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Guyana records drop in Malaria

MAY 18, 2013 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 

…as Vector Control Unit continues outreach

As the Vector Control Services Department of the Ministry of Health continues with its drive to combat vector borne diseases, a recent visit to Region Seven – Cuyuni/Mazaruni saw more than 3,700 blood smears for malaria being taken.
Of that number of smears taken, close to 100 were tested positive for malaria, a development which suggests that the proactive approach of the Unit is proving to be instrumental in denting the impact of malaria.
This is according to Dr. Reyaud Rahman, the Director of the strategic and proactive Vector Control Unit, who led the recent outreach mission.

A vector control worker taking a smear during the recent outreach.

During an earlier interview he disclosed that the Ministry of Health through the Vector Control Services Department is looking to reclaim the leadership status as it relates to the vector control fight in the Caribbean and South America.
“We want to create a service where we are an authority in the country concerning vector-borne diseases and bring vector control back to the levels that it was in the 1960s and 1970s, basically,” said Dr. Rahman.
This ambitious goal, he noted, is being sought despite the fact that the vector control fight is no small challenge.
Moreover, sustained efforts are being made by the Unit to embrace a proactive mode whereby vector control teams are often dispatched to support regional efforts in this regard.
The recently concluded trip to Region Seven targeted areas such as Imbaimadai, Chineoweng, Wax Creek, Jawalla, Phillipai, Fort Knox, Quebanang, Kambaru, Kako, Emokeng, Ominaik, Amokokapai, Kamarang, Upper Mazaruni Dredge camps, Pepper Camp, Meyume Bay, Courba, Hill Top, Paruima and Waramadong.
The smears taken in the named localities detected instances of both Plasmodium Falciparum (PF) and Plasmodium Vivax (PV). Plasmodium Falciparum is a protozoan parasite, one of the species of Plasmodium that cause malaria in humans. It is transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito.
Plasmodium Vivax, on the other hand, is a protozoal parasite and a human pathogen. It is said to be the most frequent and widely distributed cause of recurring malaria and is one of the five species of malaria parasites that commonly infect humans.
The strategic moves that were engaged by the outreach mission included the mass blood surveys and the treatment of the detected cases, resupply of drugs and the issuance of new microscopes to at least four locations that were so in need.
In order to aid a sustained intervention in the Region, Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) were also distributed to homes where there were pregnant women as well as children under five years old. Locations that were especially identified for impregnated bed nets were Jawalla, Phillipai, Quebanang, and Kamarang.
The distribution of impregnated bed nets has been one of the primary tactics employed by the Health Ministry in order to address the challenge of malaria. In this regard moves were made to procure several thousands of the high-priced nets which have been distributed in tranches to the areas that are malaria-prone since the commencement of the year.
However, officials within the Vector Control Unit had anticipated that there would have been a likely spike in the incidence of malaria even as efforts are made to intensify the vector control operation in the various regions.
The increased tackling of vector borne diseases are strategically directed to the mining regions which had seen a surge in gold mining activities. As such the Health Ministry had seen the need to put measures in place to stave off a potential upsurge of malaria, a task which is being fully undertaken by Dr. Rahman-headed Vector Control Unit.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Give some credit to the PPP, all day you fools bray about corruption and mismanagement. Give jack his jacket for lowering malaria cases. hehaheha

The only one brayin is you. Anything in the horizon for your Goadee?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Give some credit to the PPP, all day you fools bray about corruption and mismanagement. Give jack his jacket for lowering malaria cases. hehaheha

The only one brayin is you. Anything in the horizon for your Goadee?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Give some credit to the PPP, all day you fools bray about corruption and mismanagement. Give jack his jacket for lowering malaria cases. hehaheha

The only one brayin is you. Anything in the horizon for your Goadee?

The question is, will Mitjuanita change his evil ways and stop sodomizing his own son while Jaliki and Cocaine hold the lil boy down. Does he realize that this child is now scarred for life?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Give some credit to the PPP, all day you fools bray about corruption and mismanagement. Give jack his jacket for lowering malaria cases. hehaheha

The only one brayin is you. Anything in the horizon for your Goadee?

The question is, will Mitjuanita change his evil ways and stop sodomizing his own son while Jaliki and Cocaine hold the lil boy down. Does he realize that this child is now scarred for life?

