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Protesters in Brazil call for President Dilma Rousseff's impeachment

, Updated 6:46 AM ET, Mon August 17, 2015, Source

Story highlights

  • President Dilma Rousseff has an approval rating of less than 10%
  • A corruption scandal has implicated politicians in her party
  • Brazil's economy is also in trouble

<cite class="el-editorial-source">Rio de Janeiro (CNN)</cite>Protesters marched in cities across Brazil on Sunday, demanding the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.


They are upset over an eroding economy and a corruption scandal that has implicated politicians in Rousseff's Workers Party.


"I'm in favor of anything that will take that party out of government, even impeachment," one protester told CNN in Rio de Janeiro.


Many marched wearing the green, yellow and blue colors of Brazil. Some waved flags and carried banners. One protest poster read simply, "Enough."


Rousseff, who won re-election in a tight runoff last year, now has an approval rating of less than 10%.


A sweeping corruption investigation into a multimillion-dollar kickback scheme at the state-run oil company Petrobras has embroiled dozens of the country's leading businessmen and politicians. The President was the chairwoman of Petrobras during many of the years that the alleged corruption took place.


She has defended Brazilians' right to protest and acknowledged the need to clean up corruption at Petrobras, but denied any prior knowledge of the alleged kickback scheme.


Adding to the turmoil is the country's tanking economy. Brazil is facing a protracted recession, high inflation and a currency that recently hit a 12-year low.


"I'm here because I believe Brazil can change. Enough corruption! Enough thieving already!" another protester said.


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