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Former Member

‘Put up your assets against your earnings’

– Norton tells Jagdeo as bribery allegations deepen

Feb 14, 2022 News -- Source - Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ainst-your-earnings/

Kaieteur News – Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Mr. Aubrey Norton, is confident that the bribery and corruption allegations against Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo if properly investigated will unearth damning revelations.

Norton presented his reasons for the suspicion during an interview with veteran Journalist, Adam Harris, on Friday evening. The PNCR Leader said that many members of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) are allegedly involved in corruption and bribery, not only this but that they have mastered the art of keeping their tracks clean.

He explained, “There are many people in the PPP who are clearly involved in corruption and all they resort to say is; provide the evidence. Knowing full well that a lot of times first of all people are going to be afraid and secondly, they don’t do it so that a trail is left behind. But when one looks at their assets in comparison to their earnings, one would recognize that they had to be involved in serious corruption”.

PNCR Leader, Aubrey Norton

Only in October last, a PPP Permanent Secretary who was attached to the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs was busted red-handed, receiving bribes before approving projects under her remit. The PS, Sharon Hicks, was caught on October 7, during a police sting operation collecting $200,000 as a kickback from a security services contractor. Several other red flags were also found under the same PS by the Auditor General during his 2020 Report.

When it comes to the Vice President, Norton has said that Jagdeo can simply put his earnings against his assets, which would clear his name.

This process would entail using the “correct percentage” to calculate the VP’s earnings against what he owns and if “fits into the law” Jagdeo would be cleared. However, Norton is sure that this process would instead confirm the Vice President’s “corrupt” history.

“I have no doubt that a lot of the claims that are being made will turn out to be true,” the PNCR Leader explained, as he pointed out that Jagdeo’s earnings would date back to when the salaries were not as impressive as it is today. Similarly, Norton noted, “I have said also the same thing about the president. From the time he came out of school, his work life, he can also put his assets against his earnings and show us whether they were gotten free of illegalities. Again, he will be hard pressed”.

The PNCR Leader added that when the assets of the PPP elites are examined as opposed to their legal earnings, one could only conclude that they are involved in “serious corruption”. On February 1, Jagdeo was interviewed by an American reporter from Vice News where he fumbled to respond to his alleged involvement in collecting bribes from Chinese companies, in particular for contracts, approved by his government.

In fact, the Journalist told Jagdeo she was made to understand that bribing him was the only way to get business done locally. While the VP denied this on the premise that it was a mere accusation by an anonymous person, the reporter told Jagdeo that his friend ‘Su’ told them about his involvement with China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (CSCEC).

Coincidentally, it was only days before the VP’s interview that a contract between the government and CSCEC was terminated for the construction of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge. Government announced that the Chinese company’s bid was “no less than favourable” since this bid was the lowest received for the massive project.

However, Jagdeo later said that the cost of financing would have been too high, hence the contract was terminated. “Su has shown us very lucrative contracts between himself and Chinese state-run operations to develop big infrastructure projects in Guyana. He told us that China State Construction Engineering Corporation helped the Chinese company to make a deal. Up to now they pay me $500,000…,” the reporter insisted.

She said too, that she was told, Su was being used as the “middle man” who collects these monies to keep the VP’s record clean. During his interview, Jagdeo suggested, “Maybe the Chinese company that did not get their agreement that they wanted here, maybe they are the ones who told you, or, it could be just a fictitious thing,” while denying the allegations.

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@Former Member posted:

‘Put up your assets against your earnings’

– Norton tells Jagdeo as bribery allegations deepen

Feb 14, 2022 News -- Source - Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ainst-your-earnings/

Kaieteur News

The PNCR Leader added that when the assets of the PPP elites are examined as opposed to their legal earnings, one could only conclude that they are involved in “serious corruption”. On February 1, Jagdeo was interviewed by an American reporter from Vice News where he fumbled to respond to his alleged involvement in collecting bribes from Chinese companies, in particular for contracts, approved by his government.

Perhaps, the assets of the PPPC and the PNCR/APNU/AFC elites should be examined to reveal the situation of all to know about this topic.

