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Originally Posted by Lucas:

There is a profound racism behind the anti-Obamacare campaign because Obamacare mostly benefits non-whites, 58 million of the poorest in America, who cannot even afford a GP.

Obamacare benefits mainly the benefactors of the practice of defensive medicine, and these are primarily white folks.  He has basically shifted the burden on the uninsured away from the Govt and onto the backs of the working man.  It's a squeeze of the bubble, not a shrinking of it.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

The issue is not healthcare itself, but the cost as which it's being delivered.  I know a manager of a testing lab here in NJ and she said she has one single mandate from her management to keep her job, test, test, test, does not matter what, why, just test and charge.  She said at least 75% of the tests she does is absolutely irrelevant but her lab is it profit center and there are other competitors.  Her job is to bill the insurance companies to the hilt and let management deal with questions.


The US pays 30-40% per capita more than the other developed nations yet rank 27th is quality of care.  Tort law is a major factor behind the US excessive healthcare costs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

The issue is not healthcare itself, but the cost as which it's being delivered.  I know a manager of a testing lab here in NJ and she said she has one single mandate from her management to keep her job, test, test, test, does not matter what, why, just test and charge.  She said at least 75% of the tests she does is absolutely irrelevant but her lab is it profit center and there are other competitors.  Her job is to bill the insurance companies to the hilt and let management deal with questions.


The US pays 30-40% per capita more than the other developed nations yet rank 27th is quality of care.  Tort law is a major factor behind the US excessive healthcare costs.

That's what happens when money is more important than life...

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

The issue is not healthcare itself, but the cost as which it's being delivered.  I know a manager of a testing lab here in NJ and she said she has one single mandate from her management to keep her job, test, test, test, does not matter what, why, just test and charge.  She said at least 75% of the tests she does is absolutely irrelevant but her lab is it profit center and there are other competitors.  Her job is to bill the insurance companies to the hilt and let management deal with questions.


The US pays 30-40% per capita more than the other developed nations yet rank 27th is quality of care.  Tort law is a major factor behind the US excessive healthcare costs.

That's what happens when money is more important than life...

It takes money to give modern quality care.  You should not throw out the baby with the bathwater, the issue are some specific practices driving up NVA costs.  Modern healthcare takes money, and human lives do benefit.  Furthermore, the culture in the US of demanding ultimate convenience is also a factor.  The problem lies on both sides, the people backed by their lawyers and the providers.  Obama ducked this issue.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

The issue is not healthcare itself, but the cost as which it's being delivered.  I know a manager of a testing lab here in NJ and she said she has one single mandate from her management to keep her job, test, test, test, does not matter what, why, just test and charge.  She said at least 75% of the tests she does is absolutely irrelevant but her lab is it profit center and there are other competitors.  Her job is to bill the insurance companies to the hilt and let management deal with questions.


The US pays 30-40% per capita more than the other developed nations yet rank 27th is quality of care.  Tort law is a major factor behind the US excessive healthcare costs.

ahmmm . . . is the doctors who does order up the unecessary tests.


Adjust yuh aim

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

The issue is not healthcare itself, but the cost as which it's being delivered.  I know a manager of a testing lab here in NJ and she said she has one single mandate from her management to keep her job, test, test, test, does not matter what, why, just test and charge.  She said at least 75% of the tests she does is absolutely irrelevant but her lab is it profit center and there are other competitors.  Her job is to bill the insurance companies to the hilt and let management deal with questions.


The US pays 30-40% per capita more than the other developed nations yet rank 27th is quality of care.  Tort law is a major factor behind the US excessive healthcare costs.

ahmmm . . . is the doctors who does order up the unecessary tests.


Adjust yuh aim

banna, Drs order but lab also run their menus and influence Ds.  Furthermore, it was one of the point I made earlier, the practice of defensive doctors.  Infact many Drs now own, or have interest in labs, for the "convenience" of the patience  So it's a wheel within a wheel. It's all intertwined, so get real.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obamacare benefits mainly the shareholders of insurance companies who tend to be very white, indeed.

Those with darker complexions and smaller bank accounts would benefit from John Conyers' "Medicare for All" bill.

I wonder.  Medicare is in dire straights for the over 65 crowd and you want to add even more!!!!!  Wh dont you suggest they fix it first before expanding it?

The issue is not healthcare itself, but the cost as which it's being delivered.  I know a manager of a testing lab here in NJ and she said she has one single mandate from her management to keep her job, test, test, test, does not matter what, why, just test and charge.  She said at least 75% of the tests she does is absolutely irrelevant but her lab is it profit center and there are other competitors.  Her job is to bill the insurance companies to the hilt and let management deal with questions.


The US pays 30-40% per capita more than the other developed nations yet rank 27th is quality of care.  Tort law is a major factor behind the US excessive healthcare costs.

ahmmm . . . is the doctors who does order up the unecessary tests.


Adjust yuh aim

banna, Drs order but lab also run their menus and influence Ds.  Furthermore, it was one of the point I made earlier, the practice of defensive doctors.  Infact many Drs now own, or have interest in labs, for the "convenience" of the patience  So it's a wheel within a wheel. It's all intertwined, so get real.

Cut the bullshit! You were simply misinforming people.


Yes, some doctors have ownership interests in labs; and yes, the labs make money when more tests than necessary are done . . .


but THAT is peripheral to your BOGUS claim that labs are an INDEPENDENT driver of inflated health costs.


Take your "I know a manager . . ." nancy story elsewhere

Originally Posted by baseman:

It takes money to give modern quality care.  You should not throw out the baby with the bathwater, the issue are some specific practices driving up NVA costs.  Modern healthcare takes money, and human lives do benefit. 

The main exorbitant and unnecessary cost is that of administration. HMOs (and Obamacare turns the whole system into a gigantic HMO) run up huge costs paying administrators, accountants and lawyers, who are trying to come up with creative arguments for denying you health care so that the money they save can go to stockholders instead. It would be cheaper to just give you the damn healthcare and fire all the non-medical overhead personnel.


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