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Putin says he's invited Trump to Moscow for second meeting

The White House responded that the president is open to getting together with Putin both in DC and Moscow when the time is right.
by Adam Edelman /  / Updated 

Image: Trump-Putin summit in HelsinkiU.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's President Vladimir Putin shake hands as they meet in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018.Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday he has invited President Donald Trump to Moscow for a second face-to-face meeting and that he was "ready to come to Washington."

"We are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow. He has, by the way, such an invitation, I told him about it," Putin said Friday during an economic summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.

"And I'm ready to come to Washington if appropriate conditions for work are created," he added.

Putin added that he and Trump had discussed at their meeting last week topics that “concern very many countries around the world and, including, all of Europe,” and buttered up his American counterpart with flattery.

"The big plus of president Trump is that he strives to fulfill the promises, above all, given to voters," Putin said.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Friday that the president is open to Putin's request and anticipates Putin visiting Washington early next year.

"President Trump looks forward to having President Putin to Washington after the first of the year, and he is open to visiting Moscow upon receiving a formal invitation," Sanders said.

On Wednesday, Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, said that a D.C.-based meeting betweenTrump and Putin would be put off until 2019 because of special counsel Robert Mueller’s "witch hunt."

"The president believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the Russia witch hunt is over, so we’ve agreed that it will be after the first of the year," Bolton said in a statement that was notable for the senior adviser's use of the term "witch hunt" when discussing diplomatic matters.

Putin's remarks come just one week after Trump and Putin met for a summit in Helsinki, Finland, but contradict comments made from top aides to each leader after the session that indicated a second forum was not in the works any time soon.

Trump had, last week, invited Putin to Washington this fall.

Bolton’s announced postponement followed comments from Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov, who wouldn't say whether Putin would accept Trump's invitation. According to Reuters, Ushakov said only that the two leaders would have other opportunities to meet, including at the G20 leaders in Argentina later this year.

Trump’s invitation to Putin — as well as Bolton’s subsequent delay of an invite — came just days after their Finland summit, which was widely blasted by U.S. lawmakers.

At a joint press conference during the summit last week, Trump railed against special counsel Robert Mueller and members of the news media and suggested that Putin was more credible than his own intelligence officials, including Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who has accused Russia of undertaking an "unprecedented influence campaign" in 2016. Trump was also criticized for meeting with Putin one-on-one with only interpreters present in the room.

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So, why you losing sleep over the man? May I remind you what my granny says about constantly nagging over Trump?   She said you're like a broken faucet that never gets fixed.  

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

So, why you losing sleep over the man? May I remind you what my granny says about constantly nagging over Trump?   She said you're like a broken faucet that never gets fixed.  

Your granny is ill-informed. You got to be lazy not to fix a broken faucet.


What? No Skype, or what about Whats-App?

After the last meeting and the insane media, doesn't anyone else wonder why they just don't pick up the phone. Hey Putin, Whats-App me dude! that way we avoid chaos.
Why do they have to get on a plane and fly half way around the world just to talk?
Something else must be up behind closed doors and my imagination runs wild.

Putin: Wonderful to see you again Donald baby, no one knows we gay, its beautiful.
Trump: Yeah Putin, they think we want to nuke their asses.
Putin: Talking about that big guy, touch your toes, I'm going to launch a Russian missile...

Or maybe its much more sinister...

Trump: Hey Putin I got the stuff, a whole Jumbo Jet of the best Colombian Cocaine buddy.
Putin: Wonderful big guy, no-one suspects a thing.
Trump: Yeah, going to make those Europeans so high, they wont know whose oil they buying back there in Belgium.

Or maybe its even more sinister...

Putin: Hey Donald we cant have a nuclear war...
Trump: Why not, you just press the red button
Putin: Its impossible, we lost our nukes, Israel stole them.
Trump: Cant have that, balance of power would be unbalanced, I'll DHL some nukes to you in the morning.

In all likelihood...

Trump: This is really good Whiskey Putin...
Putin: Yeah, its made in a small village in China
Trump: OK, we don't bomb that one, comrade.
Putin: See that cute news reporter in the front row
Trump: Yeah, but hey I got to be careful, wife is here and she is more dangerous than the FBI.
Putin: I have seen the Tattoo on her ass...
Trump: That good huh... OK we meet again in Washington, bring the cute reporter with you... yeah!

