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A flagship project of the APNU+AFC government appears to have been ended with the discontinuation of operations at the Bertram Collins Staff College.

Stabroek News understands that following the graduation of fourth batch of students from the College in December there has been no new recruitment and the 25 members of staff on Friday received letters terminating their services.

Stabroek News reached out to Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag for a comment on the situation and was told that the issue would be publicly addressed after the presentation of the 2021 Budget to the National Assembly.

“I prefer not to comment on it. I prefer to speak on it after the budget has been read,” Parag said.

Her shadow on the Opposition benches Tabitha Sarabo-Halley was however quick to condemn the move.

According to Sarabo-Halley, the closure “is a reprehensible act of political spite and malice.”

“The closure of the Bertram Collins College of the Public Service is a clear indication that the PPP regime has no interest in a professional public service and no interest in the structured and planned preparation of ambitious young people for a career in the public service,” she said in a statement released yesterday.

The former minister went on to claim that “it is obvious is in spite of the PPP’s rhetoric, their only interest is in a politicized public service that they can emasculate, manipulate and control.”

The statement ended with a call for “right-thinking Guyanese to raise their voices against the targeting and suppression of the Guyana public service.”

The Bertram Collins Staff College was an initiative of former President David Granger who hailed its establishment as a response to a recommendation from the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service for a professionally trained public sector.

Located at Ogle it offered a one-year course of study in areas such as Information Technology, Accounting, Budgeting, and the Legal System in Guyana, Language, Communication, Politics and International Relations.

In its first year there were 31 administrative and academic staff led by Senior Executive Director Col (ret’d) Lawrence Paul.

During the first graduation ceremony in 2017 Paul had announced that a permanent campus would be built at the Ogle location with a US$10M grant from the Government of China. This sum was also expected to cover the furnishing of what was to be a state-of-the-art college.

Paul had also informed that the bill governing the College was ratified by the Ministry of Legal Affairs and would be tabled in the National Assembly at its first sitting in 2018. The bill was expected to pave the way for the college becoming an autonomous entity.

Additionally he said that accreditation for the college from the University of Guyana was being pursued at the same time efforts are being made to satisfy the many requirements for accreditation standards

The bill was not tabled before the December 2018 no confidence motion toppled the APNU+AFC government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What do they teach at the college?

It was a school for blacks only.

The Government has a right to close the college because it was a waste of time.  They teach you to answer the phones and greet people when they go to the government offices.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do they teach at the college?

It was a school for blacks only.

The Government has a right to close the college because it was a waste of time.  They teach you to answer the phones and greet people when they go to the government offices.

You asked a question then answered it, more than likely,wrong. You also say the school is for blacks only, I see other races there. It is like saying the GDF is for blacks only. Who do you blame if Indos are not interested in those fields, the blacks, the govt.?

@cain posted:

You asked a question then answered it, more than likely,wrong. You also say the school is for blacks only, I see other races there. It is like saying the GDF is for blacks only. Who do you blame if Indos are not interested in those fields, the blacks, the govt.?

People like you. You are missing the point.  The school is a waste of time.  The GDF is for those idiots who didn't make it as teachers and civil servants and to a certain extent the GPF.

@Ramakant-P posted:

People like you. You are missing the point.  The school is a waste of time.  The GDF is for those idiots who didn't make it as teachers and civil servants and to a certain extent the GPF.

Should we now say the same for canecutters, fishwomen, market vendors???  It is possible most have the same mentality as you do or they just don't have the baltz?

@Ramakant-P posted:

People like you. You are missing the point.  The school is a waste of time.  The GDF is for those idiots who didn't make it as teachers and civil servants and to a certain extent the GPF.

Is there a school for your kind of Idiots?


"The school is a response to a recommendation from the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service for a professionally trained public service".So as to avoid the PPP/c giving jobs to ignorant cane-cutters who support them at election time.and keep them informed on what is going on in the civil or public (?) service!

Isn't there a requirement that you have to pass in  certain scholastic subjects before you can get a job in the civil (or public?) service anymore? Aren't these people the ones selected for training at the Bertram Collins College? I would think that having passed in certain subjects, these are the people who would be selected for training as passing in certain subjects in.scholastic exams wouldn't be enough!

