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February 22, 2016  Source

The onus is now on the David Granger administration to set up Commissions of Inquiry (CoI) into the deaths of former Minister of Agriculture Satyadeow ‘Sash’ Sawh and alleged extra-judicial killings they had lobbied for when in opposition, former President Donald Ramotar says.

According to Ramotar, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has no fear about their outcomes and the results would prove that the party never played a role in the killings. “We never promised a CoI into Sash Sawh or any of those…it was them who kept asking for it, now they are in government they can do it…we have nothing to hide or fear,” Ramotar told Stabroek News.

He said critics of him and his party, who have been chastising them about the motive in waiting until after two decades in office to set up the recently completed CoI into the death of historian Dr Walter Rodney while turning deaf ears to cries for other inquiries, must know that his government had wanted the Rodney CoI all along.

Satyadeow ‘Sash’ Sawh
Satyadeow ‘Sash’ Sawh

However, according to Ramotar, this desire was subdued by Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, leader of the Working People’s Alliance, the party that Rodney founded, who said that the family did not want a CoI. “In 2005, Rupert said the family did not want it but Mrs (Patricia) Rodney denied (this)…my number one objective was getting to the truth. I still think it was necessary to heal the wounds and I understood the pain of Mrs Rodney when she spoke to me and said it would go a far way in bringing closure. I felt her pain, empathised with her. I think there were too many attempts to hide the truth,” he said.

The former President emphasised that if government wanted a CoI into the killings of Sawh and others, it is within it’s ambit to do so and it should.

On 22nd April 2006, Sawh, his sister Phulmattie Persaud, brother Rajpat Rai Sawh and security guard Curtis Robertson were killed by gun-toting men during an attack on his home at La Bonne Intention (LBI) on the East Coast of Demerara.

The then PNC and AFC opposition had called for CoIs to probe not only Sawh’s death but the criminal violence which gripped the country during the crime spree in the then Bharrat Jagdeo-led administration.

Granger had even brought a motion before the National Assembly calling on the government to appoint a CoI to probe criminal violence from 2004 to 2010, ranging from Sawh’s killing to the massacres at Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek in 2006.

However, the motion was deferred after the parties which constituted the tenth parliament could not agree on several aspects of its form. Both the then ruling PPP and the opposition AFC had called for an extension of the time period referenced in the motion.

Three months into his Presidency, at a forum at the Critchlow Labour College, Granger reiterated his intention to see a motion passed in Parliament.

“I will ensure that all those who were killed have their deaths investigated,” Granger said while expressing the opinion that the happenings of that period, which he referred to as the “troubles,” must be thoroughly investigated to offer members of the public, peace.

“When you have ministers of the government bringing in computers so you can track down people’s mobile phones; when you have young men being shot in the back of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which have not been investigated; when you have a minister of government who has been assassinated and you don’t even have an inquest, something stinks and we are going to investigate those deaths,” he had said.

In the recital to the motion which was first read in Parliament on January 5, 2013, Granger had said “…this country has witnessed a pattern of unlawful killing of undetermined numbers of persons – including assassinations; executions; murders; extra-judicial killings by members of the Guyana Police Force Target Special Squad and other forms of criminal violence in Guyana during a period of ‘troubles’ on the East Coast and East Bank of Demerara and elsewhere – which were harmful to the public welfare.”

Ramotar told Stabroek News on Saturday that now that Granger is President, he can have the CoIs and this can clear up the “propaganda” spread about his party.

“They were always the ones calling for inquiries so they can do what they wanted now…the real ones that mean something like the Walter Rodney CoI or the army guy that was killed on Carifesta, they never wanted,” he said.

“We (the PPP) never promised a CoI for Sash Sawh. We in fact know who killed Sash. It was ‘Fineman’ gang. There wasn’t a question of any doubt about who killed Sash Sawh, in that they found Sash’s property on the gang of criminals. We were subjected to tremendous misinformation, slander and attacks none of which can be proven when the real people who were defending the Fineman gang in Buxton…nothing happened to them,” he declared.

Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins had been the leader of a heavily armed gang that wreaked havoc in several East Coast Demerara villages and elsewhere. Prior to his shooting death by security forces in 2008, he and his gang members had been also fingered in several high profile incidents such as the massacres at Lusignan and Bartica.

Ramotar acknowledged that following the killing of Sawh and his siblings, speculation had been rife about whether the incident was linked to Sawh’s efforts to rescind the granting of a forest concession at Kaow Island to Aurelius Inc. whose major player had been Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan, who was subsequently convicted and jailed for drug trafficking in the United States.

Khan had said that he helped the then PPP/C government to confront the crime situation in the country.

