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@Former Member posted:

Probe and expel compromised faction in GECOM to restore public confidence – ANUG urges in complaint to GECOM Chair


By Kemol King

A New and United Guyana (ANUG) has written the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), ret’d Justice Claudette Singh, asking for an investigation into the GECOM Secretariat, for the purpose of identifying elements the party says founded a wayward faction working conspiratorially to aid the governing Coalition, APNU+AFC.
Among the issues it pointed out were the variances between the numbers produced by Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo during the Region Four tabulation, and the numbers coming out of the recount, for a series of ballot boxes.

A New and United Guyana (ANUG) Executive Member, Kian Jabour

GECOM Chair, Justice Claudette Singh

In a June 7 letter, ANUG’s Executive Member Kian Jabour penned the letter in which the party’s observations were noted. Jabour noted that the discrepancies were not solely authored by Mingo, but that he is part of this “faction” which compromises GECOM and threatens the future viability of the Elections Commission.
Jabour also noted the events surrounding the East Coast Demerara (ECD) ballot boxes which did not carry the necessary statutory documents. He said that, while the Secretariat denies knowledge of the whereabouts of the documents or how they may have been misplaced, Presiding Officers have produced copies of electronic correspondence showing that instructions came from the Secretariat to exclude those documents and deliver them to the Secretariat, a departure from the statutory procedure. ANUG is of the view that this particularly warrants an investigation, as it points to rogue elements undermining GECOM’s viability.
One Presiding Officer, Wendy Ann had spoken out about the matter, explaining that she had received instructions to leave the documents out of the bags, at the close of poll. A Deputy Returning Officer, Paul Jaisingh, wrote to Justice Singh, stating that the directive had come from Clerk to the Region Four Returning Officer, Carlyn Duncan. In response, the GECOM Secretariat

Table showing ANUG’s Account of Mingo’s manipulation of votes

had claimed that a group of DROs wrote to the Secretariat refuting Jaisingh’s letter, but refused to produce the correspondence it claims noted the refutation, despite numerous calls for its release by members of the media. It has also refused to answer a series of questions posed by the Press about who the DROs are and the areas they are responsible for.Proof has emerged however, to support Jaisingh’s claims. A Presiding Officer, Steve Datta, spoke in concert with Ann, producing screenshots of a WhatsApp group conversation in which he and other Election Day staff had received instructions to place unused ballots into the poll bags instead of the ballot box, at the close of poll.
In addition to that matter, ANUG referred to a previous letter the party had sent to the Commission, registering its objection to the Commission’s decision to investigate the Coalition’s claims of dead and migrant voters, on the basis that it would be illegal for GECOM to do so. ANUG’s Chair, an attorney-at-law, had posited that such an investigation would be the jurisdiction of the Court.
Nevertheless, ANUG noted on this issue, that the Secretariat moved to take instructions from APNU+AFC agents during the National Recount and to produce information for them on names ticked off on the Marked List of Electors for each ballot box. In this regard, ANUG said that while the Coalition continues to assert its claims as ‘evidence’, the posturing and actions of GECOM is an indication of GECOM’s participation in the investigation of the party’s claims, and that the extent of this was not accurately captured in the Observation Reports.
“We wish to remind the Commission that there appears to be an arm within its executing body endowed with authority to act either without instructions from the Commission, or against its overall objectives,” Jabour stated.
He said that this is evidenced by the events leading up to the two Region Four declarations, delays leading up to the commencement of the recount, and so on.
“Numerous decisions were taken to date which appear counterintuitive to transparency and accountability, the most recent one being to include the use of words ‘not valid’ in the Observation Reports for those votes held in ballot boxes with documents which were alleged to be missing, and the apparent reluctance to include these boxes into the tabulation,” Jabour said.
In this regard, the first suggestion to note the recounts of those votes as invalid was a suggestion of an agent of APNU+AFC.
Jabour ended, “In light of the foregoing, we are formally requesting an investigation into the events that took place at the Ashmin’s Building and at High Street, which led to the presentation of a substantial number of SOPs with alarming variances, and into entire management of GECOM which not only appear to be incapable of organising the simplest tasks, but to be severely compromised and partisan.”
The party also attached a table of its observations showing stark variances between Mingo’s numbers and those resulting from the National Recount.
The National Recount of votes has proven that Mingo rigged that district’s tabulation process and, in doing so, conjured more than 15,000 ghost voters in his unsuccessful bid to secure the APNU+AFC Coalition a fraudulent victory.
Mingo’s General Election declaration of Friday, March 13, 2020 gave the Coalition 136,057 votes, while the recount showed the correct figure to be 116,941 votes, indicating that the Returning Officer fraudulently inflated the Coalition’s Region Four total by 19,116 votes.
His declaration also gave the PPP/C 77,231 votes, when the party’s rightful total – according to recount figures – is 80,920 votes, indicating that Mingo exacted a deflation of 3,689 votes on the party.
Kaieteur News has produced verifiable reports, demonstrating Mingo’s manipulation of votes in 32 ballot boxes from the East Bank of Demerara. Our analysis of those boxes shows that Mingo’s tabulation subtracted 391 votes from PPP/C, and added 1,514 votes to APNU+AFC. This amounted to a total variance of 1,905 votes from the corresponding Statements of Poll – the other 13,000 plus ghost votes were scattered over what would have had to be at least dozens of ballot

