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Israel Won't Warn U.S. Before Strike On Iran: AP Source

KIMBERLY DOZIER 02/27/12 09:41 PM ET Associated Press

stumble WASHINGTON — Israeli officials say they won't warn the U.S. if they decide to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, according to one U.S. intelligence official familiar with the discussions. The pronouncement, delivered in a series of private, top-level conversations, sets a tense tone ahead of meetings in the coming days at the White House and Capitol Hill.

Israeli officials said that if they eventually decide a strike is necessary, they would keep the Americans in the dark to decrease the likelihood that the U.S. would be held responsible for failing to stop Israel's potential attack. The U.S. has been working with the Israelis for months to persuade them that an attack would be only a temporary setback to Iran's nuclear program.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak delivered the message to a series of top-level U.S. visitors to the country, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the White House national security adviser and the director of national intelligence, and top U.S. lawmakers, all trying to close the trust gap between Israel and the U.S. over how to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Netanyahu delivered the same message to all the Americans who have traveled to Israel for talks, the U.S. official said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive strategic negotiations.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment, and the Pentagon and Office of Director of National Intelligence declined to comment, as did the Israeli Embassy.

Iran claims its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, but the International Atomic Energy Agency has raised alarms that its uranium enrichment program might be a precursor to building nuclear weapons. The US has said it does not know whether the government has decided to weaponize its nuclear material and put it on a missile or other delivery device.

The secret warning is likely to worry US officials and begin the high level meetings with Israel and the US far apart on how to handle Iran.

But the apparent decision to keep the U.S. in the dark also stems from Israel's frustration with the White House. After a visit by National Security Adviser Tom Donilon in particular, they became convinced the Americans would neither take military action, nor go along with unilateral action by Israel against Iran. The Israelis concluded they would have to conduct a strike unilaterally – a point they are likely to hammer home in a series of meetings over the next two weeks in Washington, the official said.

Barak will meet with top administration and congressional officials during his visit. Netanyahu arrives in Washington for meetings with President Barack Obama next week.

The behind-the-scenes warning belies the publicly united front the two sides have attempted to craft with the shuttle diplomacy to each other's capitals.

"It's unprecedented outreach to Israel to make sure we are working together to develop the plan to deter Iran from developing a nuclear weapon," and to keep them from exporting terrorism, said Maryland Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee.

He traveled there with the intelligence committee chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., to meet Israel's prime minister and defense minister, along with other officials.

"We talked about the fact that sanctions are working and they are going to get a lot more aggressive," Ruppersberger added.

They also discussed talked about presenting a unified front to Iran, to counter the media reports that the two countries are at odds over how and when to attack Iran.

"We have to learn from North Korea. All those (peace) talks and stalling and they developed a nuclear weapon," he said. "We are going to send a message, enough is enough, the stalling is over. ... All options are on the table."

"I got the sense that Israel is incredibly serious about a strike on their nuclear weapons program," Rogers told CNN on Monday. "It's their calculus that the administration ... is not serious about a real military consequence to Iran moving forward.

"They believe they're going to have to make a decision on their own, given the current posture of the United States," he added.

U.S. intelligence and special operations officials have tried to keep a dialogue going with Israel, despite the high-level impasse, sharing with them options such as allowing Israel to use U.S. bases in the region from which to launch such a strike, as a way to make sure the Israelis give the Americans a heads-up, according to the U.S. official, and a former U.S. official with knowledge of the communications

Cooperation has improved on sharing of intelligence in the region, according to one current and one former U.S. official. Israel is providing key information on Syria for instance, now that the U.S. has closed its embassy and pulled out both its diplomats and intelligence officials stationed there, the U.S. official said.


AP National Security Writer Anne Gearan contributed to this report.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They also discussed talked about presenting a unified front to Iran, to counter the media reports that the two countries are at odds over how and when to attack Iran.

And this is what it is all about. Israel is the biggest bully in the Middle East and because they are left unabridged have been able to destroy others one at a time.

If we will stand united with Israel as they destroy every Middle Easter country one at a time, then the Middle Eastern countries should stand with each other to make sure that Israel doesn't destroy them because Israel being a bully will not stop until it is stopped and if Saudi Arabia thinks it is off limits, it is sadly mistaken because when Israel is ready for them, they will find us siding with Israel and not them. We will drop our friendship with them like a hot patato.

