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Former Member

Public Service wage talks to begin Wednesday; union eyes 40 percent hike


Public sector wage and salary negotiations are set to commence for the first time in many years, with the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) aiming for a 40 percent increase.

GPSU President, Patrick Yarde, however; expressed concern that no mention was made in government’s invitation to discuss an increase in allowances that is  overdue for at least 20 years. Yarde said he has since formally sought an “immediate” explanation from Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

The talks are scheduled for Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 10 AM. Leading government’s delegation will be Permanent Secretary, Ministry of the Presidency, Reginald Brotherson. This is in keeping with a 2015 general election campaign promise that there would be real collective bargaining between government and the GPSU.

The union also wants a reintroduction of the incremement system and de-bunching to cater for blurred increases outside the established salary bands.

“Tomorrow’s meeting is at the invitation of the govern  and they have indicated what they would like to discuss. We have sought clarification because we feel the discussions ought to be much wider and perhaps coming to a speedy conclusion about this important aspect of remuneration generally,” said Yarde.

The GPSU boss said he also wants government to provide details about
GYD $6 billion that have been allocated in the 2016 National Budget for other employment costs.

The GPSU reiterated its desire for a wages policy and multi-year agreement.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr.T posted:

Is the government looking at slashing the workforce by40% in order to fund such a demand? I can't see how else it can be achieved.

Do you pretend to so gullible or you really are?  If the PNC ministers forgo their 50% raises they can easily provide 40% to the workers. Note that they took care of their own pockets and told their supporters to take a hike. 


The 40 percent demand is not reasonable. The government increased public servants' salaries two times since the May 2015 general elections. But I suppose the PSU is reasoning that if the government could have afforded up to 50 percent hike for ministers and parliamentarians, it should be able to afford 40 percent for public servants.

I had already expressed disfavor with that premature 50 percent increase for APNU+AFC and PPP big shots. Anyway, trade unions customarily start negotiations with big numbers and after haggling they settle for a lesser percentage increase. So, realistically, the current talks may conclude with around 20 percent gain for the workers.


Yarde said that there was no indication from the government that they intend to discuss any salary increases at this meeting. This meeting may be more about establishing a threat.

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

Is the government looking at slashing the workforce by40% in order to fund such a demand? I can't see how else it can be achieved.

You are not capable to see the feces on your face!!!


Also what Guyanese must be vigilant about is the public service being a vehicle to reward PNC supporters. We observed the purging of Indians from the public service the moment the PNC took office.  Now they are looking for large salary increases. Who will pay for these increases? The tax payers of course, of which the Indian population contribute the most taxes via spending, remittance etc. It is clearly a redistribution of wealth that we are now observing, from Indians to Blacks.  

Drugb posted:

Also what Guyanese must be vigilant about is the public service being a vehicle to reward PNC supporters. We observed the purging of Indians from the public service the moment the PNC took office.  Now they are looking for large salary increases. Who will pay for these increases? The tax payers of course, of which the Indian population contribute the most taxes via spending, remittance etc. It is clearly a redistribution of wealth that we are now observing, from Indians to Blacks.  

Most are tax evaders,bribers and don't declare their true income.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Also what Guyanese must be vigilant about is the public service being a vehicle to reward PNC supporters. We observed the purging of Indians from the public service the moment the PNC took office.  Now they are looking for large salary increases. Who will pay for these increases? The tax payers of course, of which the Indian population contribute the most taxes via spending, remittance etc. It is clearly a redistribution of wealth that we are now observing, from Indians to Blacks.  

Most are tax evaders,bribers and don't declare their true income.

At least these Indians have an income. Can you say that of most negroes?

Gilbakka posted:

The 40 percent demand is not reasonable. The government increased public servants' salaries two times since the May 2015 general elections. But I suppose the PSU is reasoning that if the government could have afforded up to 50 percent hike for ministers and parliamentarians, it should be able to afford 40 percent for public servants.

I had already expressed disfavor with that premature 50 percent increase for APNU+AFC and PPP big shots. Anyway, trade unions customarily start negotiations with big numbers and after haggling they settle for a lesser percentage increase. So, realistically, the current talks may conclude with around 20 percent gain for the workers.

Such an increase would also increase inflation and not be possible due to lack of funds. The government would have to raise taxes etc. And Guyana would be joining its neighbours in an economic collapse. We are one of the few countries on the mainland that are not getting worse economically right now. But that aside, why do Guyanese workers want US and European wages for working far fewer hours.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Also what Guyanese must be vigilant about is the public service being a vehicle to reward PNC supporters. We observed the purging of Indians from the public service the moment the PNC took office.  Now they are looking for large salary increases. Who will pay for these increases? The tax payers of course, of which the Indian population contribute the most taxes via spending, remittance etc. It is clearly a redistribution of wealth that we are now observing, from Indians to Blacks.  

Most are tax evaders,bribers and don't declare their true income.

Well, you tell me where the money will come from. Who owns the businesses, other than the government the Indians are the biggest employers.

