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Private criminal fraud charges filed against Mingo and Lawrence – Jagdeo

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Bharrat Jagdeo, moments ago announced that private criminal charges are were filed against People’s National Congress-Reform (PNCR-R) Chairperson, Volda Lawrence, and Returning Officer for Electoral District Four (Demerara-Mahaica), Clairmont Mingo.

RO Clairmont Mingo
Volda Lawrence

At an emergency press conference, Jagdeo said that the Party’s attorney filed the private fraud charges against the duo in relation to the unverified declaration of results for Region Four. According to information, the charges were filed by Attorney at Law and PPP/C Candidate, Charles Ramson Jr.

The declaration, which was set aside by Chief Justice Roxane George, was made last Thursday and had the signature of Lawrence along with Mingo.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has, so far, being unable to state why Lawrence’s signature appeared on the official document.

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