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Former Member

For too long our beloved country Guyana has been torn by racial strife and political differences. In contrast, away from politics, many of us share life undivided by ethnicity, gender, or class, but joined by community and many other shared aspects that make us uniquely Guyanese, from valuing hard work and education as a path to personal improvement, to language, sports like cricket, and food.

Pro Guyana wants to remind Guyanese that we share more than we are divided. We want our loved ones, friends, and ourselves to be safe, and to live in clean and healthy surroundings. We want our children to attend good schools. We want our parents to live their golden years in safety, with access to good health care and nutrition. We want government and civil servants to be honest. We want the less fortunate to be helped, and to have clear pathways to better lives for themselves and their children. We want fairness.

The primary objectives of Pro Guyana are:

1) Unity and Human Development ("UHD");
2) Equality, Fairness, and Justice for All; and
3) Elimination of Crime.

Which of the honest ambitions we share truly depends on political preference? Pro Guyana seeks to enable consideration of issues that is uncoloured by political affiliation, but is driven by facts, data, and compassion. We welcome like-minded individuals who share similar views notwithstanding our political differences to join us as we discuss several Pro Guyana objectives.

Pro Guyana has been endorsed by Brigadier David Granger, Leader of the Opposition. We are establishing a system of principles and policies that could help Guyana to achieve UHD. We welcome new members and all the help and support we can get.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is Pro Guyana a PNC movement ? Have they been endorsed by the AFC ? Has this "movement" been endorsed by by the business community, if so who are the leaders of the business community that have endorsed this "movement" ?


What religious organizations have endorsed this "movement" ?


This seems to be a political movement hatched up by the PNC who tortured and brutalized Guyanese in the past.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is Pro Guyana a PNC movement ? Have they been endorsed by the AFC ? Has this "movement" been endorsed by by the business community, if so who are the leaders of the business community that have endorsed this "movement" ?


What religious organizations have endorsed this "movement" ?


This seems to be a political movement hatched up by the PNC who tortured and brutalized Guyanese in the past.


No party brutalized Guyanese like Jagdeo PPP. 


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