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Public Works Ministry embarks on major drainage works in the city: affected areas expected to be drained out in three days

Monday, 2 December 2013, GINA, Source


The Ministry Public Works on Friday embarked on a major exercise designed to alleviate drainage problems in Georgetown, especially in the Lodge, Charlestown, Wortmanville, Albouystown and Queenstown areas.

The clean-up entailed clearing of blocked drains, and removal of vegetation and garbage from the heavily blocked drainage canals.


Some of the items to be removed from the Charlestown area

Some of the items to be removed from the Charlestown area


Workers cleaning the drains in the Sussex Street, Charlestown area

Workers cleaning the drains in the Sussex Street, Charlestown area


This move comes in the wake of the heavy downpour on November 27 that caused flooding in parts of the city and in Regions 2 (Pomeroon/Supenaam) and 3 (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara). The rainfall which was recorded at the Botanical Gardens measured 128.9mm or 5.1 inches, the highest in the City since 1892.

Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn who was on site at Sussex Street today during the exercise, said the  ministry has four emergency teams working in particular areas of South Georgetown.

“It’s an additional effort because we have so much of vegetation and garbage all over the city …barring not much more rain, we anticipate that we will get those areas drained out in three days’ time,” he pointed out.

He said that the ministry has installed pumps in Queenstown and Lodge, and it was anticipated that more pumps would be installed.

Benn also added that the ministry will be obtaining two long-reach excavators to assist in alleviating the drainage problems in the city, and will engage persons to remove impediments-especially scrap iron- that will cause any obstruction to clearing of the drains.

This, Minister Benn said, complements what the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development is doing to address the issue of solid waste in the city.


Public Works Ministry embarks on major drainage works in the city: – affected areas expected to be drained out in three days

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Public Works Ministry embarks on major drainage works in the city: - affested areas expected to be drained out in three days

The clean-up entailed clearing of blocked drains, and removal of vegetation and garbage from the heavily blocked drainage canals.

It will be seen, yet again, that the canals will be refilled within two to three weeks and Georgetown City Council will neglect to address the issues.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Great work by OUR GOVT. GOD BLESS THE GOVT OF GUYANA.  What is the purpose of the GT City Council???

We have to start giving medals every time the government does something that the taxpayers pays for. I don't know since when we have one Guyana for Indians and another for blacks. Please explain that to me? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
We have to start giving medals every time the government does something that the taxpayers pays for.

The specific issues are the responsibility of the Local Government, i.e., Georgetown's Mayor and Council.


It's public knowledge that the PPP starves Georgetown of money and resources because they don't get much votes there. Their cronies who live in the city also do not pay real estate taxes so how can the MCC have money to do anything? They will subsidize the sugar industry with billions even though Guysuco cannot make a profit because votes are coming from there. Why can't they hold local government elections for decades now? They should have dug out those clogged drainage canals before the floods, not afterwards. They love to do these emergency works after the place has flooded because the contractors do not have to go through any procurement process. It's kickbacks galore. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Public Works Ministry embarks on major drainage works in the city: - affested areas expected to be drained out in three days

The clean-up entailed clearing of blocked drains, and removal of vegetation and garbage from the heavily blocked drainage canals.

It will be seen, yet again, that the canals will be refilled within two to three weeks and Georgetown City Council will neglect to address the issues.

You said DG. The plastic and styrofoam containers are eye cause a lot of drainage problems. In Skeldon, the town council clean these main drains regularly. I have seen the litter in the canals.


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