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Got to be careful with the contents of the links you posted, it’s not good for your PNC bais as you intended, not because it’s a pnc supporters protest its a ppp snafu. These idiots protesting and  are clueless that it was y’all PNC in 2016 who signed the lopsided contract that gives the oil company the right to exploit the oil without no tax and exclude parliament from changing it for the 40 years. This is a clear example of your PNC ability to run wan cake shap hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

Got to be careful with the contents of the links you posted, it’s not good for your PNC bais as you intended, not because it’s a pnc supporters protest its a ppp snafu. These idiots protesting and  are clueless that it was y’all PNC in 2016 who signed the lopsided contract that gives the oil company the right to exploit the oil without no tax and exclude parliament from changing it for the 40 years. This is a clear example of your PNC ability to run wan cake shap hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

So Janet Jagan was PNC--she signed the original lopsided contract.


Nobody thought Guyana had oil. It was implied we had to have oil and we would drain Venezuela resources because we were below sea-level.

Even though the colonials knew and the PNC, there is oil-Waini is stink wth gas. Where the is gas there is oil.

The PPP thought, okay if the American Imperialist want to waste there money, then let them. There is no oil in Guyana. As a stubborn communist as Janet was, I bet that was her thought. Maybe, by her signature she UNKNOWINGLY bequeath Guyana to a fate she feared most-American Imperialism.

@sachin_05 posted:

Got to be careful with the contents of the links you posted, it’s not good for your PNC bais as you intended, not because it’s a pnc supporters protest its a ppp snafu. These idiots protesting and  are clueless that it was y’all PNC in 2016 who signed the lopsided contract that gives the oil company the right to exploit the oil without no tax and exclude parliament from changing it for the 40 years. This is a clear example of your PNC ability to run wan cake shap hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

You sound so pathetic. Look at how Jagdeo is playing St. Valentine at the current Oil & Gas conference.  Both him and Ali have said nothing on full coverage insurance, nor a word on contract renegotiation. How come?

You have insulted the blackman again by saying dem can't run wan cake shap. Which blackman spoke these wise words to the Guyana’s leaders: β€œBe transparent with oil money, minimise flaring."

@Totaram posted:

So Janet Jagan was PNC--she signed the original lopsided contract.

There was no known oil resources to sign away in ms Jagan lifetime…oops! My bad…l forgot y’all PNC does see jumbie, so you mussie see her jumbie sign the lopsided 2016 contract that give Exxon tax exemption and immunity from parliament for forty years Christopher Ram talking about in that link Jangles posted…hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

There was no known oil resources to sign away in ms Jagan lifetime…oops! My bad…l forgot y’all PNC does see jumbie, so you mussie see her jumbie sign the lopsided 2016 contract that give Exxon tax exemption and immunity from parliament for forty years Christopher Ram talking about…hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

You lie---the original agreement was signed by Janet Jagan.  The Coalition managed to improve the royalty percentage slightly.  Don't try to rewrite history.  It may work at Uncle Tola rumshop, not here.   

@Mitwah posted:

You sound so pathetic. Look at how Jagdeo is playing St. Valentine at the current Oil & Gas conference.  Both him and Ali have said nothing on full coverage insurance, nor a word on contract renegotiation. How come?

You have insulted the blackman again by saying dem can't run wan cake shap. Which blackman spoke these wise words to the Guyana’s leaders: β€œBe transparent with oil money, minimise flaring."

The oil and gas conference has an agenda of issues to be discussed [per Christopher Ram explanation in the video clip] that does not include renegotiation. Discussing renegotiation by Ifart and Jagdeo in that meeting would be like you singing a wedding house song at a dead house. Dude, get real. Do you really think that because Jangles, you and Totaram are PNC/rigging supporters makes y’all black? You coolie rass should venture into Buxton and tell them you are black, you will find out when when dem give you a sound beating, you will be lucky if mek it out a deh  black and blue…hahahaha [maniacal laughter]


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