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seignet posted:

U guys remember him, the adjudicator for the Cummingsburg Accord in case Granger/Ramjattan breached the agreement.

Well, another educated negro whose tribalism would scarifice democracy in Guyana.

Now, I make no apologies for Indian racism.

We are all frigging racist no matter how much education lingers upstairs.

I heard of him. Is he in the news or is it something he said? What is the basis for your comment?

Just seeking info...


Professor Harold Lutchman is APNU+AFC Rep of List of Candidates

“Like any lawyer I had lots of questions, but once those were answered I was satisfied and I accepted”- Lutchman  

A Partnership For National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition has agreed on former

Professor Emeritus, Harold Lutchman

Professor Emeritus, Harold Lutchman

Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Professor Emeritus, Harold Lutchman, as the perfect man to be the Representative of its List of Candidates. This list is to be handed to the Guyana Elections Commission today.
Prof Lutchman is now the ultimate man with authority to determine which members of the coalition will represent it in Parliament subsequent to the May, 11 General and Regional Elections.
The Cummingsburg Accord, which was signed by APNU and AFC on February 14, to secure favourable conditions under which both Parties will head to the polls under one banner, stipulated that the Representative of the List must be taken from civil society.
The coalition agreed that the Representative of the List will be assigned other responsibilities such as ensuring that the tenets of the Cummingsburg Accord are upheld by both of the political groupings.
According to the Representation of the People Act (Chap. 1:03) the “Representative of the List” has to be a candidate of the Party and either be so designated or be the person whose name appears first on the list of candidates.
Today being Nomination Day, Professor Emeritus Lutchman will submit the List to GECOM at an official ceremony to be held at City Hall.
During an interview yesterday, the Attorney at Law said that he was approached last week by the coalition.
He told Kaieteur News that he had numerous questions, all of which were answered to his satisfaction and as such, he decided to accept the offer.
Professor Emeritus Lutchman said that he has plans to exercise his duties in full consultation with top members of the coalition. He added that he is one who holds strongly to the belief that power must be exercised and not abused. He said that he does not see his new position as a powerful one.
Lutchman was a trade unionist and is a trained political scientist.

seignet posted:

U guys remember him, the adjudicator for the Cummingsburg Accord in case Granger/Ramjattan breached the agreement.

Well, another educated negro whose tribalism would scarifice democracy in Guyana.

Now, I make no apologies for Indian racism.

We are all frigging racist no matter how much education lingers upstairs.

seignet posted:

U guys remember him, the adjudicator for the Cummingsburg Accord in case Granger/Ramjattan breached the agreement.

Well, another educated negro whose tribalism would scarifice democracy in Guyana.

Now, I make no apologies for Indian racism.

We are all frigging racist no matter how much education lingers upstairs.

seignet posted:

U guys remember him, the adjudicator for the Cummingsburg Accord in case Granger/Ramjattan breached the agreement.

Well, another educated negro whose tribalism would scarifice democracy in Guyana.

Now, I make no apologies for Indian racism.

We are all frigging racist no matter how much education lingers upstairs.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

Skelly, why yuh repeating yuhself? 

Slip of the pen. 

Maybe he thought he was writing from the side of the pen that doesn't have the ink like Old man Patterson.

I am not senile as yet. Will have to wait and see. Don't hold your breath though.

Keep the noodle active bhai,possibly you will not an occurrence.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

Skelly, why yuh repeating yuhself? 

Slip of the pen. 

Maybe he thought he was writing from the side of the pen that doesn't have the ink like Old man Patterson.

I am not senile as yet. Will have to wait and see. Don't hold your breath though.

Keep the noodle active bhai,possibly you will not an occurrence.

I never want my mind to be lazy. Who knows what's in store for us. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

Skelly, why yuh repeating yuhself? 

Slip of the pen. 

Maybe he thought he was writing from the side of the pen that doesn't have the ink like Old man Patterson.

I am not senile as yet. Will have to wait and see. Don't hold your breath though.

Keep the noodle active bhai,possibly you will not an occurrence.

I never want my mind to be lazy. Who knows what's in store for us. 

True !!


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