However, Ramotar said while he would not frontally state that Khan was lying, he can attest to the integrity of his party and declared that they had no dealings whatsoever with Khan.

“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.

“We had nothing to gain from any of those killing. What our party had to gain by killing (Ronald) Waddell? Nothing. If you examine all of that they were saying, you will see that it was only used as political ploy to attack us…Now they are in government they could do whatever if they think we had anything to do with any of the killings so let them hold the inquiries,” he asserted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That' right the PPP is clean, the PNC will be shaking in their boots if an inquiry is held. Just like the Rodney inquiry.

The PNC is a murderous party.

Let's talk about Rodney, Vincent Teekah, Shirley Ridley, Jonestown, the Buxton Rmassacre, etc .

Let us start the another COI.


February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

Mars posted:

February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Last edited by VishMahabir
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

Tell us how  Roger was able to procure the spy equipment?

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

Tell us how  Roger was able to procure the spy equipment?

Yes, with allegedly help from Dr. Ramsammy, according to wikileaks...the same "leaks" that dubbed Granger an antiIndian racist.. Surely, you remember that one right? 

This is why we need a comprehensive COI, so knuckleheads like you and Mars can see the reality from all sides, not from a cockeyed view.  

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Continue to live in denial Numbnuts!

You probably believe that The PPP Phantom Death Squad were real phantoms. Tell us why Roger Khan was ordered to be released by the PPP when he was arrested with illegal high powered weapons and spy equipment that only a government had access to procure. Gajraj and Ramsammy were the PPP directors of the hit squad that was responsible for murdering 400 citizens including political opponents like Waddell. Why was George Bacchus murdered on the day that he was scheduled to testify against his hit squad boss Gajraj? Why did Ramsammy acquire the spy equipment for Roger Khan? Why was Khan see leaving Gajraj's office on many occasions? Why were members of the PPP top brass crying like babies when the Americans arrested Roger Khan? Y'all can continue to deny the obvious and cover up for the murderous PPP regime but you can't rewrite history.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Continue to live in denial Numbnuts!

You probably believe that The PPP Phantom Death Squad were real phantoms. Tell us why Roger Khan was ordered to be released by the PPP when he was arrested with illegal high powered weapons and spy equipment that only a government had access to procure. Gajraj and Ramsammy were the PPP directors of the hit squad that was responsible for murdering 400 citizens including political opponents like Waddell. Why was George Bacchus murdered on the day that he was scheduled to testify against his hit squad boss Gajraj? Why did Ramsammy acquire the spy equipment for Roger Khan? Why was Khan see leaving Gajraj's office on many occasions? Why were members of the PPP top brass crying like babies when the Americans arrested Roger Khan? Y'all can continue to deny the obvious and cover up for the murderous PPP regime but you can't rewrite history.

Knucklehead, did you read my post to Mits above? 

Why does your history begin with the PPP?

There are allegations on both sides and Indians and Africans want to protect their turfs. There is a lot of hearsay and the waters are murky. We are caught in the middle.

A comprehensive COI will put a lot of things to rest...and move us away from the trash talking on both sides. We cannot just investigate the PPP and not the PNC atrocities?


baseman posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Continue to live in denial Numbnuts!

You probably believe that The PPP Phantom Death Squad were real phantoms. .

The killers of mostly Indians in the 2000's were a direct result of a PNC inspired, directed and funded program to bring the Govt down and hasten the ethnic cleansing of Indians from Guyana!!

Are you aware of that, you holohoaxsters??

The fact that drug dealers and criminals killed off each other, well it does not look good for the Govt and law enforcement, but it was a fact of life anyway!  In the end, killers killing killers take the focus off of killing innocents and law enforcement officers!!  That is a more acceptable scenario in the immediate term!!

The PPP government turned a blind eye to the drug trade because it was bringing in large revenue for the country. They refused help from The British and the Americans to help in curbing the violent crime which was a byproduct of the drug trade. Roger Khan was their anointed CEO to run the drug industry. They facilitated him and he produced the kickbacks in return. They were working with him to eliminate rival gangs and political opponents like Waddell. It was state sponsored murder and the PPP were in collusion with the hit squad.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

February 22, 2016  Source


“All kinds of things are being made and said none of which has been proven…I can tell you that I was General Secretary of the PPP during those years and I had no links with (the) Roger Khan gang, none whatsoever. The PPP had no links. I can speak authoritatively that we had no links with Roger Khan,” he stressed.


Listen to this lying bastard.

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Continue to live in denial Numbnuts!