Trump: OK look mean... we got to go read some stuff to the press!

The news actually makes no sense whatsoever anymore... may as well make up our own stories... its more fun.


Those two more than likely talk about building hotels and golf courses....Trump ain't in the Presidency for the USA he is in for himself andalso for the one responsible for fixing the elections.




From me you'll just get pure objectivity, just stuff I wonder about.
I think people are very tired of the paid hate trolls on the web, it has become obvious propaganda. The main stream news really lost the plot on the Trump frenzy, no one believes them at all now.

But on a more serious note, the Trump Dump political correctness does fascinate me. When I talk to Americans, 1 in 50 will say they like Trump, the rest Trump Dump, but you know at least half of them are lying because he won the elections, including congress.

When I watched the Clinton Trump debates, I said I think he is going to win, and the Europeans had an epileptic fit. Its simply that I think he has overwhelming support in the hurting USA "silent" middle class.
I'll be controversial again, I think Trump won the Trump Putin meeting hands down, his popularity just went up, contrary to what the main stream media will have us believe. The USA middle class is thinking, "well Russia wont be nuking our asses anytime soon, with this guy".

If this was a soccer game, both Putin and Trump are 2 goals up, the main stream media (EU) seems to have lost the plot completely.

I think Br-exit was no mistake, I think that little UK is playing really good chess, they know is now a toss up between the Euro and the Dollar and they waiting to see what happens. I know this is not politically correct, but I think Trump could end up being the greatest president the USA has ever had... yikes, CNN is after my ass now ...but my expectation is that he is going to join JFK, especially if he is crazy enough to bring Putin to Washington. Meet in Iceland or something, if they have to, anything else is insane I believe.

Anyway... I got another one for you... on the lighter side...

Trump: Hey Putin I have seen the Tattoo on Angela Merkel's ass...
Putin: Holly crap that must of been ugly, how did that happen?
Trump: It was in the oval office and she gave me the eye, so I thought, for god and country and pulled her skirt up
Putin: You a brave man Donald, so what did it say...
Trump: I didn't see it, the French president was hiding under there, he looked at me and said, stay out of my cookie jar you horrible American!
Putin: So what did the Tattoo say?
Trump: It said... made in China.

My crazy Weltanschauung... 

Robert Spar posted:

From me you'll just get pure objectivity, just stuff I wonder about.
I think people are very tired of the paid hate trolls on the web, it has become obvious propaganda. The main stream news really lost the plot on the Trump frenzy, no one believes them at all now.

But on a more serious note, the Trump Dump political correctness does fascinate me. When I talk to Americans, 1 in 50 will say they like Trump, the rest Trump Dump, but you know at least half of them are lying because he won the elections, including congress.

When I watched the Clinton Trump debates, I said I think he is going to win, and the Europeans had an epileptic fit. Its simply that I think he has overwhelming support in the hurting USA "silent" middle class.
I'll be controversial again, I think Trump won the Trump Putin meeting hands down, his popularity just went up, contrary to what the main stream media will have us believe. The USA middle class is thinking, "well Russia wont be nuking our asses anytime soon, with this guy".

If this was a soccer game, both Putin and Trump are 2 goals up, the main stream media (EU) seems to have lost the plot completely.

I think Br-exit was no mistake, I think that little UK is playing really good chess, they know is now a toss up between the Euro and the Dollar and they waiting to see what happens. I know this is not politically correct, but I think Trump could end up being the greatest president the USA has ever had... yikes, CNN is after my ass now ...but my expectation is that he is going to join JFK, especially if he is crazy enough to bring Putin to Washington. Meet in Iceland or something, if they have to, anything else is insane I believe.

Anyway... I got another one for you... on the lighter side...

Trump: Hey Putin I have seen the Tattoo on Angela Merkel's ass...
Putin: Holly crap that must of been ugly, how did that happen?
Trump: It was in the oval office and she gave me the eye, so I thought, for god and country and pulled her skirt up
Putin: You a brave man Donald, so what did it say...
Trump: I didn't see it, the French president was hiding under there, he looked at me and said, stay out of my cookie jar you horrible American!
Putin: So what did the Tattoo say?
Trump: It said... made in China.

My crazy Weltanschauung... 

I think you are a stand-up comedian. You would do good writing stage comedy. Just my 2 cents or 2 lil jill.


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