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March 1, 2016 Source


We have reached a point in Guyanese politics where it may be best for the preservation of our psychic integrity that we ignore the hypocritical tsunamis rushing into our homes from the mouth of every PPP leader. Every conceivable act of depravity in the annals of authoritarian politics the PPP leadership committed since its return to power in 1992.

Yet this political animal sees nothing morally repugnant in their action when they criticize the APNU-AFC regime for being undemocratic.The record of authoritarian output by the administrations of Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar were horrendous, but the PPP leadership addresses this nation and appeals to its people for support in 2016 as if the PPP leaders are strangers that must be welcomed to this land. The question is; what do we do about this hypocrisy? In many ways the PPP in opposition under its Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, and its General-Secretary, Clement Rohee, are damaging people’s faith in politics and there isn’t a damn thing the respective leadership of AFC and APNU can do about it.

How do people feel when they hear the PPP on the opposition benches in Parliament demanding fifty percent increase for public servants? How do people feel when they see GAWU urging sugar workers to strike because the sugar industry is being weakened by the present government? The shock may be too great for some when they realize that the people who are shaping this kind of confrontation with the Government have been in power for 23 years and only lost power nine months ago. If that isn’t mentally confusing to a non-political mind, then, what is?

There are only two ways for the Government and democratic forces to cope with this kind of incredible politics from the PPP. One lies in hope. It is hoped that the Guyanese people will ignore the barefaced demagoguery from the PPP and continue to see them as people who committed horrible depravities under Jagdeo’s hegemony.

The other way has to do with state activism. It has just been revealed that a judge investigating corruption has summoned former Argentina President, Christina Fernandez, before him. Here is the aspect of that case that should raise the curiosity of all Guyanese.  It is taken from Reuters; “An Argentine judge has summoned former President Cristina Fernandez for questioning in a probe into the sale of dollar future contracts at below market rates by the central bank just months before she handed over power in December.”

Doesn’t this remind you of Guyana under Jagdeo? Here is another quote from the same Reuters’ story:     “Under Fernandez, the central bank routinely sold dollar futures to prop up the peso, partly in an attempt to anchor double-digit inflation in Latin America’s No. 3 economy. Two lawmakers last October filed a complaint alleging that the price at which the contracts were sold constituted a serious financial loss for the state.”

Doesn’t this bring into sharp focus, the scandal of Pradovile 2? Let us juxtapose the two situations. The two Argentine Parliamentarians are saying that the Fernandez Government sold the dollar future contracts under market value thus the state lost money and person(s) got rich. In Guyana, state land was sold at an enormously low price, far, far below market value at Pradoville Two.

Enormous sums were spent to landscape the area, sums totaling 257 million Guyana dollars. There is a similar case before the Belizean court. By state activism, I mean the state’s exposure of and criminal investigation into corruption and abuse of power under Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar. It is only that direction that will probably cool down the torrid propaganda campaign that the PPP is currently on to fool its supporters and the Guyanese people that they are democratic.

If these leaders are charged based on evidence it will destroy the PPP. Not even the tip of the iceberg is showing. I was in Mr. Glenn Lall’s office and he looked at me and said, “Freddie, you think you know about the corruption that went on?” He was trying to say that we think we know but we haven’t seen anything yet.

What we haven’t seen should be shown to us by SOCU, SARU and the Government of Guyana. Time is moving on, the new government seems to have settled into office and it is obligatory of them to describe for the nation the Augean stables of corruption that weakened the resources of the state and strengthened the bank books of the cronies of the PPP’s hegemons.

Unless this government begins to prosecute big leaders of the past regime, the PPP will continue to show-off.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Freddie needs to stop campaigning.  May 11th is long gone and if he has not realized by now that the PPP is no longer running the country, then there is no hope for him.  This is a lame attempt to shift attention away from the incompetence and lack of vision of the PNC/GDF government.

Bibi Haniffa

Isn't this the new leader who less than a year ago said he will not repeat the excesses of the past?  Is this the image of the lifestyle of the people who said the treasury was left gutted and bare and the economy is shambles?  This is not even counting their fat salaries and perks they swindled!!  Is this the leader who said he will open a new chapter in Guyana, one of truth and reconciliation, yet tried to shred the first truth, the COI on the Rodney murder?  Is this the leader who said he is here to heal and unite, and immediately embark in unrelentless ethnic cleansing, persecution and attempts at physically harming opponents and their family members using goons and the state security apparatus?

