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Sunday Stabroek does some psycho analysis on the patients at Freedom House following a PPP release last week in which they warned ‘Granger (is)ready to make the Demerara River run red with blood if he is elected President,’

“One was only left to wonder’ the editorial states “if they “were suffering from a rare psychological disorder whereby they believed themselves displaced and living in Syria or some other such benighted country, rather than in Guyana.”  It also points out that Blackie was not part of the jail break and the youth killed in Agricola was not a criminal as another strange PPP document asserted. (Word is these paranoid and fictional ramblings were the creation of a senior GINA operative)

“Even propaganda requires at a minimum, a measure of correspondence to reality, otherwise it will simply be dismissed out of hand.” Codswallop is the conclusion.

The Times describes its version of the AFC’s history as part of its stalker journalism of the party, although they do make some points including that the AFC having abandoned “even the fig-leaf of “racial rotational leadership” is now being pushed into being a more Indian Guyanese led party as it targets its message to disaffected PPP supporters.

Freddie riffs on his multi-cultural upbringing and tastes from Barry White, Heidegger to Al Pacino…the point being”  “This is my evolution and it didn’t allow me to think about loyalty to race and culture. I honestly believe that it is the power of race inside the mind of Guyanese that allowed Africans to stick with the authoritarian excesses of Forbes Burnham. Today Indians who screamed and cried victimization from the first day of PNC rule to its last moment in power, are barefacedly silent on the very things the PPP is doing that they criticized the PNC for.”  He also has a letter where he takes on “the lunatic” Shaun Samaroo 

Dem Boys Seh make it official “De Waterfalls boss man believe that he one-time friend, Donald Lamatar Duck was a man who had a good mind.”

And Ralph Ramkarran takes a stab at humour in his Conversation Tee blog envisaging a floating car park for Georgetown.

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