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From HGP Nightly News-Education Minister Priya Manichand is disputing observers reports that the 2015 election was free and fair ..... She said APNU polling agents were up to "wickedness"at most polling stations.

Also, Sports minister Dr.Frank Anthony says that one of the reason the PPP is asking for a recount is because many of the PPP polling agents had to flee their polling agents, hence creating room for "skulduggery".


#‎Guyanaelections‬ More thoughts: We predict these challenges will be found to be utterly baseless. Are we to believe that for the 98 boxes in Region 2 there were no observers? That when the votes were being checked and counted that no PPP/C polling agents were present to object? Why were these objections not raised immediately after? 
And all of this flies in the face of all the observers including the Carter Center which has declared this election free and fair.

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"It has been brought to the attention of A Partnership for National Unity and The Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has called for a recount of the ballots cast in the 2015 General and Regional Elections in several Electoral Districts.

APNU+AFC affirms that this is contrary to section 83-89 of the Representation of the People Act of the Laws of Guyana.

APNU+AFC therefore regards the PPP/C’s call as a deliberate attemptto delay the declaration of the May 11th 2015 Polls and to frustrate the will of the people.

APNU+AFC calls on the Guyana Elections Commission to resist that attempt by the PPP/C to further delay the declaration of the results of the poll and to make their declaration as required by the constitution of Guyana."


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