Talk about hypocrite, hypocrite to the 2nd power!!  This is the new beginnings of an old past, the 2nd coming of "Christ" Burnham!!



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Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

Isn't this the new leader who less than a year ago said he will not repeat the excesses of the past?  Is this the image of the lifestyle of the people who said the treasury was left gutted and bare and the economy is shambles?  This is not even counting their fat salaries and perks they swindled!!  Is this the leader who said he will open a new chapter in Guyana, one of truth and reconciliation, yet tried to shred the first truth, the COI on the Rodney murder?  Is this the leader who said he is here to heal and unite, and immediately embark in unrelentless ethnic cleansing, persecution and attempts at physically harming opponents and their family members using goons and the state security apparatus?

Reading that rant of yours, I struggle to see how you could possibly  mix up the terror reign of Jagdeo with the new and free Guyana under the AFC. What truth about Rodney's murder? There was none. Waht we want is for Jagdeo to be interrogated about the murder of Sash Sawh, a government minister. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms. Where is teh mass murderer Gajraj by the way? Why is the PPP sheltering him? How come once poor rice farmers and market stall holders left the PPP government after the last election stinking rich? Where is the money that Norway gave the country? It was not found in any government bank account.

Mr.T posted:
baseman posted:

Isn't this the new leader who less than a year ago said he will not repeat the excesses of the past?  Is this the image of the lifestyle of the people who said the treasury was left gutted and bare and the economy is shambles?  This is not even counting their fat salaries and perks they swindled!!  Is this the leader who said he will open a new chapter in Guyana, one of truth and reconciliation, yet tried to shred the first truth, the COI on the Rodney murder?  Is this the leader who said he is here to heal and unite, and immediately embark in unrelentless ethnic cleansing, persecution and attempts at physically harming opponents and their family members using goons and the state security apparatus?

Reading that rant of yours, I struggle to see how you could possibly  mix up the terror reign of Jagdeo with the new and free Guyana under the AFC. What truth about Rodney's murder? There was none. Waht we want is for Jagdeo to be interrogated about the murder of Sash Sawh, a government minister. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms. Where is teh mass murderer Gajraj by the way? Why is the PPP sheltering him? How come once poor rice farmers and market stall holders left the PPP government after the last election stinking rich? Where is the money that Norway gave the country? It was not found in any government bank account.

More garbage form this poor imbecile.

Mr.T posted:
baseman posted:

Isn't this the new leader who less than a year ago said he will not repeat the excesses of the past?  Is this the image of the lifestyle of the people who said the treasury was left gutted and bare and the economy is shambles?  This is not even counting their fat salaries and perks they swindled!!  Is this the leader who said he will open a new chapter in Guyana, one of truth and reconciliation, yet tried to shred the first truth, the COI on the Rodney murder?  Is this the leader who said he is here to heal and unite, and immediately embark in unrelentless ethnic cleansing, persecution and attempts at physically harming opponents and their family members using goons and the state security apparatus?

Reading that rant of yours, I struggle to see how you could possibly  mix up the terror reign of Jagdeo with the new and free Guyana under the AFC. What truth about Rodney's murder? There was none. Waht we want is for Jagdeo to be interrogated about the murder of Sash Sawh, a government minister. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms. Where is teh mass murderer Gajraj by the way? Why is the PPP sheltering him? How come once poor rice farmers and market stall holders left the PPP government after the last election stinking rich? Where is the money that Norway gave the country? It was not found in any government bank account.

Oh, Sponge Bob schwammkopf!!  You foaming up again!!

Mr.T posted:
baseman posted:

Isn't this the new leader who less than a year ago said he will not repeat the excesses of the past?  Is this the image of the lifestyle of the people who said the treasury was left gutted and bare and the economy is shambles?  This is not even counting their fat salaries and perks they swindled!!  Is this the leader who said he will open a new chapter in Guyana, one of truth and reconciliation, yet tried to shred the first truth, the COI on the Rodney murder?  Is this the leader who said he is here to heal and unite, and immediately embark in unrelentless ethnic cleansing, persecution and attempts at physically harming opponents and their family members using goons and the state security apparatus?

