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Proud moment for National School of Music - as 11 graduate


Georgetown, GINA, August 15, 2012 -- Source - GINA


Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony with gradates and principal Cecil Bovell (left) of the National School of Music


After several months of training, 11 young aspiring musicians graduated today from the National School of Music, having recorded a 100 percent pass rate and 91 percent distinction after having sat the London Royal School Examination.


All the students were very excited about their achievements and expressed that it is only the beginning of a journey for themselves as they work towards a career in music.


Top performer in Grade 1, Jamal Johnson, receives his certificate from Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony for his achievement of scoring 98%


Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony was very elated upon hearing the results and committed to developing this school, located in Brickdam, as he wants Guyana’s musical talents to be heard internationally.


Galecia Edwards receives her trophy from Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony for  being the top performer in Grade 11 and for achieving the overall best student award


This National School of Music was opened in November 2011 and formal classes started on March 5, 2012.


Tenecia De Freitas receives her trophy from Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony


Mr. Anthony emphasised the ministry’s willingness to improve the music school by bringing in more teachers, both local and from overseas. He added that some Japanese musicians will join the school for a six- month period.


The National School of Music, located on Brickdam


The top students of this first batch are: Jamal Johnson, Grade One, who achieved 98% and Tenecia De Freitas who achieved 92%. At Grade Two, Galecia Edwards, achieved 98% and was judged the Best overall performer.

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