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@Former Member posted:

You're entitled to your opinion. Yesterday Kaieteur News Online edition got 183,189 hits. Printed edition popular too. Lots of people love this "rag".

Where the hits from ?  what's the daily sales ?

We live in a modern world ,where information can be gathered in seconds ,to dispute lots of trash that pass as news.

@Django posted:

Where the hits from ?  what's the daily sales ?

We live in a modern world ,where information can be gathered in seconds ,to dispute lots of trash that pass as news.

Kaieteur News has a higher circulation than Guyana Chronicle. Stabroek News also has a higher circulation than Chronicle. Printed newspapers are selling in Guyana, notwithstanding their online editions. I still have connections with journalists in the homeland and get news feeds from them. BTW, the US Visa blacklist includes a few pro-riggers journalists. Kaieteur News got that bit of insider info.

@kp posted:

If one holds duel citizenship and one of the status is the USofA, the US government has a legal right to cancel their citizenship status, for many reasons, more so if acting against the will and policy of the American government.  Failure to uphold democracy.

Hogwash country man ,you are trying to mix things up ,doing a poor job.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

... principally family members of riggers in Guyana

... preposterous to believe that US will roll back sanctions if Democrats win the November presidential election 


Personal and political sanctions are not generally revealed by the US to the public. If they were, they would be listed on the Treasury Department ebsite.

KN wrongly revealed to the public that BK is on that list. This is all not true. In fact, members on a sanction list may not know until they actually apply for a visa.

But we can safely ascertain that based on the Pompeo statement these people will have some problems: Granger, Harmon, Volda, Mingo, Lowenfield and the 3 PNC commissioners....and maybe ROCHELLE   

Last edited by VishMahabir
@Ramakant-P posted:

You post like an illiterate. You don't seem to understand the English Language. You continue to curse people and then you have the gall to complain when you are being called out.   

Look who is talking about the English Language.  Go fry an egg or get lessons in English as a second language.  I guess such lessons are readily available in Brampton.  


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