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Scores of Guyanese including workers on Tuesday staged a protest outside parliament, denouncing the combined opposition of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC) proposal to slash the 2012 national Budget by a whopping GY$26B, mainly for agencies under the Offices of the president and Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance.

The protesters called on the AFC/APNU to trash the plan which force hundreds on the breadline.

Among the slogans the protesters are “NCN Budget cuts mean no learning channel for our children”, “opposition jealous for PPP government workaholism must stop”, ” AFC/APNU why do you want to close the Integrity Commission”, ” more cuts, more expenses, higher GPL bills’ among others.

There has been major outpouring from across the country from public servants and other citizens condemning the proposed cuts as it will have serious implications on national development.

Earlier Monday berbicians, inclusive of Sugar workers, staged a protest outside the APNU and FAC berbice offices calling for them to trashed the motions to cut the budget by GY$26B.

The pressure for the public led to a deferral of the considerations of the estimates for the Offices of the president and prime Minister and the Finance ministry until Wednesday as talks between APNU, AFC and the Government continues.



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Let me get this...the economy is so strong, the Jagdeo fire wall is up functioning but cutting three ministries of their fat will cause an economic collapse?


I forgot...ramsammy wants money, 4 billion with no obligation to say how he will spend it to rescue the sugar industry knowing fully well it was ruined by mismanagement.


He gets no money unless he has a plan or the AFC will simply stick the subsidy in your craw by demanding it actually goes directly as unemployment compensation for the sugar workers you suckers put out of work by mismanagement! 15 million US can go a long way to putting food on their table than in the PPP pocket.




Politics is partisan by definition; those intending good for the polis and those intending bad, those intending to pillage the demos and those ensuring their rights are preserved.


The only bread or rather only the plutocratic feast of caviar, cheese and wine is at an end.


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