

I understand this to mean "unlucky". 

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

All this proves is that the PPP is better at hiding money. 

I have been saying for the past 30 months that the Coalition government is hapless.

I understand this to mean "unlucky". 

Intelligent people create their own luck. 


Django, your response to what I posted necessitates me to say again that you really need to think before you post. It is against the law for bank officials to give out personal financial info. Unless, of of course, You want the governor of the bank of Guyana to be fired.

Zed posted:

Django, your response to what I posted necessitates me to say again that you really need to think before you post. It is against the law for bank officials to give out personal financial info. Unless, of of course, You want the governor of the bank of Guyana to be fired.

Is this in conflict with the Freedom of Information Act? 

Zed posted:

Django, your response to what I posted necessitates me to say again that you really need to think before you post. It is against the law for bank officials to give out personal financial info. Unless, of of course, You want the governor of the bank of Guyana to be fired.


You are mixing apples and oranges.

The account request is a Government matter,and not personnel.

The management of Bank of Guyana are answerable to the people,Court actions can be taken.

See attachment.



Last edited by Django

Django, Read section 17 of the act you posted. Keep in mind that the act defines the governor as the manager of the bank, thus falls under the section regarding unlawful disclosure of information and the penalty. 

I checked with my legal counsel  in GUyana this afternoon and he confirmed the info I had posted!


Django, do you really think that a news editor or anyone can go to the governor and demand to receive that info and get it. Grow up man!

Also, if the information commissioner was able to get the info, would not have jagdeo, , Ram or others have gone to him to request it. If I am correct, the present info commissioner was  AG in the PPP government.

Zed posted:

Django, Read section 17 of the act you posted. Keep in mind that the act defines the governor as the manager of the bank, thus falls under the section regarding unlawful disclosure of information and the penalty. 

I checked with my legal counsel  in GUyana this afternoon and he confirmed the info I had posted!


17 (2)

Except for the purpose of the performance of his duties or the exercise of

his functions or when lawfully required to do so by any court or under the provisions of

any law, a Director, officer, or other employee or agent of the Bank, shall not disclose

to any person any information which he has acquired in the performance of his duties or

the exercise of his functions.


The court can request for disclosure.

Zed posted:

Django, do you really think that a news editor or anyone can go to the governor and demand to receive that info and get it. Grow up man!

Also, if the information commissioner was able to get the info, would not have jagdeo, , Ram or others have gone to him to request it. If I am correct, the present info commissioner was  AG in the PPP government.

Sorry about that,i have overstepped about the news media requesting info from the Governor.

Having further checked,the Governor of the bank can be forced by the Courts to disclose information.Laws aren't crafted to be one way street.


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