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Opposition bullyism defeated!…Principle prevails in National Assembly as Manickchand speaks


- despite APNU, AFC walk-out THE combined Opposition, yesterday, walked out when Education Minister Priya Manickchand rose in the National Assembly to give her presentation during the ongoing Budget 2014 debates.

The only Opposition member who stayed to listen to Minister Manickchand’s presentation was the Opposition’s Chief Whip and shadow education minister, Amna Ally.

The only Opposition member who stayed to listen to Minister Manickchand’s presentation was the Opposition’s Chief Whip and shadow education minister, Amna Ally.

And A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP), Joseph Harmon, denied that an agreement was reached between Opposition and Government last Wednesday that Manickchand should repeat agreed words in the House – words that would be accepted by the Opposition as a prerequisite to their non-protest of her being able to contribute to the 2014 Budget debates. Last Tuesday a ‘heckle’ by the Education Minister was protested and she was barred by the Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman from speaking during the ongoing debates. However, on Wednesday, following an agreement brokered by the Speaker with the Government and the Opposition, Manickchand repeated the agreed words in the House. On the following day, the Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Jaipaul Sharma, resigned from his post in the House stating that his resignation was prompted by Manickchand’s comment and the fact the he considered himself “incompetent” as an aggressive debater.

Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, accuses APNU’s front bencher Joe Harmon of suffering from ‘amnesia’

Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, accuses APNU’s front bencher Joe Harmon of suffering from ‘amnesia’

Last Friday the Opposition inspired chaos in the House by loudly banging on their desks and chanting ‘Apology to Sharma’, effectively drowning out the Education Minister. The protest caused the Speaker to adjourn the sitting to yesterday. However, yesterday, Harmon told the Assembly that no agreement was reached, contrary to the many reports and debates over the weekend. “We did not have any set of words agreed,” he stressed. The APNU front-bencher added that there was a lot of discussion in the meeting that the Speaker invited APNU and Government members to, but there was no direct agreement on any set of words.

‘DISAPPOINTED’: Prime Minister Sam Hinds made it clear that agreements between Members of Parliament must be honoured and said he was disappointed in the position taken by APNU.

‘DISAPPOINTED’: Prime Minister Sam Hinds made it clear that agreements between Members of Parliament must be honoured and said he was disappointed in the position taken by APNU.

“It did not happen in this way,” he argued. AMNESIA Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, refuted this claim by Harmon and told the House that the Opposition MP was suffering from “amnesia”. She reminded Harmon and told the House that the words repeated by Manickchand last Wednesday were recited at the meeting and the Speaker asked him three times ‘Do you find these words acceptable’ and all three times Harmon said ‘yes’. Teixeira said the APNU MP was clearly suffering from a bout of amnesia. She expressed sympathy if he was under pressure from his party, given the political fallout of Sharma’s resignation. In addition to resigning, the Justice For All Party, which Sharma represents, has reportedly since pulled out of the APNU coalition. Sharma has since been replaced in the National Assembly by former People’s National Congress (PNC) MP, Ernest Elliot. The Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, noted that he was under the impression that Wednesday’s meeting has resulted in an agreeable solution. He added that it was on this basis, this “agreement”, that he made the decision to lift the ban on Manickchand’s ability to speak. Trotman appealed to all MPs to retain in focus the best interest of the Guyanese people and the country. The Speaker also appealed for “intellect, a sense of responsibility and patriotism to prevail”. HONOUR AGREEMENTS Prime Minister and leader of Government’s business in the House, Samuel Hinds, bemoaned the implications on the trust bond between parties in the House, following Friday’s incident. He made it clear that agreements reached should be honoured on both sides. “The matter was finished, it was closed,” PM Hinds said, referring to Wednesday’s agreement for Manickchand to repeat words that were considered acceptable to address Tuesday’s heckle. Hinds, last Friday, pointed out that the Opposition’s protest indicates clearly to the Government and to the Guyanese people that the Opposition’s word is not their bond.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:
HONOUR AGREEMENTS Prime Minister and leader of Government’s business in the House, Samuel Hinds, bemoaned the implications on the trust bond between parties in the House, following Friday’s incident. He made it clear that agreements reached should be honoured on both sides.
“The matter was finished, it was closed,” PM Hinds said, referring to Wednesday’s agreement for Manickchand to repeat words that were considered acceptable to address Tuesday’s heckle. Hinds, last Friday, pointed out that the Opposition’s protest indicates clearly to the Government and to the Guyanese people that the Opposition’s word is not their bond.

