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Freelance Radio Broadcaster Ossie Rogers was remanded to prison on Tuesday morning after he appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrates’ Court and was slapped with two charges stemming from accusations from a 13-year-old girl.

Rogers was charged with assault causing grievous bodily harm and threatening language. The Prosecution’s case is that he slapped and threatened the 13-year-old girl from Industry, East Coast Demerara in her yard while accusing her of being too close friends with a 15-year-old male friend of his. He reportedly also threatened the girl’s mother and shoved her down when she rushed to her daughter’s aid.

When Rogers appeared in court on Tuesday morning, he requested that the Magistrate Alex Moore recuse himself from hearing his case because it was the same Magistrate who had found him guilty in another case and sentenced him to community service while also instituting a fine. That conviction was thrown out by the High Court. But the Magistrate on Tuesday ruled that the reason offered by Rogers was no reason under law for him to recuse himself from the case and he decided to hear the matter.

While both offences are bailable offences, the complainant told the Court that she now fears for her life following other threats from the accused. The Police has launched an investigation in that latest claim. The Magistrate after hearing the teenager’s fears decided to remand the freelance radio announcer to prison. His attorney, Dexter Todd is expected to make efforts to appeal the Magistrate’s decision not to grant bail.

Rogers will make his next court appearance on next Tuesday.

When the teenage girl from the village of Industry came forward with the accusations of assault, allegedly committed by  Rogers, the announcer quickly rushed to his facebook page to declare his innocence and declare that he was being targeted because he is “proud supporter” of the PPP Government.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I notice them PPP boys gone and hide.  Their people one by one going to jail.


We starting with the LOW hanging fruits.


Kawme NEXT!


Jailil what you think?

De Fruitty-Fellas (Buggery Gang & B@tty Poke) are feeling the pressure...

but according "De Black Hindu - Kwame" ......

only De Black fruit cakes are being targeted and feeling the heat.


Speaking for the Black Fruitties,

"Kwame-De leader" is asking

why Coolie Fruits, Chiney Fruits or Mixed Fruits

are not also being Jailed.....




According to Kwame: All Collie Fruits...

Bar-rat, Man-knee, Ash-knee,

 Prem-mee, Ed-deee ,

You-gee & De PNC Hydro Engineer ......

are safe and given "Get out of Jail Pass".


According to Kwame: All Chiney Fruits...

Brian Young, Brian James, and even Wong-Ping......

are safe and given "Get out of Jail Pass".


According to Kwame: All Mixed Fruits...

like Kit Nascimento, Jerry & Norman,

and even De Private Sector & GMA Fruits......

are safe and given"Get out of Jail Pass".


According to Kwame: All Black Fruits...

Including Sam, Roger & Benn,

now feel...there is Discrimination in de Govt,

"De Black B@tty Pokes" are not getting the protection

they were promised........




Black House of Israel Thugs

left the PNC for certain Promises,


Most Important they were promised

full makeover to Black Hindu Status in the PPP,


they will get Top Jobs at Freedom House,

and at Office of the President....


they would be Garlanded

by young indian girls regularly at PPP events,


they will be promoted to leadership positions in the PPP,


and although most of these promises

were fulfilled by Jagdeo & Ramotar.....

Today..."Black Fruit Cake Leader"

is saying...they feeling like Cheap Prostitutes now...

Used, Abused and will be Jailed

like Bugger-Boy Ossie


Kishan how will this affect

De PPP in de future...







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:

He probably wanted the 15 year old boy for himself like Kwame did with Julius.


Is lolo he fighting fuh.


Can you imagine he buse out and slap a woman because he and she competing fuh the same thing  - lolo.

Last edited by Former Member

OK YUJI because CN mix up is some funny stuff, it is OK for your bwoy Aussie to mix up in criminal activities also?


SICK minds.


Is the lolo he want, it is the lolo he wants.


 Who-Gee who is to be Blamed if Buggery & Sexual Abuse is practiced and encouraged since 1999.


Come on you ..... let us examine the Nastiness by these Crab Louse.


 Who-Gee would you support the Jailing for Sharma and yuh-buddy-Kwame??????


Who-Gee have to be fair....if you allow PPP boys & Girls to enjoy, practice and encourage Buggery & Sexual will have to allow the PNC & APNU boys & Girls to enjoy, practice and encourage.


  AFC members do not practice, encourage or play Buggery & Sexual Abuse ...... so AFC do not have that Problem like PPP & PNC.



  You-gee .....Now....both PPP & PNC are SICK minds.


Is the lolo he want, it is the lolo he wants.


Kishan is right.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

 Who-Gee who is to be Blamed if Buggery & Sexual Abuse is practiced and encouraged since 1999.


Come on you ..... let us examine the Nastiness by these Crab Louse.


 Who-Gee would you support the Jailing for Sharma and yuh-buddy-Kwame??????


Who-Gee have to be fair....if you allow PPP boys & Girls to enjoy, practice and encourage Buggery & Sexual will have to allow the PNC & APNU boys & Girls to enjoy, practice and encourage.


  AFC members do not practice, encourage or play Buggery & Sexual Abuse ...... so AFC do not have that Problem like PPP & PNC.



  You-gee .....Now....both PPP & PNC are SICK minds.


Is the lolo he want, it is the lolo he wants.


Kishan is right.....

Since Jagdeo became president, he attracted all the buggerers to the PPP.


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