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Source:  Guyana Chronicle

ASSISTANT Police Commissioner Ian Amsterdam will assume command of the ‘B’ Division police in Berbice.  This has been confirmed by sources within the Guyana Police Force, who indicated that Amsterdam, presently on annual leave, will head to the division upon his resumption of duty in the coming week.

The Guyana Chronicle has been told that while other reshuffling will take place as a result of the recent promotion of senior officers, coupled with the death of Assistant Commissioner Balram Persaud, those transfers would not take place before the holding of Local Government Elections.

This newspaper was told that one of the reasons the Force is reluctant to engage in any major reshuffling of police ranks is because seniors within the division would have already identified persons to man various areas during the Local Government polls, and a reshuffle at this time would potentially cause some amount of disruptions and confusion of the process.

Had the police received the list of promotions at the traditional December 31st deadline, the transfers would have already taken place.

Once in ‘B’ Division, Amsterdam would be supported by Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, who is already serving in the division as the substantive deputy commander, but is presently performing the duties of commander since the substantive commander, Assistant Commissioner Christopher Griffith, has been elevated to the position of Force Operations Officer.

(Leroy Smith)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is a throw back of the old days, with the black dominated Police and Military forces. This is a chest game where the pawns are winning, if you know what I mean.Don't ask me if you don't know, I am not here to educate nor teach the dunces.

kp posted:

This is a throw back of the old days, with the black dominated Police and Military forces. This is a chest game where the pawns are winning, if you know what I mean.Don't ask me if you don't know, I am not here to educate nor teach the dunces.

Why complain the PPP had 23yrs to balance the police force,any ideas why this did not happen.


There is a shortage of capable police officers from the East Indian community. The PPP government did nothing to redress this. Is only black people were considered willing enough to face the criminals, just so they could get a job and feed their family.


 Indos love Police work but the racism starts at the Police Training College the motto ' Beat dem outta here" dem too bright.  But we will take a few dunce Indo like us to mek it look good.

Mr.T posted:

There is a shortage of capable police officers from the East Indian community. The PPP government did nothing to redress this. Is only black people were considered willing enough to face the criminals, just so they could get a job and feed their family.

I know an Indian police sergeant from Berbice who recently lost his job.   His last name is Ramnauth.  He was stunned when he got the news.  He is now rounding up his wife and kids to go to America.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mr.T posted:

There is a shortage of capable police officers from the East Indian community. The PPP government did nothing to redress this. Is only black people were considered willing enough to face the criminals, just so they could get a job and feed their family.

I know an Indian police sergeant from Berbice who recently lost his job.   His last name is Ramnauth.  He was stunned when he got the news.  He is now rounding up his wife and kids to go to America.

Suh this guy got fired for no wrong doing,some thing does not add up.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was told they are reducing staff and don't need as many police officers. He is a tough hardworking guy.  Both of his parents were school teachers now retired.

How they are reducing staff and there is a recruitment drive for 900 policeman this year,his rank is sergeant they are needed,some thing doesn't add up.

Vish M posted:

There is a long history of the marginalization of Indo Guyanese in the GPF.

The GOG need to set the tone for "healing" with an active recruitment drive

"healing" . . . huh?

people like you are actively taking razor blades to racial sores at every opportunity

what was the PPP doing about this under Jagdeo?

carry yuh hypocrite rass dahside

Last edited by Former Member

The police and army  has the highest percentage of blacks ... when Indians join the forces, they were put under pressure by their supervisor , and was subject to racist slur by the blacks ,hence they quit .

The highest racialism is in the police and army . Both were still control by PNC tugs .

We were members of community policing , ten years ago and I can relate to this .


Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was told they are reducing staff and don't need as many police officers. He is a tough hardworking guy.  Both of his parents were school teachers now retired.

makes no sense

that alone should have set off all kind of credibility alarms in sane people who are NOT interested in peddling race propaganda and outright LIES!

takeaway: tying the accidental death of a senior Indian police officer to "ethnic cleansing" is breathtakingly EVIL!

Seelall Persaud and Prakash Ramjattan supposedely doing this

you are beyond irresponsible and disgusting

Last edited by Former Member
ian posted:

The police and army  has the highest percentage of blacks ... when Indians join the forces, they were put under pressure by their supervisor , and was subject to racist slur by the blacks ,hence they quit .

The highest racialism is in the police and army . Both were still control by PNC tugs .

We were members of community policing , ten years ago and I can relate to this .

you are a wimp and coward . . . Balram Persaud and Seelall Persaud obviously are not

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
Vish M posted:

There is a long history of the marginalization of Indo Guyanese in the GPF.

The GOG need to set the tone for "healing" with an active recruitment drive

"healing" . . . huh?

people like you are actively taking razor blades to racial sores at every opportunity

what was the PPP doing about this under Jagdeo?

carry yuh hypocrite rass dahside

What you backside want, Jagdeo and PPP to sit next to every indo and make sure blacks don't bully them. 