@Former Member posted:

Perhaps, the assets of the PPPC and the PNCR/APNU/AFC elites should be examined to reveal the situation of all to know about this topic.

Why not?  It can't just be for the PPP.  The answer is unexplained wealth/income legislation.  Perhaps Norton could use his office to draft a bill for parliament and seek the cooperation of the PPP in getting it approved. 


I've said all the while the PPP got the smarts to hide their actions whereas dem PNC people dem too bradar and do shyte in the open.

I waiting for see someone which more than likely be Billy boy come in asking like a broken record, where is dah 18mil? Even though it was pointed out many times he still doan get it.



As an artist you have been doing a poor job painting the PPP as corrupt as the PNC. This is a new government in office.  They did not start to tap into the SWF.  Why are you going around telling people that Jagdeo and his ministers are stealing oil money?  The government is working hard and honest to build the country and get back the votes they've lost to the AFC. Thanks to Granger the Neo-Burnhamites for ailenating the Indians who supported them in 2015.  THe PPP has learned its lesson when it comes to corruption. 

Billy Ram Balgobin


As an artist you have been doing a poor job painting the PPP as corrupt as the PNC.

This is a new government in office.

Same old players from the Old Boys Club.

They did not start to tap into the SWF.

All the money from SWF was withdrawn .Account empty to date.

Why are you going around telling people that Jagdeo and his ministers are stealing oil money?

Corruption continues . Ramson Snr back on the job collecting millions for doing nothing.

The government is working hard and honest to build the country and get back the votes they've lost to the AFC.

They planning to steal the Elections again using their plants at GECOM.

Thanks to Granger the Neo-Burnhamites for ailenating the Indians who supported them in 2015.

That's questionable .

THe PPP has learned its lesson when it comes to corruption.

They will never ,leopards don't change their spots.

I am aware the post was not for me. Just want to put in my two cents.

Last edited by Django

I don't know when I go around telling people BJ tiefin oil money...but I did say they know how to do their deeds and hide it. Perhaps BRB knows something I don't and trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

So tell us BRB, did Vice just decide out of the blue something is occuring in Guyana, packed their grips and went all the way to Guyana to do the interview or were they given the lowdown by others in the know? Give me your thoughts on this.


We cannot trust Apnu/afc with elections nor can we trust them with oil money. The PPP can be trusted with elections.  A good example is how they gracefully stepped down in 2015 after they lost by a thin margin.  With oil revenues, they are showing us and their critics how the monies are being spent. The same cannot be said about the party  founded by Burnham and the other one that jumps around peddling lies at the behest of Congress Place.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

We cannot trust Apnu/afc with elections nor can we trust them with oil money. The PPP can be trusted with elections.  A good example is how they gracefully stepped down in 2015 after they lost by a thin margin.  With oil revenues, they are showing us and their critics how the monies are being spent. The same cannot be said about the party  founded by Burnham and the other one that jumps around peddling lies at the behest of Congress Place.

Balderdash !!!


Django working hard for the PNC> They ain't coming back in 2025. I am sorry to tell you that all your time spent on this forum defending the dirty legacy of the PNC are in vain. Whatever you expect in return will not come to fruition.  Abandon ship now for your own good.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Django working hard for the PNC> They ain't coming back in 2025. I am sorry to tell you that all your time spent on this forum defending the dirty legacy of the PNC are in vain. Whatever you expect in return will not come to fruition.  Abandon ship now for your own good.

Are there plans to steal more Elections .One PPP parliamentarians said winning is about the numbers . Where is the defending of PNC ? . Do you know of any land giveaway by Jagdeo ?


Right now they giving away land with houses on it in the area of Williamsburg,  Berbice. 

No need to steal elections when you can win fairly and squarely. Odo failed to wake up and gave the PNC that magic majority. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Right now they giving away land with houses on it in the area of Williamsburg,  Berbice.

No need to steal elections when you can win fairly and squarely. Odo failed to wake up and gave the PNC that magic majority.

You are lying.

@cain posted:

My question was good too but all you answered with doan know. It was an easy question man, is like when you drink yo coffee tea you doan feel yo nose gettin wet?

Coffee tea or tea tea .. eh Cain 


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