Bcourd_Sissy is that little child. Hey Turncoat did you find God when you became a born again whatever?


Let the truth be told: Now is the time for the AFC

May 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
For its entire life since independence, Guyana has little to show to demonstrate it has evolved as a nation, thanks to the misrule of the PPP and the PNC. Annual rates of population growth have averaged less than one per cent, yet countries that started this race of economic development after us are now at the front of the pack when we are still one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere.
Guyana is not on the road to meet all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) notwithstanding that it has above average financial and technical support from the international community. Poverty is on the rise again, child mortality has not reduced by two-thirds as promised by the PPP, while the maternal mortality rate in Guyana remains relatively high.
Too many of our people remain poor, too many children and mothers are dying at childbirth but yet we have money to build the Marriott Hotel but not to fix the basic healthcare system. We have money to build a new airport with only one airline (Caribbean Airlines) to service the more than 500,000 Guyanese in the Diaspora but not to rebuild the road on the East Bank of Berbice. We have money to build a new Specialty Hospital, but the government has poorly managed the public hospitals which are understaffed and without adequate medical supplies.
The world lifted Guyana’s debt relief that moved our debt burden from over 209 percent of the GDP in 2001 to just 60 percent of the GDP in 2007.  This was a golden opportunity to invest in job creation projects. Instead the PPP regime has invested in projects that benefit their business buddies and which hired foreigners rather than Guyanese workers.
There are serious social and economic challenges in the form of high crime rates, incessant corruption, and high youth unemployment. While this is a pretty abysmal picture, it is not drawn in permanent ink. Changes could still be made to improve the lives of the masses.
The PNC and the PPP have had 50 years combined and were unable to bring about any change for the better in Guyana. We proudly say let the truth be told, now is the time for the AFC. An AFC government would make the development of Guyana its number one priority
We believe that Guyana could break the vicious cycle of chronic crimes, corruption and poverty if it has a government that will implement and sustain credible reforms, supported by all. This requires a comprehensive economic programme and a deficit reduction strategy – without compromising social expenditure – to attack poverty, child and maternal mortality and improve the quality of education delivery.
As we see it, Guyana needs a government that will grapple with the short-term economic vulnerabilities of borrowing more and running up an unsustainable deficit; basically not living within their means. But even more importantly, Guyana needs a government that will start to address the deep-rooted structural impediments to sustain stronger economic growth.
For example, the country needs a new tax system that is fair and predictable; instilling confidence and promoting investment and employment. Both the PPP and the PNC/ APNU had their chance to develop such a programme and they failed Guyana.  Isn’t it time for the people to try the AFC model as outlined in its Action Plan.
Our reading of the utterances of Moses Nagamootoo and Nigel Hughes clearly revealed two mature and deep thinking and sincere leaders who are ready to build support across political lines to progress the people’s ambitions as outlined in the National Development Strategy. Hughes has just revealed his 2020 vision and Nagamootoo has revealed his plans to engage the working class into the new developmental model to fast forward Guyana’s progress.
Unlike the PPP and PNC/APNU, the AFC leaders have signaled their intention to engage the private sector and to get them fully involved in the country’s development process.
We encourage those two men to share their dreams for the masses with the people in the villages, on the culverts and at the street corners as Walter Rodney did during the 1970s. Street-side politics and meeting the people in their communities and at their doorsteps are a sure way of gaining their support. Change is coming to Guyana.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bcourd_Sissy is that little child. Hey Turncoat did you find God when you became a born again whatever?

How did Mitjuanita get a hardon to sodomize his own son? Did he use a lolo pump or is he such a pervert that the sight of his own son's nakedness turns him on?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bcourd_Sissy is that little child. Hey Turncoat did you find God when you became a born again whatever?

How did Mitjuanita get a hardon to sodomize his own son? Did he use a lolo pump or is he such a pervert that the sight of his own son's nakedness turns him on?

You are a disgusting person.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bcourd_Sissy is that little child. Hey Turncoat did you find God when you became a born again whatever?

How did my Dad get a hardon to sodomize his own son? Did he use a lolo pump or is he such a pervert that the sight of his own son's nakedness turns him on?

Bcourd-Sissy, I feel very sorry for you.


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