But unfortunately the people in the Middle East are their worst enemy not realizing that they have made the door wide open for Israel to continue its bullism.
Even before the Turkoman empire disintegrated in the early 1900s, the Sunnis and Shiites have been going at each other, and for purely religious reasons. The Sunnis think of Shiites as blaspheming Islam.

Israel was created by the same powers that drew up the arbitrary nation-state lines for the Arab countries. Iran is a Persian farsi-speaking pwople who do not consider themselves Arabs.

The point of the above is that we have to recognize a proxy war between the Sunni leaders (Saudi Arabia and Turkey) and the Iranians. The US wants non-proliferation, as is the UN. And especially in the Middle East, where the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is unresolved. The US's interest is to get a Israel and Palestine off of a war footing by having established borders, Jerusalem status settled, and repatriation questions resolved. It's other interest is to keep Iran honest in its declaration that its nuclear development is for peaceful purposes.

The US does not want a war right now - for both political and economic reasons. The Iranians also do not want one. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is the focus and this is where Netanyahu and the Likud will listen to their own people and the majority of Jews in the US who both also do not want Israel to be in a war.

Militarily the US is saying to the Israelis that the Iranians, even with the US Atomic Agency report that they're expanding nuclear material production, they are a couple of years away from weaponizing it, and that the sanctions may reverse Iran's bellicose ways.

So one has to see it more than Israeli bullying and the US tacit support for this bully. The Palestinians are fractured, and right now with the Arab Awakening still hot, Al Qaeda and Hamas are both backing rebels against Assad. Meantime the Saudis and Turkey may not mind hearing all this bellicose talks from Israel over Iran. This recent media hype over Israel bombing Iran may not amount to a hill of beans.

So Kaz and Chief, I'm not sure what's all the hype about.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
What many of you don't realize is that the Syrian problem is a Western generated military attempt to get planes and ships within striking distance of Iran. The Russians and Chinese know this.

Western generated military attempt?????

Conspiracy abounds. I guess that the Tunisian market vendor's self-immolation was trumped up as were the hundreds of thousands of Tahrir Square folks.
Originally posted by Bruddaman:
Should Isreal attack Iran it will automatically pull the US into the fracas and hence the economies of the world. This could be the worst decision in a century.

Its being reported that an Israeli strike would not be foretold so as to prevent a backlash against the US.

Now we all know that the real world does not operate in this manner. With the deeply-integrated military between the US and Israel, as well as Israel's formidable military industry infrastructure and technology there is no way the US would not know. But then again, like I said, this is all hype at the moment. The US has its nose in Intelligence sharing (even about its friends and allies), surveillance, recognizance, etc., so it is unlikely it would not know.
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
What many of you don't realize is that the Syrian problem is a Western generated military attempt to get planes and ships within striking distance of Iran. The Russians and Chinese know this.

Western generated military attempt?????

Conspiracy abounds. I guess that the Tunisian market vendor's self-immolation was trumped up as were the hundreds of thousands of Tahrir Square folks.

I suggest that you study military movements in the Middle East since operation desert storm. Only last year they used the same tactic against Libya. Let the locals start the fight, then get the UN to agree to Western military intervention.

Of course, as you are in the oil business you have vested interest in the Middle Eastern oil field and would deny at all cost that your views are not tied to any likely profits you would make over the dead bodies of those Middle Eastern victims.
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
This bhai Kari sounds like he is on the payroll of the particular agency that watches the world through the lens of a great country and makes decisions in the interest of that country and her allies. Big Grin

Just keeping it real Billy B...just keeping it real.


I wish it were different. The Israelis aren't going away, and the Palestinians need a proper country. The rest of the Arab world needs internal democracy, and the Iranians need to get on with their business and not worry that they are threatened to the point where they need a nuclear bomb - just give the youths the fruits of their endeavors.


If that madman Ahmadinejad want to destroy the world with nuclear weapons then he must be stopped. Israel is looking out for their own survival. Should Iran attain nuclear arms, Israel will be the first to be bombed. Israel sees the need to strike now before the bomb is achieved, the US and Europe want them to hold off and see if economic sanctions work. 


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