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Propaganda and empty rhetoric commemorate the life of Dr. Jagan at Babu John


Dear Editor,
There is much to be said about President Ramotar’s recent lacklustre address at Babu John to commemorate the life of the late Cheddi Jagan.  Instead of honouring Cde. Cheddi’s works, Mr. Ramotar went on a tirade against Moses Nagamootoo, Maxwell, and other citizens of Guyana.
It is now clear for the people to see that he has become the replica of the former president. For him to use such a sacred moment to cuss down his fellow Guyanese is not only an insult to Cde. Cheddi’s children and grandchildren, but is also unbecoming of the president of this great Republic. It also shows total disrespect for Guyanese in general.
In reality, Mr. Ramotar is residing in a delusional world with his empty rhetoric. Can anyone imagine in this day and age, President Ramotar can claim that “the character of Cheddi Jagan cannot be severed from the party (PPP)”?  The truth is the Jagdeo/Ramotar has not only destroyed the PPP, but they have abandoned the ideals of Jagan for more than a decade now.
We would like to remind Mr. Ramotar that no one stole from the treasury during Dr. Jagan’s tenure as president. Cde. Cheddi would not have tolerated the massive corrupt practices that are currently taking place under the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal. Cde. Cheddi would not have given any foreigner a contract to build the Marriott Hotel with the taxpayers’ money and not employ a single Guyanese worker.
Cde. Cheddi was not corrupt and he was not a thief. He was an honest and decent man. Proof of this lay in the speech from his beloved daughter, Nadira Jagan who said; “My parents were probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately that does not exist or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and the government.”
President Ramotar has failed miserably in a classic Stalinist style as he attempted to tell the people a story that is tantamount to saying that Cheddi would have subscribed to the $400 million houses in Pradoville 2 and he would have agreed to a G$3 million a month Presidential pension package and so on.  What poppy-cock!
As the General Secretary of the PPP, Mr. Ramotar and his cohorts, instead of putting out bogus platforms using Cheddi’s name, should have first listened to Nadira Jagan who said they failed to live up really and truly to what her parents stood for.  Ms. Nadira Jagan noted that her parents lived very simple lives.  In her words: “The house is there and I really encourage people to use the opportunity to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived…They lived a very simple life; they didn’t have big ostentatious homes that you see nowadays that government officials and party officials have…”.
After more than a decade of deceit, untruths, distortions and incessant corrupt practices that have cost the taxpayers more than $35 billion, it is clear as daylight to the Guyanese people that what we have is a bunch of white collar economic gangsters, liars and cheats, who continue to live off the sweat of the people that Cheddi really loved – the poor and the working class.
In Nadira Jagan’s words “… I think the party has moved away— not the party but certain elements in the party—from these very, very important values that held the party together and what makes the PPP what it is and so for me, when I look at some of the things happening, my parents must be churning up in the waters of the rivers (in which their ashes were sprinkled)”.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

CBJ was a gullible man. Proof of that is what he left behind. Dem chaps that took over from him are way way smarter than him anyday. They saw a party wid no managerial roots and quickly lay seige to it for their posterity.


As for Janet Jagan, she knew well in advance of Presidential Retirement package. She choose to be quiet.


The Jagans that r living today, should tell the bhojpuri indoes that Cheddie and Janet enslaved their abilities to have logical thinking power.


All the indoes need to do is humbly ask the PPP handlers of today, to b kind and decent to the citizens. Dey gat de pawah.


If a man leff behind a corruptible system, y ppl claiming he is incorruptible. He  most likely din give a shyte about the future. 


There is no proof of corruption in the PPP, and if there is, the kudos to them. But remember too much money kills and not enough also kills.





In reality, Mr. Ramotar is residing in a delusional world with his empty rhetoric. Can anyone imagine in this day and age, President Ramotar can claim that “the character of Cheddi Jagan cannot be severed from the party (PPP)”?  The truth is the Jagdeo/Ramotar has not only destroyed the PPP, but they have abandoned the ideals of Jagan for more than a decade now.




These chaps serious.  This is a TKO.  Delusional President!  That is a rare breed, the last one like that was KIM II SUNG and ROBERT MUGABE.


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