Usual activities of the PNC cum AFC with their antics rather that being focused on the real issues in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Majority Walkout...

Minority Govt bullyism defeated!…

Principle prevails in National Assembly as Manickchand speaks to empty chairs.......


- APNU, AFC walk-out THE combined Opposition, yesterday, walked out when Education Minister Priya Manickchand rose in the National Assembly to give her presentation during the ongoing Budget 2014 debates.

The only Opposition member who stayed to listen to Minister Manickchand’s presentation was the Opposition’s Chief Whip and shadow education minister, Amna Ally.

The only Opposition member who stayed to listen to Minister Manickchand’s presentation was the Opposition’s Chief Whip and shadow education minister, Amna Ally.

Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, accuses APNU’s front bencher Joe Harmon of suffering from ‘amnesia’

‘DISAPPOINTED’: Prime Minister Sam Hinds made it clear that agreements between Members of Parliament must be honoured and said he was disappointed in the position taken by APNU.


Prime Minister Sam Hinds & Gail Taxiera 


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
HONOUR AGREEMENTS Prime Minister and leader of Government’s business in the House, Samuel Hinds, bemoaned the implications on the trust bond between parties in the House, following Friday’s incident. He made it clear that agreements reached should be honoured on both sides.
“The matter was finished, it was closed,” PM Hinds said, referring to Wednesday’s agreement for Manickchand to repeat words that were considered acceptable to address Tuesday’s heckle. Hinds, last Friday, pointed out that the Opposition’s protest indicates clearly to the Government and to the Guyanese people that the Opposition’s word is not their bond.

Usual activities of the PNC cum AFC with their antics rather that being focused on the real issues in Guyana.

What an asinine comment!

Originally Posted by raymond:

at least we know they aint banning flour wid Priya as Prez

Plenty Flour, Dhal, Foo Foo, Cassava, Plantain, Rice, Dry Coconut, everything wid the PPP GOVT, Guyana's ONLY HOPE FOR PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY.  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Plenty Flour, Dhal, Foo Foo, Cassava, Plantain, Rice, Dry Coconut, everything wid the PPP GOVT, Guyana's ONLY HOPE FOR PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY.  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!!

Plus more than another 40 years.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

she turn a big fat cow on the tax payer money,god is laughing

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

she turn a big fat cow on the tax payer money,god is laughing


Like I said brother, you are a bitter man. God does not laugh at any one. God laughs with someone. Let's give credit where credit is due. The woman was a beauty and is still beautiful.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

she turn a big fat cow on the tax payer money,god is laughing


Like I said brother, you are a bitter man. God does not laugh at any one. God laughs with someone. Let's give credit where credit is due. The woman was a beauty and is still beautiful.

so was helen of troy,and dellala 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

she turn a big fat cow on the tax payer money,god is laughing


Like I said brother, you are a bitter man. God does not laugh at any one. God laughs with someone. Let's give credit where credit is due. The woman was a beauty and is still beautiful.

so was helen of troy,and dellala 

You gat any pitcha fuh helen of trai and dellilah? Me want fuh kompare dem wid beautiful Priya.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

she turn a big fat cow on the tax payer money,god is laughing


Like I said brother, you are a bitter man. God does not laugh at any one. God laughs with someone. Let's give credit where credit is due. The woman was a beauty and is still beautiful.

so was helen of troy,and dellala 

You gat any pitcha fuh helen of trai and dellilah? Me want fuh kompare dem wid beautiful Priya.

who is the shallow one now you look for beauty,without brain and wonder you take offence when i call her fat 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Wow! What an eye candy in her younger days. Puts the moon and stars to shame!

she turn a big fat cow on the tax payer money,god is laughing


Like I said brother, you are a bitter man. God does not laugh at any one. God laughs with someone. Let's give credit where credit is due. The woman was a beauty and is still beautiful.

so was helen of troy,and dellala 

You gat any pitcha fuh helen of trai and dellilah? Me want fuh kompare dem wid beautiful Priya.

who is the shallow one now you look for beauty,without brain and wonder you take offence when i call her fat 

You got any brain and morals? You calling people names without knowing them?
The woman got more brains than you could ever have in two or more life times.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Damn she was hot back then

Hi Bai Ah Gal married yuh kno!!!!

