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Ah! a banna from the now defunct DLM was having a conversation in the A train this about privatizing Guysuco vs keeping a state-owned entity. He was dealing with subject matter in nice manner. I could help but focused my attention on what he was saying. The banna say, if private investor should take over Guysuco they would demand tax holiday from the gov't for several years in order to get the industry very profitable. They gon twist arm of the regime get out from them more than they would to give as subsidies in the short -run to bring Guysuco up to speed and competiveness.  I was wondering if the banna was a PPPite but he late declared that if Tennasse was at the help he would jailed Naga and Ramjattan for their badness.


This what I heard. I did not make this up. So you all don't come say me concocted this one. Hmm!

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Does Guysuco pay any taxes?  If it doesnt then how is privatization hurtful to the gov't's revenues? 


Even if the Guysuco as an ongoing entity is worth nothing, its assets and lands have value. In addition the gov't will be relieved of annual subsidies. In addition the funds paid for the Skeldon factory will (hopefully) exceed the debt connected to it, and so gov't will be able to repay all of this debt and be saved future interest payments.  I am sure that there will not be pre penalties for early payment, as these were concessional loans.


You don't want sugar workers to suffer the fate of bauxite workers.  Try harder because as of now you are looking like an Afro hater.  Its OK if blacks starve, but when Indians face a similar fate the entir nation must subsidize them.


Why not focus on the thriving rice industry instead and help sugar workers transition to that?  And to improve efficiency in that industry to ensure that Guyana will be able to compete with teh major producers in India.  Latin America is the world's largest net importer of rice, and this is one farm product which Brazil seems uninterested/unable to compete.


But no this will not happen as Guysuco offers more opportunities for PPP crony connected capitalists to thrive with fraudulently awarded contracts than does the mainly private sector operated rice industry.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Doesd Guysuco pay any taxes?  If it doesnt then how is privatization hurtful to the gov't's revenues.  Even if the Guysuco as an ongoing entity is worth notrhing, its assets and lands have value, which will be repaid. In addition the gov't will be relieved of annual subsidies, and the new owners will assume the debt incurred for the construction of the Skeldon factory.  In addition the funds paid for the Skeldon factory will (hopefully) exceed the debt connected to it, and so gov't will be able to repay all of this debt and be saved future interest payments.  I am sure that there will not be pre penalties for early payment, as these were concessional loans.


You don't want sugar workers to suffer the fate of bauxite workers.  Try harder because as of now you are looking like an Afro hater.

The coolie man is not responsible for the misfortunes of Linden.


Well, you know, the DLM brother was saying that for a private company to take over Guysuco they would want to purchase it at a discount since the profit margin in producing sugar ain't that wide. It's going to be hard for the gov't to sell and walk away without a major loss one way or the other. Guysuco does not pay taxes. It contributes to the treasury for years until the last few years. The subsidies is a temporary until the industry becomes profitable again.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The coolie man is not responsible for the misfortunes of Linden.

He is because the PPP is an Indo gov't.


I can add that Afros arent responsible for Linden.  Note that the billions of dollars poured into Guysuco come from Guyanese, of all groups, including the FORMER bauxite workers, who were callously thrown on the breadline by your Indo gov't.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Well, you know, the DLM brother was saying that for a private company to take over Guysuco they would want to purchase it at a discount since the profit margin in producing sugar ain't that wide. It's going to be hard for the gov't to sell and walk away without a major loss one way or the other. Guysuco does not pay taxes. It contributes to the treasury for years until the last few years. The subsidies is a temporary until the industry becomes profitable again.

All your analysis was also valid for Guymine.


Just admit it.  You are a racist who hates blacks and so didnt care the slightest that 80% of teh bauxite workers lost their jobs when Guymine was sold.  You fear a new owner of Guysuco will do the same, so you wish to prevent that because the majority of those who will be thrown on the breadlines will be Indians.'


There is NO argument that you can raise that will justify keeping Guysuco will selling Guymine.  They both are/were poorly managed and financially unviable state owned corporations existing in a deteriorating global climtes for their products.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The coolie man is not responsible for the misfortunes of Linden.

He is because the PPP is an Indo gov't.


I can add that Afros arent responsible for Linden.  Note that the billions of dollars poured into Guysuco come from Guyanese, of all groups, including the FORMER bauxite workers, who were callously thrown on the breadline by your Indo gov't.

How can a depressed community such as Linden, which is bullying the Guyanese population to pay most of their(Linden) electricity bill, have money to pay taxes to bail out Guysuco? Should it not be the other way? Guysuco workers are supporting the Bullies of Linden? If Lindeners have money to pay their taxes,  shouldn't have enough money to pay their fair share of electricity? You do not buy this, do you?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
a depressed community such as Linden, which is bullying the Guyanese population to pay most of their(Linden) electricity

Well Berbice in bullying the rest of Guyana to pay to keep their jobs.


Lindeners pay VAT and they pay income tax (the few who have decent jobs, even though 40% of them are among the most skilled in Guyana).   They have NO input into how that money is spent by your Indian gov't.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
a depressed community such as Linden, which is bullying the Guyanese population to pay most of their(Linden) electricity

Well Berbice in bullying the rest of Guyana to pay to keep their jobs.


Lindeners pay VAT and they pay income tax (the few who have decent jobs, even though 40% of them are among the most skilled in Guyana).   They have NO input into how that money is spent by your Indian gov't.

If they don't have money, how can they pay VAT? Most food stuff are exempted from VAT.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
a depressed community such as Linden, which is bullying the Guyanese population to pay most of their(Linden) electricity

Well Berbice in bullying the rest of Guyana to pay to keep their jobs.


Lindeners pay VAT and they pay income tax (the few who have decent jobs, even though 40% of them are among the most skilled in Guyana).   They have NO input into how that money is spent by your Indian gov't.

If they don't have money, how can they pay VAT? Most food stuff are exempted from VAT.

Well if Linden is so poor that all they spend money on are the bare essentials they can blame the PPP for that.  Guymine was sold, knowing that massive layoffs would occur and no attempt was made to help with a reasonable transition.


And then you all scream ungrateful black man over a light bill!


Imagine the twon with the highest concentration of skilled workers (over 40% (based on the 2002 census) is mired in poverty.  Most other gov'ts would be heavily promoted this zone and eagerly attempting to attract manufacturing industries.


The PPP doesn't do this because its only "dem lazy and ungrateful blackman"!


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