Mr.T posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The 40 percent demand is not reasonable. The government increased public servants' salaries two times since the May 2015 general elections. But I suppose the PSU is reasoning that if the government could have afforded up to 50 percent hike for ministers and parliamentarians, it should be able to afford 40 percent for public servants.

I had already expressed disfavor with that premature 50 percent increase for APNU+AFC and PPP big shots. Anyway, trade unions customarily start negotiations with big numbers and after haggling they settle for a lesser percentage increase. So, realistically, the current talks may conclude with around 20 percent gain for the workers.

Such an increase would also increase inflation and not be possible due to lack of funds. The government would have to raise taxes etc. And Guyana would be joining its neighbours in an economic collapse. We are one of the few countries on the mainland that are not getting worse economically right now. But that aside, why do Guyanese workers want US and European wages for working far fewer hours.

. We are one of the few countries on the mainland that are not getting worse economically right now.


Ha, HA, HA. how much worst can we get???

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Also what Guyanese must be vigilant about is the public service being a vehicle to reward PNC supporters. We observed the purging of Indians from the public service the moment the PNC took office.  Now they are looking for large salary increases. Who will pay for these increases? The tax payers of course, of which the Indian population contribute the most taxes via spending, remittance etc. It is clearly a redistribution of wealth that we are now observing, from Indians to Blacks.  

Most are tax evaders,bribers and don't declare their true income.

What evidence do you have to make such scurrilous remarks?  This is the ammunition that CaribJ et al use to further demonize the Indo Guyanese to the rest of the Caribbean. Do you know if the Black business people small and large are not evading taxes too?

kp posted:
Mr.T posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The 40 percent demand is not reasonable. The government increased public servants' salaries two times since the May 2015 general elections. But I suppose the PSU is reasoning that if the government could have afforded up to 50 percent hike for ministers and parliamentarians, it should be able to afford 40 percent for public servants.

I had already expressed disfavor with that premature 50 percent increase for APNU+AFC and PPP big shots. Anyway, trade unions customarily start negotiations with big numbers and after haggling they settle for a lesser percentage increase. So, realistically, the current talks may conclude with around 20 percent gain for the workers.

Such an increase would also increase inflation and not be possible due to lack of funds. The government would have to raise taxes etc. And Guyana would be joining its neighbours in an economic collapse. We are one of the few countries on the mainland that are not getting worse economically right now. But that aside, why do Guyanese workers want US and European wages for working far fewer hours.

. We are one of the few countries on the mainland that are not getting worse economically right now.


Ha, HA, HA. how much worst can we get???

Try Venezuela to see how worse it can get.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Also what Guyanese must be vigilant about is the public service being a vehicle to reward PNC supporters. We observed the purging of Indians from the public service the moment the PNC took office.  Now they are looking for large salary increases. Who will pay for these increases? The tax payers of course, of which the Indian population contribute the most taxes via spending, remittance etc. It is clearly a redistribution of wealth that we are now observing, from Indians to Blacks.  

Most are tax evaders,bribers and don't declare their true income.

What evidence do you have to make such scurrilous remarks?  This is the ammunition that CaribJ et al use to further demonize the Indo Guyanese to the rest of the Caribbean. Do you know if the Black business people small and large are not evading taxes too?

Banna get real,most of the business fellas in GT are not above board.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Bribers??  Dont they give money away???  Evading taxes is holding on to your money.  I am confuse!!!!

You will never learn,lot's of business cheat the system

This is why VAT was implemented!  

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Bribers??  Dont they give money away???  Evading taxes is holding on to your money.  I am confuse!!!!

You will never learn,lot's of business cheat the system

This is why VAT was implemented!  

Bhai they cheating that too.

Last edited by Django

The PNC opened pandora's box with the big salary increases.  Now everyone want in on the loot. They heard of the USD 1.5 bil reserve left by the PPP.  Now in typical PNC style, they will start slicing and dicing the goose and come tomorrow they will get hungry and still expect an egg!!

The economy will soon grow top heavy with Govt perks and go belly-up as they squeeze and shrink Indian base.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Bribers??  Dont they give money away???  Evading taxes is holding on to your money.  I am confuse!!!!

You will never learn,lot's of business cheat the system

This is why VAT was implemented!  

Bhai they cheating that too.

I hope you realize that since PPP gone there are no more thieves in the country.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Bribers??  Dont they give money away???  Evading taxes is holding on to your money.  I am confuse!!!!

You will never learn,lot's of business cheat the system

This is why VAT was implemented!  

Bhai they cheating that too.

I hope you realize that since PPP gone there are no more thieves in the country.

Who seh suh,look at city hall.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Naaaah, I don't believe anybody in this coalition government would thief anything.  These are honest, hardworking visionaries!

Them old farts wants piece of the pie,them s......t deh pun last lap and still waan fuh thief.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Naaaah, I don't believe anybody in this coalition government would thief anything.  These are honest, hardworking visionaries!

Them old farts wants piece of the pie,them s......t deh pun last lap and still waan fuh thief.

Dem gat pickney and grand pickney and a lil sidekick dulahin fuh tek care. This is the one opportunity to create a generational shift in family fortunes.  PNC boys have been salivating since all the heavy lifting was done by the PPP.  


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