Take yo face out yo ass and live in a real world. Ayo sit ayo ass and shooting the crap and don't know what goes on.  

redux posted:
ian posted:

The police and army  has the highest percentage of blacks ... when Indians join the forces, they were put under pressure by their supervisor , and was subject to racist slur by the blacks ,hence they quit .

The highest racialism is in the police and army . Both were still control by PNC tugs .

We were members of community policing , ten years ago and I can relate to this .

you are a wimp and coward

Balram Persaud and Seelall Persaud obviously are not

You can scream yo kaka hole, I  don't care. You are know to insult anyone who don't share your views.  

Your display of attitudes reflect how you was drag up. 

ian posted:
redux posted:
Vish M posted:

There is a long history of the marginalization of Indo Guyanese in the GPF.

The GOG need to set the tone for "healing" with an active recruitment drive

"healing" . . . huh?

people like you are actively taking razor blades to racial sores at every opportunity

what was the PPP doing about this under Jagdeo?

carry yuh hypocrite rass dahside

What you backside want, Jagdeo and PPP to sit next to every indo and make sure blacks don't bully them. 

Take yo face out yo ass and live in a real world. Ayo sit ayo ass and shooting the crap and don't know what goes on.  

confirming u are a wimp and a coward as i noted previous

Last edited by Former Member
ian posted:
redux posted:
ian posted:

The police and army  has the highest percentage of blacks ... when Indians join the forces, they were put under pressure by their supervisor , and was subject to racist slur by the blacks ,hence they quit .

The highest racialism is in the police and army . Both were still control by PNC tugs .

We were members of community policing , ten years ago and I can relate to this .

you are a wimp and coward

Balram Persaud and Seelall Persaud obviously are not

You can scream yo kaka hole, I  don't care. You are know to insult anyone who don't share your views.  

Your display of attitudes reflect how you was drag up. 

if u doan care, shut up then

redux posted:
ian posted:
redux posted:
ian posted:

The police and army  has the highest percentage of blacks ... when Indians join the forces, they were put under pressure by their supervisor , and was subject to racist slur by the blacks ,hence they quit .

The highest racialism is in the police and army . Both were still control by PNC tugs .

We were members of community policing , ten years ago and I can relate to this .

you are a wimp and coward

Balram Persaud and Seelall Persaud obviously are not

You can scream yo kaka hole, I  don't care. You are know to insult anyone who don't share your views.  

Your display of attitudes reflect how you was drag up. 

if u doan care, shut up then

You can scream yo kaka hole, I  don't care. You are know to insult anyone who don't share your views.  

Your display of attitudes reflect how you was drag up. 

ian posted:
redux posted:
ian posted:
redux posted:
ian posted:

The police and army  has the highest percentage of blacks ... when Indians join the forces, they were put under pressure by their supervisor , and was subject to racist slur by the blacks ,hence they quit .

The highest racialism is in the police and army . Both were still control by PNC tugs .

We were members of community policing , ten years ago and I can relate to this .

you are a wimp and coward

Balram Persaud and Seelall Persaud obviously are not

You can scream yo kaka hole, I  don't care. You are know to insult anyone who don't share your views.  

Your display of attitudes reflect how you was drag up. 

if u doan care, shut up then

You can scream yo kaka hole, I  don't care. You are know to insult anyone who don't share your views.  

Your display of attitudes reflect how you was drag up. 


baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was told they are reducing staff and don't need as many police officers. He is a tough hardworking guy.  Both of his parents were school teachers now retired.

How they are reducing staff and there is a recruitment drive for 900 policeman this year,his rank is sergeant they are needed,some thing doesn't add up.

They are reducing the "wrong" staff, "Indians".  This also happened to several of my uncles in the late 60's early 70's and they all eventually were forced to migrated with their families to the US!!

The old-school [Caribj-type] racist PNC headed up by "poker-faces" who claimed to be "new" are overseeing this ethnic cleansing of any institution which they believe could thwart their plans for 2020!!  The poker-faced racists smile at you on one hand and carry a dagger in the other!!

why doesn't ex-police officer "Ramnauth" go public with his tale and let the chips fall where they may?

this is open and shut

what has he got to lose?

baseman posted:
redux posted:
baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was told they are reducing staff and don't need as many police officers. He is a tough hardworking guy.  Both of his parents were school teachers now retired.

How they are reducing staff and there is a recruitment drive for 900 policeman this year,his rank is sergeant they are needed,some thing doesn't add up.

They are reducing the "wrong" staff, "Indians".  This also happened to several of my uncles in the late 60's early 70's and they all eventually were forced to migrated with their families to the US!!

The old-school [Caribj-type] racist PNC headed up by "poker-faces" who claimed to be "new" are overseeing this ethnic cleansing of any institution which they believe could thwart their plans for 2020!!  The poker-faced racists smile at you on one hand and carry a dagger in the other!!

why doesn't ex-police officer "Ramnauth" go public with his tale and let the chips fall where they may?

this is open and shut

what has he got to lose?

His life and limb?  Maybe even his family life and limb?  This is PNC days again we talking about!!

park your nonsense

shifting gears into STUPID is a poor strategy to counter simple logic

Last edited by Former Member

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