So, enlighten me, uh, Mr. Kant, please!

@Ramakant-P posted:

People like you. You are missing the point.  The school is a waste of time.  The GDF is for those idiots who didn't make it as teachers and civil servants and to a certain extent the GPF.

How come they rejected you with your impeccable qualifications as a certified idiot, first class? Bribery failed, huh? Hahahahaha......

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do they teach at the college?

It was a school for blacks only.

The Government has a right to close the college because it was a waste of time.  They teach you to answer the phones and greet people when they go to the government offices.

And even those skills Jagdeo's supporters would fail at!

Just imagine: The phone rings and a kant picks it up! "Is whuh yuh waant?" "Who?" "Nobaddy hay naim suh! Yuh mus bee gat de wraang numbah!" "Who?" "Whuh yuh seh? Me nah kno ennybaadee naim suh! Yuh tink dis iz de teleefohn eggschainj? Guh kaall dem an fine.owt dis puhsun yuh lookin fer! We int gaat no tyme fuh dah hare!" Dis (sotto voce to another idiot: iz whuh ministree we iz agayne? Publik wurks? Gud! Ah gun tell dis dam fule) iz de Publik Wurkin Ministree! Yuh want sum adur plase! Axe de telefon eggschanj!" Wham! He hangs up!

Please somebody, improve on.this! Let's have some fun with the wise uh, Mr. Kant!

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do they teach at the college?

It was a school for blacks only.

The Government has a right to close the college because it was a waste of time.  They teach you to answer the phones and greet people when they go to the government offices.

If you read the article you would have seen in the 11th paragraph ie: Accounting, IT, Budgeting.....

@Former Member posted:

And even those skills Jagdeo's supporters would fail at!

Just imagine: The phone rings and a kant picks it up! "Is whuh yuh waant?" "Who?" "Nobaddy hay naim suh! Yuh mus bee gat de wraang numbah!" "Who?" "Whuh yuh seh? Me nah kno ennybaadee naim suh! Yuh tink dis iz de teleefohn eggschainj? Guh kaall dem an fine.owt dis puhsun yuh lookin fer! We int gaat no tyme fuh dah hare!" Dis (sotto voce to another idiot: iz whuh ministree we iz agayne? Publik wurks? Gud! Ah gun tell dis dam fule) iz de Publik Wurkin Ministree! Yuh want sum adur plase! Axe de telefon eggschanj!" Wham! He hangs up!

Please somebody, improve on.this! Let's have some fun with the wise uh, Mr. Kant!

That is your language, Mr. Chuppisness.

@Totaram posted:

Why do you guys seriously respond to trash from people who don't read articles and pontificate as if they understand an issue?  Chupidness na gat cure should be the standard response.

Nobody can talk trash like you, stupid boy or is it Mr. Chupidness? That's your name isn't it?

@Ramakant-P posted:

That is your language, Mr. Chuppisness.

Totaram's 'chupidness', kant! You can't even copy right! Of course, Totaram doesn't have any copyright on the word! Not when you have exclusive descriptive rights on yourself!

@Former Member posted:

Totaram's 'chupidness', kant! You can't even copy right! Of course, Totaram doesn't have any copyright on the word! Not when you have exclusive descriptive rights on yourself!

You are no better than him.  Why are you so stupid? I think you mistook me for your mama.  You are an anti-man who thinks that you can get Tota, Mr, Chupidness, pregnant.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

You are no better than him.  Why are you so stupid? I think you mistook me for your mama.  You are an anti-man who thinks that you can get Tota, Mr, Chupidness, pregnant.

Now behave yourself, kant! You KNOW you tried to walk like my.mother but failed because you were more effeminate than her! How could I ever mistake you for her? And further, servicing your needs once doesn't make .me an auntie man! If even if I yield to your financial temptations again! You're not tight enough!

@Former Member posted:

Now behave yourself, kant! You KNOW you tried to walk like my.mother but failed because you were more effeminate than her! How could I ever mistake you for her? And further, servicing your needs once doesn't make .me an auntie man! If even if I yield to your financial temptations again! You're not tight enough!

How stupid are you?  You are trying to dodge the bullet.


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