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Former Member

These were the promises made by the AFC going into the 2011 elections. With their AFC/APNU/PNC/R combined majority, which of these were kept and which were not. As well, which of these promises did not find favour with the APNU/PNC/R?





We commit to -


* Establishing a caring government where the suffering and the plight of the poor, the elderly in particular, youths, the issues of gender and Guyanese in general will be addressed in a timely manner.


* Creating a stable social and political environment where the rule of law is upheld to attract suitable local, regional and foreign direct investment for the creation of jobs, economic development, self reliance, wealth and the alleviation of poverty, consistent with the Millennium Development Goals.


* Dealing with the crime situation in the country in a holistic way and returning the country to a satisfactory level of security where our people could once again feel physically secure in their homes, places of work and recreation.


* Working towards the development of trust between government and the people, between local professionals and government; between the private sector and government; between investors and government; between all the ethnic groups in Guyana and government.


* Re-establishing a qualified and professionally competent public service and a National Insurance and Social Security Scheme that is relevant to the financial and economic realities of the Guyanese society.


* Restoring the principle of separation of powers, strengthening the three arms of the State by reforming the Parliamentary System, improving the standards of the judiciary as well as inculcating in government a culture of excellence and service to the people.


* Developing institutional arrangements for the mutually beneficial utilization of the expertise and financial means of the Diaspora.


* Conserving the natural heritage and the biodiversity of out country in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.


* Creating a system of education and moral guidance that will unlock the potential of our children in an environment of equal treatment and equal opportunity to give support to the family structure.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:

Is how derass you want dem do anything,Vote dem in, tings gone change.

Cain, I understand that, but they have a combined majority to at least pass them. If the President vetoes them - then at least they can go after the PPP with more ammunition. Are you suggesting that because thy were not voted in that they did nothing?

Last edited by Former Member

I agree they did sit on their hands in many areas,look how long it's taken to come up with this no confidence....suddenly BALLS.

There are many articles are out there showing corruption within the party and not one person has made a move against anyone...why is the opposition sitting on this? Maybe there are reasons we don't know about.



I agree this No Confidence Motion

could have been done 2 years ago


But PNC as de Senior Opposition in Parliament

was contented on Pooch-paching.


Remember Corbin & Bharat made Deals

that took care of the PNC Leader...


PNC too got Big Pension & Mansion Package.....


And with only 7 Seats......

AFC kept the Fire to PPP ass....

DE No Confidence Vote...

Is a T20 Winning Stroke By AFC


Some abee think it is 2 years Late....

But Ramotar, Rohee & Jagdeo Crying Now....

Dem hallowing.... it is 4 Year Early




Examine De History

The Peoples National Congress (PNC) and the United Force (UF) formed a coalition government after the 1964 elections.

Under Proportional Representation, the Indo-Guyanese supported PPP were effectively outnumbered by the combination of all other racial groups which supported the PNC and UF.

Under the leadership of Forbes Burnham and Peter D’Aguiar, Guyana became an independent nation-state in 1966.

The coalition represented Afro-Guyanese who voted for the PNC,

and Amerindo, Iberio, Sino and Euro-Guyanese who voted for the United Force.

The PNC-UF Coalition disintegrated within three years.

No clear-cut policy was developed nor implemented to dismantle institutional racism which was prevalent during colonialism.

No systematic effort was made to heal the wounds which were caused by inter-racial conflicts which preceded political independence.

The PNC and UF carried out an additional modification of the electoral system by giving Guyanese overseas the right to vote, allowing proxy voting and the padding of voters’ lists.

(UF & D' Aguiar Dig their own Grave)

The 1968 election was fraudulent and in effect was a civilian coup.

The PNC declared itself the winner.

This set the basis for the establishment of a political dictatorship.

By 1969, the PNC had singular control of the government representing mainly Afro-Guyanese.

The alienation of all non-Afro-Guyanese racial groups became pronounced and insurrection surfaced among the most discriminated and marginalized of all the racial groups.


If the UF or PPP .....had the Brains to

Move a Vote of No Confidence in 1967

(1) We would have never had 28 Years of PNC Dictatorship

(2) PNC would out of power in 1967

(3) Jagan could have been in Power and Control  ....

Between 1967 and 1997 (Until he die)

(4) Bharat & Donald would not be able to Hijack the PPP.

(5) Black House of Israel Thugs

would have never been in Leadershipat Freedom House...

or at Office of the President.



This No Confidence Vote By Moses & AFC

will stop the Corruption Clock...

and Put Guyana Back on Track....

an Opportunity that was lost in 1967....


