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September 24 2018


says gross national product would provide better assessment

Statements by Finance Minister Winston Jordan alluding to projected growth of 29.1 per cent in the Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product(GDP)are being contested by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo.At his press conference earlier last week, Jagdeo was very lukewarm about the figures Jordan cited based on the International Monetary Fund.

He noted that even if Guyana has growth on such a scale, it will only result in a limited increase of onshore jobs for Guyanese.“Jordan says, in Saudi Arabia, that GDP will grow. He said 29.1 per cent in 2020. But this might not be a lie, 29.1 per cent. But this is exactly what I’ve been pointing out, that linkages will not be great.”

Just imagine GDP from the non-oil sector growing by 29 per cent. You’ll create 50,000 new jobs. The GDP will grow by 29 per cent in that year and will create 300 new jobs. That’s what Exxon Mobil said… and maybe a few onshore, not exceeding a thousand. So it’s enclavic.”According to Jagdeo, referencing the Gross National Product (GNP) would be a better way of assessing performances relative to capital intensive sectors.

The GNP is most often used to cover production of Guyanese whether in or outside of the borders.“They should look at GNP figures. In this case where you have large capital inflows in the capital-intensive sectors, a better assessment would be to use the GNP rather than the GDP figures. So this might be true, this is a feel good, it won’t translate into more money into anyone’s pockets or more jobs.

It’s just feel good.”Minister Jordan was at the time in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, accompanied by Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson, to sign a loan agreement. The agreement, with the Islamic Development Bank, is to the tune of US$20 million.Government has said the money will go towards the Guyana Power and Light’s (GPL) Utility Upgrade programme. But while Government continues to borrow, various indices are indicating hikes in Guyana’s indebtedness.


Debt reporting

The Finance Ministry’s Public Debt Annual Report for 2016 had showed that since 2015, there has been a 4.1 per cent rise in Guyana’s indebtedness to International lenders.

A breakdown of the figures showed that total external debt amounted to $240 billion, a 72.6 per cent bite out of the total public debt. On the other hand, domestic debt stood at $90.6 billion, or 27.4 per cent of the total.

The report notes that Guyana’s four main external creditors are the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the State-owned Export-Import Bank of China (China EXIM Bank) and lastly, the Venezuela State-owned oil company (PDVSA).

Last year’s End of Year Outcome report had also revealed that for that year, the stock of public debt and the public debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio had increased. According to the report, total public debt was recorded at US$1.6 billion, exceeding the projected amount by US$8.4 million. The public debt to GDP ratio actually increased by 0.9 per cent to be recorded at 46.1 per cent.

According to the report, higher disbursements of money from the Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim Bank); the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Caricom Development Fund (CDF), as well as delayed debt service payments, were to be blamed.

When it comes to servicing these debts, the report stated that total public debt service amounted to US$71.7 million for 2017. This was, in fact, lower by 2.5 per cent than the projected 2017 sum of US$73.5 million.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's rare if at all I agree with Mr Jagdeo, but on this occasion (one time only promise   he might be right, 29.% growth sounds good on paper and to economists but unless that transcends into meaningful private sector job creation then it's just a number to make APNU feel good  


Jagdeo is just running his mouth. What would he do to generate more employment from oil & gas. 

He better not babble about sugar because the plight of that industry is 100% due to him. He mismanaged Guysuco, squandered millions on a failed project and didn't use the funds that the EU provide to diversify the economy.  When he invited Chinese investors he didn't force them to do value added as do most other forestry producing nations.

Jagdeo needs to relax and shut his mouth. Give someone else a chance.


Alyuh two suroo and duroo (Caribj and Ronan) need to hop off your racist donkey cart and pick the argument rather than getting lost in personality. This is just like the Ravi Dev issue. 

Jagdeo is right.  There will be growth due to added revenues however, this will not translate to wellbeing for the masses without a sound plan.

Oil will not be a big employer.  The GoG has to invest in the other sectors, building infrastructure to encourage investment and growth.  The traditional economy will get a big boost but so will new sectors which will spring up.  

Alyuh two need to tek a chill pill and don’t go bizerk every time you hear the words “Jagdeo” or “Indian.”

