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May 23 ,2021


Dear Editor,

Thanks to Mr. Yog Mahadeo’s post on Facebook today (May 21, 2021), my worst fear was confirmed this morning when I read the Guyana Elections Commission procurement list of electronic equipment to ‘upgrade’ our election system. I noticed that the second item mentioned in the list was a purchase of Dominion Enterprise machinery! Also, why is no price bid announced? Is it equipment alone or are they also hiring this company?

All of the states in the USA which used these machines in their 2020 general election, e.g.; the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan had voting issues. The states however, that rejected the Dominion machines, e.g. Florida, Texas and Ohio – along with the rest of the country, were able to handle their elections well.We all have to be very vigilant and not leave everything up to our government. I have no confidence in any foreign official(s), who come here with proposals to ‘secure’ or enhance our election system. Our present system is manual, the most secure method for ballot tabulation is counting by hand. Because of these Dominion Machines, there is presently a

forensic audit and hand recount of over two million, one hundred thousand ballots that is being carried out in Maricopa County, AZ which started around the 23 April, 2021 – ongoing.

I urge the government to please look closer at the operations and purchases of GECOM and to keep monitoring them at all times. We almost had our election stolen from us and we all fought like hell for a democratically elected government. We cannot afford to drop the ball at any time. We must continue with the exact manual system of voting that we already have.

“Can we trust the current matrix at GECOM to make the right decision for this nation???” After their track record at the 2020 general and regional elections in Guyana, it would not be wise to trust them at all.


Shane Lindie

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Jag favurs it, ah sho! Jus e kine uh voatin muhsheen! It wud doo awl de cheetin yuh.kud waant! Noe hoomun intuhfairunce needid! Yuh jes set it rite an sit bak fuh de rite reezultz yuh waant!


It was not the States that had voting Issues. It was Donald Trump who had concocted the issues of rigging before the election. If you want to upgrade our electoral system, then the Price should be irrelevant. There is no system better than a manual one. It didn't work well in the last election because people started to cheat. During the Eric Williams days in Trinidad, voting machines were being used and the Opposition always accused the government of rigging because they lost.  There will always be a problem with the losers.   

These are my own thoughts.


Boy Trump really confused this world with his shit head. That was the voting machines. His supporters don't want to take the vaccine. If we get an outbreak in the cold months he would be part of the blame.


Can we trust the current matrix at GECOM to make the right decision for this nation???” After their track record at the 2020 general and regional elections in Guyana, it would not be wise to trust them at all.


Shane Lindie.

Anil and Jagdeo already said the crooks at Gecom who tried to rig the election in favor of the PNC will have to go.  There isn't going to be any reform with these crooks.

What is Shane accusing the PPP of?


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