You probably believe that The PPP Phantom Death Squad were real phantoms. Tell us why Roger Khan was ordered to be released by the PPP when he was arrested with illegal high powered weapons and spy equipment that only a government had access to procure. Gajraj and Ramsammy were the PPP directors of the hit squad that was responsible for murdering 400 citizens including political opponents like Waddell. Why was George Bacchus murdered on the day that he was scheduled to testify against his hit squad boss Gajraj? Why did Ramsammy acquire the spy equipment for Roger Khan? Why was Khan see leaving Gajraj's office on many occasions? Why were members of the PPP top brass crying like babies when the Americans arrested Roger Khan? Y'all can continue to deny the obvious and cover up for the murderous PPP regime but you can't rewrite history.

Knucklehead, did you read my post to Mits above? 

Why does your history begin with the PPP?

There are allegations on both sides and Indians and Africans want to protect their turfs. There is a lot of hearsay and the waters are murky. We are caught in the middle.

A comprehensive COI will put a lot of things to rest...and move us away from the trash talking on both sides. We cannot just investigate the PPP and not the PNC atrocities?


Numbnuts, your PPP killed the very first inquiry the day they murdered George Bacchus. 

Ramotar specifically denied the involvement of the PPP with Roger Khan and I said that he's lying. What does that have to do with PNC atrocities, dummy?

Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Continue to live in denial Numbnuts!

You probably believe that The PPP Phantom Death Squad were real phantoms. .

The killers of mostly Indians in the 2000's were a direct result of a PNC inspired, directed and funded program to bring the Govt down and hasten the ethnic cleansing of Indians from Guyana!!

Are you aware of that, you holohoaxsters??

The fact that drug dealers and criminals killed off each other, well it does not look good for the Govt and law enforcement, but it was a fact of life anyway!  In the end, killers killing killers take the focus off of killing innocents and law enforcement officers!!  That is a more acceptable scenario in the immediate term!!

The PPP government turned a blind eye to the drug trade because it was bringing in large revenue for the country. They refused help from The British and the Americans to help in curbing the violent crime which was a byproduct of the drug trade. Roger Khan was their anointed CEO to run the drug industry. They facilitated him and he produced the kickbacks in return. They were working with him to eliminate rival gangs and political opponents like Waddell. It was state sponsored murder and the PPP were in collusion with the hit squad.

I see you are an expert on the drug trade during the PPP era. 

Lets be fair, a COI will put all of this to we dont just have to take your word as God given, or that of Ramotar.

Last edited by VishMahabir
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

You have some inside information to conclude that he is a "lying bastard" or is this based on your own intuition?

One thing we know SURE....the PNC killed Rodney.

Continue to live in denial Numbnuts!

You probably believe that The PPP Phantom Death Squad were real phantoms. .

The killers of mostly Indians in the 2000's were a direct result of a PNC inspired, directed and funded program to bring the Govt down and hasten the ethnic cleansing of Indians from Guyana!!

Are you aware of that, you holohoaxsters??

The fact that drug dealers and criminals killed off each other, well it does not look good for the Govt and law enforcement, but it was a fact of life anyway!  In the end, killers killing killers take the focus off of killing innocents and law enforcement officers!!  That is a more acceptable scenario in the immediate term!!

The PPP government turned a blind eye to the drug trade because it was bringing in large revenue for the country. They refused help from The British and the Americans to help in curbing the violent crime which was a byproduct of the drug trade. Roger Khan was their anointed CEO to run the drug industry. They facilitated him and he produced the kickbacks in return. They were working with him to eliminate rival gangs and political opponents like Waddell. It was state sponsored murder and the PPP were in collusion with the hit squad.

I see you are an expert on the drug trade during the PPP era. 

Lets be fair, a COI will put all of this to we dont just have to take your word as God given.

Isn't it obvious unless you have your head up your ass?

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

The killers of mostly Indians in the 2000's were a direct result of a PNC inspired, directed and funded program to bring the Govt down and hasten the ethnic cleansing of Indians from Guyana!!

Are you aware of that, you holohoaxsters??

The fact that drug dealers and criminals killed off each other, well it does not look good for the Govt and law enforcement, but it was a fact of life anyway!  In the end, killers killing killers take the focus off of killing innocents and law enforcement officers!!  That is a more acceptable scenario in the immediate term!!

The PPP government turned a blind eye to the drug trade because it was bringing in large revenue for the country.

The US State department had issued a report saying the drug issue in Guyana did not indicate and political/Govt involvement.  In fact they point to a few factors, corruption the the tiny military, the large uninhabited hinterland, the many uncontrolled rivers/waterways and the very porous border as key factors leading to Guyana becoming a transit point for Columbian cartels!!

So Mr Mars floating in his own orbit!!

So where do you think the corruption was coming from? The most corrupt entity in Guyana, the PPP.