And let me say, I agree he messed up and I would not trust him to execute what he talks about.  

Baseman posted:

Alyuh two suroo and duroo (Caribj and Ronan) need to hop off your racist donkey cart and pick the argument rather than getting lost in personality. This is just like the Ravi Dev issue. 

Jagdeo is right.  There will be growth due to added revenues however, this will not translate to wellbeing for the masses without a sound plan.

Oil will not be a big employer.  The GoG has to invest in the other sectors, building infrastructure to encourage investment and growth.  The traditional economy will get a big boost but so will new sectors which will spring up.  

Alyuh two need to tek a chill pill and don’t go bizerk every time you hear the words “Jagdeo” or “Indian.”

And let me say, I agree he messed up and I would not trust him to execute what he talks about.  

Jagdeo tilting at windmills to confuse people

you and he taking turns mounting horse with lance in y’all starched Captain Obvious uniform

suh, you want talk race . . . why the hell then are you hiding out here pelting n run and not confronting me on the other thread where you are being exposed?

Last edited by Former Member
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I'm not Jagdeo fan ..very far from it!! 

Opposition is easier as you can say and promise anything, but I do agree with his point here 

The role of the leader of the opposition is to offer constructive criticism.

Jagdeo offers no constructive in this.  The goal is to maximize value added and employment.  What suggestions has Jagdeo offered.  We already know that there will be little of either and Exxon has said exactly that.

Any way 29% GDP/GNP growth in one year is outlandish.

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo is right.  There will be growth due to added revenues however, this will not translate to wellbeing for the masses without a sound plan.

Oil will not be a big employer.  

And where are his ideas?  And he need not mention Guysuco as he destroyed it.

It is a known fact that there will be little job creation or value added within Guyana.  So what value is Jagdeo bringing by mentioning this?

Baseman posted:


Alyuh two need to tek a chill pill and don’t go bizerk every time you hear the words “Jagdeo” or “Indian.”


"Indian" is all that is mentioned on GNI.  You all need constant reminders that you all aren't the only people who live in Guyana.  And until you understand this you will be slammed until you do.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Alyuh two need to tek a chill pill and don’t go bizerk every time you hear the words “Jagdeo” or “Indian.”


"Indian" is all that is mentioned on GNI.  You all need constant reminders that you all aren't the only people who live in Guyana.  And until you understand this you will be slammed until you do.

Unfortunately, I’m Guyanese of the Indian persuasion!

Baseman posted:

Unfortunately, I’m Guyanese of the Indian persuasion!

You don't need to tell us this.  The way that you celebrate a man whose attitudes towards Afro Guyanese is vile makes it obvious that you see Guyana as a piece of real estate settled by various tribes. 

And just as the tribes of old waged war for domination this is your vision for Guyana, except that your war will be waged using the Ravi Dev plan of handing it over to Indians from India who will then join with their "fellow Indians" to do to Guyana as Ravi Dev claims that the Chinese are doing to Suriname.

You will note that he doesn't talk about Chinese investment in Suriname providing opportunities to every Surinamer regardless of their ethnicity, social class, religion of geographic location.

He exhorts Indians from India to do for Guyana what China is doing for Suriname and that is operating with a tribal lens.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Unfortunately, I’m Guyanese of the Indian persuasion!

You don't need to tell us this.  The way that you celebrate a man whose attitudes towards Afro Guyanese is vile makes it obvious that you see Guyana as a piece of real estate settled by various tribes. 

And just as the tribes of old waged war for domination this is your vision for Guyana, except that your war will be waged using the Ravi Dev plan of handing it over to Indians from India who will then join with their "fellow Indians" to do to Guyana as Ravi Dev claims that the Chinese are doing to Suriname.

You will note that he doesn't talk about Chinese investment in Suriname providing opportunities to every Surinamer regardless of their ethnicity, social class, religion of geographic location.

He exhorts Indians from India to do for Guyana what China is doing for Suriname and that is operating with a tribal lens.

Relax yuh sour puss self!  As I said on another thread, try some chocolate, it stimulates "happy" enzymes in your brain.

There is nothing in this world you are happy or positive about.  You are a miserable soul.


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