Reading that rant of yours, I struggle to see how you could possibly  mix up the terror reign of Jagdeo with the new and free Guyana under the AFC. What truth about Rodney's murder? There was none. Waht we want is for Jagdeo to be interrogated about the murder of Sash Sawh, a government minister. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms. Where is teh mass murderer Gajraj by the way? Why is the PPP sheltering him? How come once poor rice farmers and market stall holders left the PPP government after the last election stinking rich? Where is the money that Norway gave the country? It was not found in any government bank account.

You kidding yourself right?? 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Freddie needs to stop campaigning.  .

Why don't you tell Jagdeo the same? He ought to accept the fact that the PPP lost, because he campaigned as the "coolie people party", and that until the PPP ceases to be such, their prospects for winning become dimmer as the Indian population declines.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms.

You kidding yourself right?? 

Hmmm.  Discussions on the rampant anti black racism by the PPP isn't something that you consider worthy of discussion?

Yet you rant, wail, and scream when corrupt and incompetent people who happen to be Indian, are fired. Saying nothing of course when blacks also suffer the same treatment.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Freddie needs to stop campaigning.  .

Why don't you tell Jagdeo the same? He ought to accept the fact that the PPP lost, because he campaigned as the "coolie people party", and that until the PPP ceases to be such, their prospects for winning become dimmer as the Indian population declines.

Jagdeo is the Opposition Leader and he is campaigning for the LGE which is two weeks away.  Freddie is a peddler of yellow journalism and he is stuck on pre May 11th with issues of nonconformity and schittiness.  Big difference!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Freddie needs to stop campaigning.  .

Why don't you tell Jagdeo the same? He ought to accept the fact that the PPP lost, because he campaigned as the "coolie people party", and that until the PPP ceases to be such, their prospects for winning become dimmer as the Indian population declines.

No, the next round has only just begun!!  Obama will soon be out, the "riggery" will not stand.  We have to be prepared for new things and keep the sword sharp!!

The PPP's so called "lost" with a switch of a mere 2500, even after all the "stuffing" and much more than 2500 now realized they were conned.  So watch out!!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms.

You kidding yourself right?? 

Hmmm.  Discussions on the rampant anti black racism by the PPP isn't something that you consider worthy of discussion?

Yet you rant, wail, and scream when corrupt and incompetent people who happen to be Indian, are fired. Saying nothing of course when blacks also suffer the same treatment.

Putting the much touted "ills" of the PPP aside.  talk about what I (ranted) highlighted, not what the PPP did or didn't do!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is the Opposition Leader and he is campaigning for the LGE which is two weeks away. 

I can well imagine him in Indo areas, screaming "blackman a go rape you daughter".  Using coded language of course, as he did when he screamed that if the PPP lost, such tasks would be handled by the police and the GDF.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms.

You kidding yourself right?? 

Hmmm.  Discussions on the rampant anti black racism by the PPP isn't something that you consider worthy of discussion?

Yet you rant, wail, and scream when corrupt and incompetent people who happen to be Indian, are fired. Saying nothing of course when blacks also suffer the same treatment.

Putting the much touted "ills" of the PPP aside.  talk about what I (ranted) highlighted, not what the PPP did or didn't do!!

Your daily rants about black savagery and your screams that Indians are innocent, and that any racism that they have towards blacks, is justified.

So steeped in racism and hatred you are that you cannot even see it.

baseman posted:

The PPP's so called "lost" with a switch of a mere 2500, even after all the "stuffing" and much more than 2500 now realized they were conned.  So watch out!!

The notion that a government in power was so inept that it led an opposition party to stuff ballots is silly isn't it?

In fact Kwame and the rest of the PPP thug gang spent all day in G/town trying desperately to rile up poor black people to violence so that they could cancel the election.  This when they saw how high the turn out was in PNC areas, and they knew what that might mean.

They got really frantic, when at one spot the INDIAN Nagamootoo was able to calm the crowds down, when a known PPP hooligan was seen trying to cause trouble.

And of course the embarrassment when one of the chief PPP hooligans had to be rescued by Granger.

Why does Kwame like to spend election day attacking black people? who did so in 2011 when he PHYSICALLY attacked blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is the Opposition Leader and he is campaigning for the LGE which is two weeks away. 