Originally Posted by Jalil:

I agree this No Confidence Motion

could have been done 2 years ago


But PNC as de Senior Opposition in Parliament

was contented on Pooch-paching.


Remember Corbin & Bharat made Deals

that took care of the PNC Leader...


PNC too got Big Pension & Mansion Package.....


And with only 7 Seats......

AFC kept the Fire to PPP ass....

DE No Confidence Vote...

Is a T20 Winning Stroke By AFC


Some abee think it is 2 years Late....

But Ramotar, Rohee & Jagdeo Crying Now....

Dem hallowing.... it is 4 Year Early




Examine De History

The Peoples National Congress (PNC) and the United Force (UF) formed a coalition government after the 1964 elections.

Under Proportional Representation, the Indo-Guyanese supported PPP were effectively outnumbered by the combination of all other racial groups which supported the PNC and UF.

Under the leadership of Forbes Burnham and Peter D’Aguiar, Guyana became an independent nation-state in 1966.

The coalition represented Afro-Guyanese who voted for the PNC,

and Amerindo, Iberio, Sino and Euro-Guyanese who voted for the United Force.

The PNC-UF Coalition disintegrated within three years.

No clear-cut policy was developed nor implemented to dismantle institutional racism which was prevalent during colonialism.

No systematic effort was made to heal the wounds which were caused by inter-racial conflicts which preceded political independence.

The PNC and UF carried out an additional modification of the electoral system by giving Guyanese overseas the right to vote, allowing proxy voting and the padding of voters’ lists.

(UF & D' Aguiar Dig their own Grave)

The 1968 election was fraudulent and in effect was a civilian coup.

The PNC declared itself the winner.

This set the basis for the establishment of a political dictatorship.

By 1969, the PNC had singular control of the government representing mainly Afro-Guyanese.

The alienation of all non-Afro-Guyanese racial groups became pronounced and insurrection surfaced among the most discriminated and marginalized of all the racial groups.


If the UF or PPP .....had the Brains to

Move a Vote of No Confidence in 1967

(1) We would have never had 28 Years of PNC Dictatorship

(2) PNC would out of power in 1967

(3) Jagan could have been in Power and Control  ....

Between 1967 and 1997 (Until he die)

(4) Bharat & Donald would not be able to Hijack the PPP.

(5) Black House of Israel Thugs

would have never been in Leadershipat Freedom House...

or at Office of the President.



This No Confidence Vote By Moses & AFC

will stop the Corruption Clock...

and Put Guyana Back on Track....

an Opportunity that was lost in 1967....



Originally Posted by Rev:



* Please don't commit suicide after your hero MOSES gets a whopping 5% of the votes in the upcoming election and Uncle Ramo is re-elected by the Guyanese people with a majority.



Rev I got a Call from Donald

He admit he will Lose....

But he need Support....

Wha yuh think?


Rev Talk is Cheap

Remember yuh said Donald will win

a Majority 1n 2011 by at least 5%



Rev Talk is Cheap

Rev How Long yuh Supporting PPP

Can you Show us Checks

With Your Signature in Front

and Dr Jagan or Ramotar Signature at the Back.


Rev Talk is Cheap

If you see one of Dem Check with me Signature

Yuh gon Understand Why Donald call...

Mr 5%....Put up or Shut up


Originally Posted by Jalil:


Rev Talk is Cheap


jalil bai:


* That is the wisest thing you have said on this forum: TALK IS CHEAP.


* And the good people of Guyana know that your hero MOSES is full of BIG TALK and CHEAP TALK.




* Sadly for you jalil bai---5% is all TALKER Moses will get in the upcoming election.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Please don't commit suicide after your hero MOSES gets a whopping 5% of the votes in the upcoming election and Uncle Ramo is re-elected by the Guyanese people with a majority.



Rev I got a Call from Donald

He admit he will Lose....

But he need Support....

Wha yuh think?


Rev Talk is Cheap

Remember yuh said Donald will win

a Majority 1n 2011 by at least 5%



Rev Talk is Cheap

Rev How Long yuh Supporting PPP

Can you Show us Checks

With Your Signature in Front

and Dr Jagan or Ramotar Signature at the Back.


Rev Talk is Cheap

If you see one of Dem Check with me Signature

Yuh gon Understand Why Donald call...

Mr 5%....Put up or Shut up




Rev I got a Call from Donald

He admit he will Lose....

But he need Support....

Wha yuh think?

Last edited by Former Member

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