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Public invited to make submissions on

telecoms sector reforms

February 9, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Work has begun in earnest by Parliament to reform the telecommunications sector with a special committee yesterday extending a public invitation for submissions that could see the legislations tweaked even more. In a notice yesterday in Kaieteur News, Parliament said that it would be advisable that the submission address or speak specifically to or clearly outline those segments of the bills that are of interest to interested parties.

A special select committee of Parliament has opened the doors for submissions to be made on new laws that will open the telecoms sector.

A special select committee of Parliament has opened the doors for submissions to be made on new laws that will open the telecoms sector.


The Special Select Committee that has been appointed will even conduct oral submissions, the notice said. “Further, your submission should indicate whether you/your organization wishes to appear before the Committee to present and answer any queries the Committee may have with regard to your written submissions.” The legislations are critical, from a Government perspective, for opening the telecoms sector to new players. Several new players including E-Networks, Quark Communications and Global Technology, are said to be waiting for the new laws to enter the market. At the head of the line are current mobile providers, Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) and Digicel Guyana. The former has the monopoly on landline and international calls. Government had reportedly moved to break the monopoly but GT&T, largely owned by a US company, had objected strongly. Government has been consulting with both GT&T and Digicel in the last year on the issue. The two Bbills sitting before the special select committee are Public Utilities Commission (Amendment) Bill 2012 and Telecommunications Bill 2012. The Public Utilities Commission (Amendment) Bill seeks to amend the Public Utilities Commission Act, while the Telecommunications Bill is geared to pave the way for the  establishment of the Telecommunications Agency and “for a regular, coordinated, open and competitive telecommunications sector and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith,” according to the notice yesterday. Already, the public submissions deadline is February 26. Copies of the Bills are available at the Parliament Office with submissions are to be addressed to the Clerk of the Committee or to an email –

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