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Here are some other slogans to use:

1. Vote PPP, they did not destroy sugar.

2. Vote PPP, they are the honest party; PNC stole, PPP is honest.

3. Vote PPP: PPP is filled with Chatrees; PNC is filled with Chamars

4. Vote PPP; we love paying high Berbice bridge tolls

5. Vote PPP; we love to go to Georgetown for govt documents and for bandits to rob us

6. Vote PPP; we love red water in our pipes

7. Vote PPP; we love water good only for flushing toilets

8. Vote PPP; we love blackouts (can't live without them)

9. Vote PPP; we love potholes in our streets

10. Vote PPP; we love the worms coming up to our doors when it rains

11. Vote PPP; they love to let us vote at local govt elections

12. Vote PPP; we love the bandits killing our loved ones

13. Vote PPP; we love garbage all over our villages

14. Vote PPP; we love high grass and bush growing all over (that's our plan for going green)

15. Vote PPP; we love a Marriott, not canning industries to provide jobs and wealth in the country areas

16. Vote PPP; we love to go to tiny islands where we are other countries' slaves

17. Vote PPP; our UG lecturers can't afford to own cars

18. Vote PPP; we are accountable for all the billions you give us

19. Vote PPP; we let NCN managers put Guyana's money in their own bank accounts

20. Vote PPP; the Americans waiting for them to lose to nab them

21. Vote PPP; our AG will find some nice girls for you to knock

22. Vote PPP; have bandits killed your grandma yet?

23. Vote PPP; we "take care"of you at our hospitals.

24. Vote PPP; our parasitic bourgeoisie contractor friends are not rich enough yet

25. Vote PPP; who was Jagan again?

Originally Posted by TI:

Serious question.


how does the new membership card look?  

Any new logos or banners? plant a seed..fill a need. I liked that one!


They're won't be a new membership card. It's a Coalition. Both are till organizationally distinct.


Like how the PNC still exists and APNU is a Coalition. The PNC is still its own organization with its own distinct membership cards and bodies.


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