The Organization of American States (OAS) Observer Mission Chief, Bruce Golding had also noted Mingo’s manipulation of figures in a preliminary report on the Guyana elections to the OAS Permanent Council.
Despite all of this evidence being well ventilated in the Press, and despite repeated requests made to GECOM to address the issue of Mingo’s fraud, there has been no indication by GECOM that it will do so.
As the recount came to a close last week, the European Union Observer Mission released a damning final report, condemning the post-Elections behaviour of the Secretariat, with particular note of the non-transparent, non-credible tabulation of results in the largest and most decisive district, Region Four, where the Returning Officer blatantly violated the Representation of the People Act.
“By failing to take decisive action,” the report notes, “as the electoral process derailed into chaos and illegality, GECOM abdicated its constitutional duty to take all actions necessary to ensure compliance with the law by any of its officials, despite unequivocal powers to remove and exercise disciplinary control over them.”
One of the mission’s main recommendations is for the launch of a national consultation process to overhaul the Elections Commission, to include and represent the “various components of the Guyanese society and political spectrum.”




It needs more than that. This fiasco exposes the shallowness of critical institutions. One or two Non- elected people placed in the right position could throw the entire nation in a tailspin.

The appointment of a GECOM chair should involve the Supreme Court when a political agreement cannot be reached. Then empower the court to replace if they failed in their mandate.

Clawdeath was “the“ critical person in this crisis. She coming clean now, but she brought it on. 


"however, to support Jaisingh’s claims. A Presiding Officer, Steve Datta, spoke in concert with Ann, producing screenshots of a WhatsApp group conversation in which he and other Election Day staff had received instructions to place unused ballots into the poll bags instead of the ballot box, at the close of poll."

Ha..ha..FAKE ,whatspp messages have date and time stamps. Well lots of people will buy into that,including the smarts in first world countries. I am condoning wrong doing,people should be truthful.

All the small parties is in Jagdeo backpack ,seems there are promises.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

"however, to support Jaisingh’s claims. A Presiding Officer, Steve Datta, spoke in concert with Ann, producing screenshots of a WhatsApp group conversation in which he and other Election Day staff had received instructions to place unused ballots into the poll bags instead of the ballot box, at the close of poll."

Ha..ha..FAKE ,whatspp messages have date and time stamps. Well lots of people will buy into that,including the smarts in first world countries. I am condoning wrong doing,people should be truthful.

All the small parties is in Jagdeo backpack ,seems there are promises.

How can the small parties be in Jagdeo's  backpack.,when they all merge with the PNC and called themselves APNU?

Why did they leave?   Let me tell you.  The last five years the Coalition did nothing to develop Guyana.  Do  You expect them to remain in the folds of PNC dictatorship? How can you be so damn stupid?

@Ramakant-P posted:

How can the small parties be in Jagdeo's  backpack.,when they all merge with the PNC and called themselves APNU?

Why did they leave?   Let me tell you.  The last five years the Coalition did nothing to develop Guyana.  Do  You expect them to remain in the folds of PNC dictatorship? How can you be so damn stupid?

You hopelessly misinformed.  None of the coalition partners left.  

@Totaram posted:

You hopelessly misinformed.  None of the coalition partners left.  

They all spoke out agaist the PNC.   They are you friend.  What are their achievements in the last 5 years. Oh! Please! do tell me.

You are mediocrity at best.

@Ramakant-P posted:

They all spoke out agaist the PNC.   They are you friend.  What are their achievements in the last 5 years. Oh! Please! do tell me.

You are mediocrity at best.

You're hopelessly misinformed and resistant to help.   Name one party that left the coalition.  I just can't explain everything to you.   It's too time consuming. 

@Totaram posted:

You're hopelessly misinformed and resistant to help.   Name one party that left the coalition.  I just can't explain everything to you.   It's too time consuming. 

You don't have the ability to.    All the parties are leaving.     You are free to leave and look after your stress if it's too time consuming to  speak intelligently and with wisdom. You are the epoch of incredibility.


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