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Public Works sector performed creditably in 2014, despite challenges - Minister Benn

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, January 16, 2015, Source - GINA


Public Works Minister Robeson Benn and heads of the various departments under the Ministry’s purview at the press conference to review the progress of the sector in 2014

Public Works Minister Robeson Benn and heads of the various departments under the Ministry’s purview at the press conference to review the progress of the sector in 2014


The hard and diligent work of staffers of the Ministry of Public Works and other sister agencies were lauded by subject Minister, Robeson Benn who stated that the achievements in 2014 were creditable amidst challenges.


During a press conference at the Ministry’s Work Services Group, Kingston today, to review the Ministry’s 2014 performance, Minister Benn said in spite of the many challenges faced, the Ministry and its other agencies were able to execute their work at a satisfactory level. 


“On balance we have had a creditable and satisfactory performance in spite of certain great challenges we had in 2014.”


Speaking of some of the challenges, Minster Benn noted that there were discussions on shortage of materials including stone, steel and many of the aspects associated with works carried out by the Ministry and contractors.


“The rise in prices of those materials, the impact of weather and all those issues, but I would say at the overall level, I have to thank the President and the Cabinet in terms of working with us.”


Noting that there were criticisms from every section of society including some sections of the media, consideration must be given to what was achieved even in the face of the budget cuts.


“There was a period when there was an all pervading sense of indecision, doubts and lack of assertiveness with respect to the work that the Ministry and it agencies do, and I believe that right across the government and the country too.”


Minister Benn added that the fact that the Ministry and its agencies were able to carry out most of the work speaks volumes for the workers.


He noted that there were additions during the year in terms of the works carried out by the Ministry as their portfolio was increased in terms of the money to be spent.


“In spite of the cuts, in spite of the increase of the work load, and in an environment where there was an imposition of doubt and lack of willingness to execute and a sense of maybe not proceeding, arising out of the issues in the National Assembly which occurred, I think our performance has been creditable and satisfactory.”


In 2014, at the policy level, particular attention was paid to the issue of developing national capability in all the things that are undertaken by the Ministry and its agencies.


“This is a policy position that we have taken. It has resulted in our training and encouraging and taking on as staffers. At all agencies we have trained in all sectors, but critically with respect to creating, developing and facilitating a thorough going, safe, efficient sustainable national heavy construction contracting capability.”


He added that there were some difficulties with respect to national contractors, those who are involved with sea defence and major road projects including, the East Coast and East Bank road projects.


“We have been wrestling giving all the other issues with respect to developing our contractors and having Guyanese contracting firms do the work which otherwise would have been put out there in the international market for foreigners to do.”


The Minister noted that when Guyanese firms develop the capabilities and are facilitated, it redounds to the benefit of the nation as the money is spent locally and provides a stronger stimulant and energises the economy.


“So the policy position we have taken with respect to fostering, facilitating, and developing our national contracting capability is a significant one, and one which we have been pursuing.”


Along with that, Minister Benn said the Ministry had the challenges of working along with the national contractors with respect to executing in the way the Ministry wants projects to be done in an internationally recognised way, with respect to safety, quality, efficiency, and timely delivery.


“We will continue to work in relation to improving the learning curve of those contracting firms, with respect to undertaking these projects because we have taken the leap of faith and we intend to make sure that Guyanese contracting firms at the level of major projects, will continue to do most of the work with respect to developing our national infrastructure for public works.”


Meanwhile according to the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Balraj Balram, the Ministry received a budgetary allocation of $17.483 B and incurred an expenditure of $15.041B.


This figure he said represents an 86.3% of overall expenditure with capital expenditure at 83.745 % and current at 99.78%. 

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