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

The US State department had issued a report saying the drug issue in Guyana did not indicate and political/Govt involvement.  In fact they point to a few factors, corruption the the tiny military, the large uninhabited hinterland, the many uncontrolled rivers/waterways and the very porous border as key factors leading to Guyana becoming a transit point for Columbian cartels!!

So Mr Mars floating in his own orbit!!

So where do you think the corruption was coming from? The most corrupt entity in Guyana, the PPP.

One arm of the PNC funding apparatus!!  The same people who organized and orchestrated the Buxton gangs to go slaughter Indians and law enforcement who got in their way!!

Don't let's get carried away now. The PPP Phantom Death Squad is a PPP organization.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

The US State department had issued a report saying the drug issue in Guyana did not indicate and political/Govt involvement.  In fact they point to a few factors, corruption the the tiny military, the large uninhabited hinterland, the many uncontrolled rivers/waterways and the very porous border as key factors leading to Guyana becoming a transit point for Columbian cartels!!

So Mr Mars floating in his own orbit!!

So where do you think the corruption was coming from? The most corrupt entity in Guyana, the PPP.

One arm of the PNC funding apparatus!!  The same people who organized and orchestrated the Buxton gangs to go slaughter Indians and law enforcement who got in their way!!

Don't let's get carried away now. The PPP Phantom Death Squad is a PPP organization.

Yes, Knucklehead, like the Rabbi Washington House of Israel Death Squad

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

The US State department had issued a report saying the drug issue in Guyana did not indicate and political/Govt involvement.  In fact they point to a few factors, corruption the the tiny military, the large uninhabited hinterland, the many uncontrolled rivers/waterways and the very porous border as key factors leading to Guyana becoming a transit point for Columbian cartels!!

So Mr Mars floating in his own orbit!!

So where do you think the corruption was coming from? The most corrupt entity in Guyana, the PPP.

One arm of the PNC funding apparatus!!  The same people who organized and orchestrated the Buxton gangs to go slaughter Indians and law enforcement who got in their way!!

Don't let's get carried away now. The PPP Phantom Death Squad is a PPP organization.

Yes, Knucklehead, like the Rabbi Washington House of Israel Death Squad

Similar, except that the PPP Phantom Death Squad employed more violent means and were responsible for many more murders.


These guys were all for the death squads doing in anyone in their way who wasn't PPP...or were black..or were "Dirty Indians"  and now they deny..hehehehehe

Last edited by cain
VishMahabir posted:

Yes, Knucklehead, like the Rabbi Washington House of Israel Death Squad

Vishmahabir, take a good in the mirror before you call anyone Knucklehead.


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Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yes, Knucklehead, like the Rabbi Washington House of Israel Death Squad

Vishmahabir, take a good in the mirror before you call anyone Knucklehead.

Is this a plagiarized picture or you got it from that guy in the funny green suit? 

Dont get me wrong....I am all for COI's...we dont need to go back all the way to the crucifixation of Christ...just the last 50 years.

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yes, Knucklehead, like the Rabbi Washington House of Israel Death Squad

Vishmahabir, take a good in the mirror before you call anyone Knucklehead.

Is this a plagiarized picture or you got it from that guy in the funny green suit? 

Dont get me wrong....I am all for COI's...we dont need to go back all the way to the crucifixation of Christ...just the last 50 years.

The PPP have lots to hide, over 500 murders, including Henry Greene.

Remember Freedom House motto: "Dead men tell no tales."

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Is this a plagiarized picture or you got it from that guy in the funny green suit? 

Dont get me wrong....I am all for COI's...we dont need to go back all the way to the crucifixation of Christ...just the last 50 years.

The PPP have lots to hide, over 500 murders, including Henry Greene.

Remember Freedom House motto: "Dead men tell no tales."

Alyuh is powah now, goa find am!!  Is wah alyuh tek big big salary increase for, just squat and grow fat?  Go wuk alyuh lazy asses and address the people's/nation's business!  Stop whining and sheltering in your own incompetency!!

What you gonna do when dem come fuh you?

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yes, Knucklehead, like the Rabbi Washington House of Israel Death Squad

Vishmahabir, take a good in the mirror before you call anyone Knucklehead.

Is this a plagiarized picture or you got it from that guy in the funny green suit? 

Dont get me wrong....I am all for COI's...we dont need to go back all the way to the crucifixation of Christ...just the last 50 years.

The PPP have lots to hide, over 500 murders, including Henry Greene.

Remember Freedom House motto: "Dead men tell no tales."

Is this motto another one of your concoction like the one Mars create above?

Who are these 500 people murdered?

Was the PPP really that smart to orchestrate the killing of so many people? This is difficult to believe, especially when they had no control of the police or army.


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