I don't know. She no longer uses the surname " Murli".. Yuh tink she is available?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Damn she was hot back then

Hi Bai Ah Gal married yuh kno!!!!

I don't know. She no longer uses the surname " Murli".. Yuh tink she is available?


Mits is up and up on the situation in Guyana. 


Yuji usually fight with you but it is good to keep the fire burning so that Guyana can move forward in a lean and clean manner.


It is good to see that some folks are fighting for the working class in Guyana.


We just differ on how to get things done. Some day we might end up singing some Bhajans at a function somewhere.


Don't hit me with a Dhantal on the head because of political differences. 


I heard you sang well at the funeral. My wife and daughter was at the funeral and said that you are a good singer, we only found out that it was you singing the name of Lord Rama after you posted here that you sang at the funeral.


Happy Ram Navami Mits.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi. Jai Shree Krishna. Happy Ram Navami. ... I may  do "Jag me sundar hai do naam"... or "Thumack Chalat Ram Chandr..."


Thanks to your wife and daughter for their kind words...


Jai Shree Ram.


If I was there, I would have ended my political rivalry when I hear the name of Shree Ram.


Keep up the good work. We must not allow our political differences to get in the way of goodwill.


Get the youths involved now or the dharma will disappear.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Where did Priya go?

All you leave Priya alone.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi. Jai Shree Krishna. Happy Ram Navami. ... I may  do "Jag me sundar hai do naam"... or "Thumack Chalat Ram Chandr..."


Thanks to your wife and daughter for their kind words...

Maybe some day when I visit the relatives, I will have the opportunity to hear
that golden voice.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Let the truth be told, this picture is a dozen years old.


Please post the up to date picture.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Let the truth be told, this picture is a dozen years old.


Please post the up to date picture.

Nah halla too much, she might want you fuh run as she prime minista. Shhh!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Let the truth be told, this picture is a dozen years old.


Please post the up to date picture.

Nah halla too much, she might want you fuh run as she prime minista. Shhh!

Nah, I see some people pushing Dr Viudya Persaud.


Much better and more credible candidate even though I do not believe so.  I think we should run with Dr. Jennifer Wesford, the horseface Minista.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Priya Manickchand    

Let the truth be told, this picture is a dozen years old.


Please post the up to date picture.

Nah halla too much, she might want you fuh run as she prime minista. Shhh!

Nah, I see some people pushing Dr Viudya Persaud.


Much better and more credible candidate even though I do not believe so.  I think we should run with Dr. Jennifer Wesford, the horseface Minista.

How about Priya and Vidya?


We were told that Preya got the biggest budget $34 billion.


I put up a bet now US$100, she cannot spend all of that money, she will fall short since she is totally incompetent plus the sector cannot absorb all that expenditure; just does not have the capacity.


But the PPP plans with their head in the ostrich arse.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi. Jai Shree Krishna. Happy Ram Navami. ... I may  do "Jag me sundar hai do naam"... or "Thumack Chalat Ram Chandr..."


Thanks to your wife and daughter for their kind words...

Maybe some day when I visit the relatives, I will have the opportunity to hear
that golden voice.


The man can sing well. Golden voice.


Breaking new, after the PPP boys read about me mentioning the horseface Minista for PM Candidate, Sam Blinds was told he will be the PPP PM candidate in 2016 by none other the GOAT man and Back ball Ramu.


Enf of story.


Ramu Prez candidate, Sam PM candidate. story settled for PPP.


So Peya can flounch all she want, she not get any of the two top spot.


The old man in Freedom House Feroze now on life support, he cannot help her today.




Gosh, think about that picture of her head bobbing up and down in the lap of that old man in Freedump House.


Disgusting, when all awwee children around.


Shame on you Piya

Last edited by Former Member

Like a coward, you hide behind screen posting lies. If you are brave enough, post your real name and post correct names of those in your posts.


Until then, you remain a coward who hides behind a computer screen posting nonsense and lies.


Your actions are rotten and you are a liar.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Like a coward, you hide behind screen posting lies. If you are brave enough, post your real name and post correct names of those in your posts.


Until then, you remain a coward who hides behind a computer screen posting nonsense and lies.


Your actions are rotten and you are a liar.

Are you a hypocrite or what?


my email address remain  What is your





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