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As 800 more get house lots… President declares most factor for development is peoplePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara  
Monday, 03 December 2012 23:14

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar, who has just celebrated his first anniversary as Head of State, has said the as government wants to develop the country faster and further, they work with the philosophy that the most factor for development is the people.



‘ALL SMILES’: President Donald  Ramotar assisting this proud new house lot recipient in retrieving her Lot number at yesterday’s ‘One Stop Shop’ at the Providence Stadium. Looking on are Housing Minister Irfaan Ali and other officials from the ministry (Adrian Narine photo)

He expressed the sentiments yesterday while addressing the gathering at the seventh Ministry of Housing and Water ‘One Stop Shop’ for 2012 at Providence Stadium, where approximately 800 high income house lots were distributed at Plot ‘B’, Herstelling, East Bank Demerara. Mr. Ramotar said he strongly believes that, when there is a satisfied population, a society would be able to produce more and hence, if the country is to be moved forward, investment in people must be first and foremost. He said: “If you look around the world, the countries that are most developed are not the countries where you have the most natural resources. Those things are important and they help but, in the final analysis, the most important factor is our people and there is where we have to invest in order for us to take our country forward.”

President Ramotar assists another house lot recipient in retrieving his lot number

The President remarked that the government views social policies as very important, generally, to national development and he can appreciate the importance of people owning their own homes, based on his own experiences. “I remember the first time, in 1988, when I came back from working abroad, that first Christmas with my family here, half of the house was under water for the whole time,” he recalled.


ENORMOUS FEELING He acknowledged that having a home of your own provides an enormous feeling of security and contentment and, additionally, it gives people dignity, too, that they are able to live in their own homes. President Ramotar further pointed out that the entire East Bank corridor has been changing rapidly over the years. “… it is becoming more and more industrialised and more and more people are coming here to live and, therefore, we have to provide the facilities for them to do so,” he admitted.


President Ramotar and Housing Minister Irfaan Ali with the first group of house lot recipients at yesterday’s One Stop Shop at the Stadium

He also urged people to take pride in their community and care of the environs in which they live or would be occupying soon, noting that doing so would not only improve the quality of their lives but add value to their properties. “You need to care it, you need to build early, you need not to speculate with your house lot, this is for you. We give you so that yourself and your children can grow up in a secure environment,” he emphasized. Mr. Ramotar said the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government has been working tremendously, from 1992 to now, to change the housing situation in Guyana and saw the stock has gone up enormously. Meanwhile, Minister of Housing and Water, Mr. Irfaan Ali reported that his ministry


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