I can well imagine him in Indo areas, screaming "blackman a go rape you daughter".  Using coded language of course, as he did when he screamed that if the PPP lost, such tasks would be handled by the police and the GDF.

Nah.  No such thing.  This son of the soil is going into black and indo areas.  He is addressing the issues at hand.  No hitting below the belt here.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nah.  No such thing.  This son of the soil is going into black and indo areas.  He is addressing the issues at hand.  No hitting below the belt here.

Blacks fully remember his screams during the election last year.

Jagdeo is so racist that he framed the firings of PPP officials as ethnic cleansing, and Luncheon had to condemn him for failing to protect PPP blacks.

But then the PPP is a "coolie people party", according to Rohee, so why the shock!


I agree with Freddy:the PPP in opposition under its Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, and its General-Secretary, Clement Rohee, are damaging people’s faith in politics and there isn’t a damn thing the respective leadership of AFC and APNU can do about it.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Freddie needs to stop campaigning.  .

Why don't you tell Jagdeo the same? He ought to accept the fact that the PPP lost, because he campaigned as the "coolie people party", and that until the PPP ceases to be such, their prospects for winning become dimmer as the Indian population declines.

No, the next round has only just begun!!  Obama will soon be out, the "riggery" will not stand.  We have to be prepared for new things and keep the sword sharp!!

The PPP's so called "lost" with a switch of a mere 2500, even after all the "stuffing" and much more than 2500 now realized they were conned.  So watch out!!

That number will be increased come 2020,i noticed they started the strike campaign in the sugar industry,a company which cannot keep it head above the the water.If their motive is to destabilize the current gov't i am saying wrong move,it appears they are in the 60's mode.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
. What we want to know about is the ethnic cleansing of black people by the Phantoms.

You kidding yourself right?? 

Hmmm.  Discussions on the rampant anti black racism by the PPP isn't something that you consider worthy of discussion?

Yet you rant, wail, and scream when corrupt and incompetent people who happen to be Indian, are fired. Saying nothing of course when blacks also suffer the same treatment.

Putting the much touted "ills" of the PPP aside.  talk about what I (ranted) highlighted, not what the PPP did or didn't do!!

Your daily rants about black savagery and your screams that Indians are innocent, and that any racism that they have towards blacks, is justified.

So steeped in racism and hatred you are that you cannot even see it.

That was not "savagery", unless you consider riding in a brand new Lexus as savagery!!

Rather than conjuring up these useless and nonsensical rants yourself, why don't you address the questions I raised in my "rant"!!

Where was the racism, where was the savagery??

Caribj, you should go work for the "Dodgers!!

Django posted:
baseman posted:

No, the next round has only just begun!!  Obama will soon be out, the "riggery" will not stand.  We have to be prepared for new things and keep the sword sharp!!

The PPP's so called "lost" with a switch of a mere 2500, even after all the "stuffing" and much more than 2500 now realized they were conned.  So watch out!!

That number will be increased come 2020,.

How do you know?  Have you already started stuffing the ballots aback of Plaissance?

baseman posted:
Django posted:
baseman posted:

No, the next round has only just begun!!  Obama will soon be out, the "riggery" will not stand.  We have to be prepared for new things and keep the sword sharp!!

The PPP's so called "lost" with a switch of a mere 2500, even after all the "stuffing" and much more than 2500 now realized they were conned.  So watch out!!

That number will be increased come 2020,.

How do you know?  Have you already started stuffing the ballots aback of Plaissance?

Take note what i said,no stuffing of ballots.

baseman posted:

That was not "savagery", unless you consider riding in a brand new Lexus as savagery!!

Rather than conjuring up these useless and nonsensical rants yourself, why don't you address the questions I raised in my "rant"!!

Where was the racism, where was the savagery??

Caribj, you should go work for the "Dodgers!!

Continue to rattle your cage is you see fit. Your daily implications of black violence and crime are things that you are well aware of.

Discuss the issues of racism in Guyana. Who is responsible and who suffers.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is the Opposition Leader and he is campaigning for the LGE which is two weeks away. 

The Leader of the Opposition, Dr. BJ, at a public event at Red House on October 7th, 2015 announced that the PPP/C MPs will not be accepting the salary hikes but would be seeking to annul the “unconscionable and astronomical” salary increases that the APNU+AFC Cabinet gave to themselves. 

