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Former Member

The following is a speech made by Presidential Candidate of Khemraj Ramjattan at the Eid Festival at the Anna Catherina Islamic Center, WCD on September 4, 2011. The festival was attended by more than 500 Muslims and featured legendary Mohan Nandu and Jameer Hussain. Mr. Ramjattan was delighted at the warm wel...come he received.

Mr. Chairman, Imams, Dignitaries and my Muslim Brothers and sisters – Assalamu Alaikum

To members and executives of the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex and Muslim Youth League I want to say thank you for the invitation and I have seen your development over the years. It is your initiatives and others like this that will ensure Guyana becoming a better place – I am so proud of you and your work – keep going.

On this day when we celebrate Eid, I know it is a day of victory for Muslims, having fulfilled their duties during the Holy Month of Ramadan. This celebration or Eid-ul-Fitr comes after a month long physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation for the purpose of gaining control and transforming oneself. This is fundamental to any society or any people that believes that it can do and must do better. I know that you and many Muslims in Guyana are now ready to recommit yourself to the change that is necessary to bring about a better society, Ramadan teaches us that it begins with each individual.

I want to remind myself as I share a quote from the quran that is so relevant today “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)”. (13-11)

Many of you are doing just that. During Ramadan, you worked hard to cultivate a sense of charity, humility, consideration for the poor and needy and a spirit of community, cooperation and compassion - this is the beginning of that transformation for you, your family, your community and your nation – your fasting is a commitment to do “what is right and forbidding that which is wrong” can only mean well for Guyana today and tomorrow.

You know more than I, that what we do today will impact and determine what happens tomorrow, what we do this year will impact our lives next year. Today, more than ever, our nation craves and is desperate for the wisdom of moral and religious leadership. For too long, our collective efforts at governing our country has been devoid of the teaching of our diverse religious mosaic that can give us and take us out of our moral stagnation – this must stop. I believe and know that Guyana can do better, I just know it. We have to put morality back into leadership and governance in Guyana, I believe and you will agree with me that any deviation will take us further from the ‘straight path’.

Festivals like Eid have been a universal feature of all cultures and communities from ancient times. They generate harmony; forge unity and refresh the sense of identity among communities. They also put a spirit of life and rejuvenate the existence and sustenance of a community or nation. To this end the I salute the Muslim Community for maintaining their religious and cultural practices that has served to enriched the Guyanese landscape and spirit, this must be supported.

But as we celebrate on this festive occasion, and I am enjoying every moment of it, we all must remember those less fortunate, including those impacted by poverty, joblessness, hunger, crime, , corruption, conflict and disease around the world and especially in Guyana. Throughout the month, Muslim communities collect and distribute zakat-ul-fitr so that all are able to participate in this day of celebration – this is the true spirit and essence of our worth.

I on behalf of the members and executives of the AFC wishes all Muslims and their fellow Guyanese a most blessed and joyous Eid-ul-Fitr and join with you in prayer and celebration for a better tomorrow which begins today.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

His speech may be wonderful to the ears of his supporters but for those who dealt with this man on a business level know that he is a money man and charge high fees, squeezing the lifeblood out of the poor with demands for topoff to conclude cases.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
His speech may be wonderful to the ears of his supporters but for those who dealt with this man on a business level know that he is a money man and charge high fees, squeezing the lifeblood out of the poor with demands for topoff to conclude cases.

Coming from a dunce and former smuggler of who knows what, that really means alot. dunno
Originally posted by Chief:
Good message and hopefully Mr Ramjattan will be able to work with the major muslim organisations when he gets elected.

Which will be never. The people know cockeye is looking to fleece them if ever this man achieves power. The PPP thief but at least they give back some. But the aFC boys planning an all out plunder of the nation's coffers. ahhahahahhahh
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Chief:
Good message and hopefully Mr Ramjattan will be able to work with the major muslim organisations when he gets elected.

Which will be never. The people know cockeye is looking to fleece them if ever this man achieves power. The PPP thief but at least they give back some. But the aFC boys planning an all out plunder of the nation's coffers. ahhahahahhahh

I guess there is something worrying you about the AFC replacing the corrupt PPP. Wink
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Chief:
Good message and hopefully Mr Ramjattan will be able to work with the major muslim organisations when he gets elected.

Which will be never. The people know cockeye is looking to fleece them if ever this man achieves power. The PPP thief but at least they give back some. But the aFC boys planning an all out plunder of the nation's coffers. ahhahahahhahh

I guess there is something worrying you about the AFC replacing the corrupt PPP. Wink

In fact I wish the aFC were sincere, however their substandard one liner approach to solving the nations problems indicate that they are a bunch of amateurs that will only screw the country up even more. At least with the PPP we have stability and the PNC have been contained via phantoms and milk. An aFC administration will only embolden the PNC bandits and erase all the good work done by the PPP in containing this virus as cockeye clearly indicates that he would use kids gloves in handling these beasts as opposed to the PPP heavy hand.
Originally posted by Chief:
Good message and hopefully Mr Ramjattan will be able to work with the major muslim organisations when he gets elected.

Please doan forget, it was the muslim party and its supporters that cooperated with Forbes and the CIA and made Wismar a reality for indoes.

In return, Forbes aligned the GOG towards muslim states who doled out money upon money in Guyana to make and segregate the muslim brothers in Guyana. They bomarded communities with louds speakers day and day out with koranic verses.

Ramjattam should stop playing an ass like Jagdeo does, running all over the place pandering to ethnic and religious groups.

For too long, Guyana leadership acts as morons. They should represent the nation of Guyana and not all those communities that made Guyana the shyte house it is today. A community of communties.

Ramjattan should go to RCCG and get some knowledge who is God. And if he does not want to know, then stick to politic and as President work to bring back morality to the country. Bull shiting, doan change ppl attitudes-leh me c the muslims brothers guh to a mandir and bow down to them idols.

That is the fundamental differeces among those who live in Guyana. They need a leadership does good for the ppl regarless of religion, race or creed. Such a leader acts as a leader.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
I guess there is something worrying you about the AFC replacing the corrupt PPP. Wink

In fact I wish the aFC were sincere, however their substandard one liner approach to solving the nations problems indicate that they are a bunch of amateurs that will only screw the country up even more. At least with the PPP we have stability and the PNC have been contained via phantoms and milk. An aFC administration will only embolden the PNC bandits and erase all the good work done by the PPP in containing this virus as cockeye clearly indicates that he would use kids gloves in handling these beasts as opposed to the PPP heavy hand.

In your myopic square-peg thinking, sure it seems to be the only alternatives. You are most liklely worried about some corupt connections back deh.
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
I guess there is something worrying you about the AFC replacing the corrupt PPP. Wink

In fact I wish the aFC were sincere, however their substandard one liner approach to solving the nations problems indicate that they are a bunch of amateurs that will only screw the country up even more. At least with the PPP we have stability and the PNC have been contained via phantoms and milk. An aFC administration will only embolden the PNC bandits and erase all the good work done by the PPP in containing this virus as cockeye clearly indicates that he would use kids gloves in handling these beasts as opposed to the PPP heavy hand.

In your myopic square-peg thinking, sure it seems to be the only alternatives. You are most liklely worried about some corupt connections back deh.



The attorney-general’s office in Colombia reopened an investigation into alleged links between Álvaro Uribe, a former president, and right-wing paramilitaries while Mr Uribe was a regional governor in the 1990s. He has vehemently denied the claims.



Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Comments from Ramjattan:


I want to remind myself as I share a quote from the quran that is so relevant today “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)”. (13-11)


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