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Public Works estimates approved after careful consideration


Georgetown, GINA, April 20, 2012

Source - GINA


Public Works Minister Robeson Benn defending the estimates and expenditures for his ministry


The more than $19.2B which has been allocated for the improvement of the country’s physical infrastructure and which will encompass works under roads and bridges, air and river transport and sea and river defence, after careful consideration was approved today in the National Assembly.


The approval followed after a lengthy period of questioning by members of the opposition.


A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU’s) MP, Joe Harmon asked Public Works Minister Robeson Benn to explain why the allocation remains the same as last year’s for clerical and office support staff under ‘Ministry Administration’ although reduced to more than 25%.  Minister Benn replied that the reduction was as a result of people being removed from staffing, and the figures remained the same as the 8% increase granted by Government was factored in.


Responding to the question as to why the allocation for subsidies and contribution to local organisations increased, he explained that a fuel subsidy was being made to the Transport and Harbour Department in the allocated sum.


APNU’s, MP Volda Lawrence continued to question Minister Benn on the said allocation asking about the fleet size and when last an audited report of T&HD was done and submitted to the House.


Minister Benn in responding indicated the motor vessel fleet comprises eight, two of which will be replaced by the new roll-on/roll-off vessels.


He further explained that fuel price has significantly increased and the vessel was moved from the Berbice passage to the Essequibo passage which sees higher fuel operational cost. Additionally, the last time T&HD’s record was audited was in 2003; however an audit is currently underway for the period 2005-2010, after which the report will be laid in the House.


Deputy Speaker and Opposition MP Deborah Backer questioned the Public Works allocations for Sea Defence. Minister Benn informed the Honourable Member that all districts will undergo maintenance works which are significant.


APNU’s MP Basil Williams, noting the allocation, question what works will be executed on the East Coast to which Minister Benn explained that the allocation will see the continuation of basic maintenance works and, work will continue on the four-lane extension project.


Responding to the question of the amount allocated for electricity charges, asked by MP Backer, Minister Benn explained that the allocation pays the bill for street and traffic lights.


Minister Benn, having been asked why there was an increase in travel and subsistence by MP Annette Ferguson, indicated that the amount provides for Electrical Inspectors and the Inspectorate Division, who travel countrywide in the execution of their duties.


Responding to the question asked by Alliance for Change MPs Trevor Williams and Moses Nagamootoo and APNU’s MP Joe Harmon, the Public Works Minister indicated that the allocation of $2.3B will see the entire length of 205km Amaila access road completed, which will be improved to withstand up to 120 metric tonnes of pressure.

MP Nagamootoo asked the Public Works Minister, what action was taken by the Ministry against Synergy Holdings Inc., the firm which was contracted initially to construct the road, as he believes that the project was a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Minister Benn objected to the statement and informed the House that the Ministry had levied on the company’s store bond and in that process seized its equipment. The company is being sued for approximately US$1.2M, which is currently engaging the attention of the courts.

Several other questions were posed to the Public Works Minister on a number of projects, and apt answers were provided.


The more than $19.2B allocation will see $11.8B being invested to sustain and improve the country’s roads and bridges network of which $964M will be spent on bridges and $10.9B on roads.

“Of this amount, $1.3B will be expended on the completion of 30.5 km of all weather roads in Black Bush Polder, East and West Canje…$2.2B for the upgrade, modernisation and expansion of the Four Lane Access Road to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), the Sheriff/Mandela Roadway…$5.5B is allocated to construct, rehabilitate and maintain urban, rural, community, and hinterland roads…$2.4B for the upgrade of 85 km of existing roads and construction of 110 km of virgin roads from Mabura Hill Road to Amaila Falls…$545M for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 20 critical structures from Belladrum to Rosignol, and for the rehabilitation of pontoons and cluster piles to extend the life of the Demerara Harbour Bridge,” Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh had stated during the Budget presentation on March 30. .


Additionally, $4.5B will go towards the upgrade, expansion and modernisation of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Timehri, which will see the construction of a new airport terminal, ramp and parking lot facilities amongst others, with significant investments being made on the hinterland airstrips.


The sum of $2.9B will be invested to improve the stability of natural and man-made sea defence structures for the protection of coastland and riverain areas under the sea and river defence programme.


River and sea defence has an allocation of $2.9B and will cater for critical and emergency works in Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the replanting, restoration and protection of 10 km of mangrove is targeted for Regions 2, 3 and 4.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

MP Nagamootoo asked the Public Works Minister, what action was taken by the Ministry against Synergy Holdings Inc., the firm which was contracted initially to construct the road, as he believes that the project was a waste of taxpayers’ money.


Minister Benn objected to the statement and informed the House that the Ministry had levied on the company’s store bond and in that process seized its equipment. The company is being sued for approximately US$1.2M, which is currently engaging the attention of the courts.





Like you think there is something wrong with being rich Henry. They had to take the investment capital risk so they could have become poorer.  I hope you are not thinking like a Marxist Leninist that all rich people are bad.

Last edited by Prashad

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