Did the PPP/C MPs refuse the increases?

baseman posted:

How do you know?  Have you already started stuffing the ballots aback of Plaissance?

The PPP behaves like the coolie people party that Rohee admitted that they were.

Unless Indians suddenly start returning to Guyana, we can assume that the trends of a declining Indo population will continue. Given that they cannot bribe Amerindian tochaos, where do you think that additional votes will come from?

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is the Opposition Leader and he is campaigning for the LGE which is two weeks away. 

The Leader of the Opposition, Dr. BJ, at a public event at Red House on October 7th, 2015 announced that the PPP/C MPs will not be accepting the salary hikes but would be seeking to annul the “unconscionable and astronomical” salary increases that the APNU+AFC Cabinet gave to themselves. 

Did the PPP/C MPs refuse the increases?

The increases were handed over to the PPP.  New fund raising scheme as they can no longer raid the coffers as they used to.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is the Opposition Leader and he is campaigning for the LGE which is two weeks away. 

The Leader of the Opposition, Dr. BJ, at a public event at Red House on October 7th, 2015 announced that the PPP/C MPs will not be accepting the salary hikes but would be seeking to annul the “unconscionable and astronomical” salary increases that the APNU+AFC Cabinet gave to themselves. 

Did the PPP/C MPs refuse the increases?

The increases were handed over to the PPP.  New fund raising scheme as they can no longer raid the coffers as they used to.

LOL! Jagdeo, democratically demanded it.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

How do you know?  Have you already started stuffing the ballots aback of Plaissance?

The PPP behaves like the coolie people party that Rohee admitted that they were.

Unless Indians suddenly start returning to Guyana, we can assume that the trends of a declining Indo population will continue. Given that they cannot bribe Amerindian tochaos, where do you think that additional votes will come from?

Ok.  So this is now just stupid, racist rant.  You have nothing of value to add to this conversation.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

That was not "savagery", unless you consider riding in a brand new Lexus as savagery!!

Rather than conjuring up these useless and nonsensical rants yourself, why don't you address the questions I raised in my "rant"!!

Where was the racism, where was the savagery??

Caribj, you should go work for the "Dodgers!!

Continue to rattle your cage is you see fit. Your daily implications of black violence and crime are things that you are well aware of.

Discuss the issues of racism in Guyana. Who is responsible and who suffers.

As I requested, address the questions I raised, don't hide behind you "cage-rattle" nonsense rant!!  The issues/questions I raised have nothing to do with race, religion, politics, just plain right and wrong and hypocrisy!  Stick to the pic and my questions!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

How do you know?  Have you already started stuffing the ballots aback of Plaissance?

The PPP behaves like the coolie people party that Rohee admitted that they were.

Unless Indians suddenly start returning to Guyana, we can assume that the trends of a declining Indo population will continue. Given that they cannot bribe Amerindian tochaos, where do you think that additional votes will come from?

Ok.  So this is now just stupid, racist rant.  You have nothing of value to add to this conversation.

What is racist about this.  Jagdeo screamed about the PPP being a "coolie people party". Rohee explained that Jagdeo was correct. Jagdeo campaigned with a plan to terrify Indians about black violence.

These are facts, and if the implications embarrass you then tell the PPP to cease its hostility towards black and mixed Guyanese.


caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

How do you know?  Have you already started stuffing the ballots aback of Plaissance?

The PPP behaves like the coolie people party that Rohee admitted that they were.

Unless Indians suddenly start returning to Guyana, we can assume that the trends of a declining Indo population will continue. Given that they cannot bribe Amerindian tochaos, where do you think that additional votes will come from?

Ok.  So this is now just stupid, racist rant.  You have nothing of value to add to this conversation.

What is racist about this.  Jagdeo screamed about the PPP being a "coolie people party". Rohee explained that Jagdeo was correct. Jagdeo campaigned with a plan to terrify Indians about black violence.

These are facts, and if the implications embarrass you then tell the PPP to cease its hostility towards black and mixed Guyanese.


Is that all you know?  You keep repeating the same thing over and over for years.  I guess at some point you will start believing it.  Keep on ranting!

Bibi Haniffa

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