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Putin sides with ‘thugs,’ PM says as G8 splits over Syrian conflict

With leaders from the G8 countries headed into a two-day meeting that begins Monday, Mr. Harper was alone in publicly articulating the division with Russia – and did so bluntly. “I don’t think we should fool ourselves. This is G7, plus one. That’s what this is, G7 plus one,” Mr. Harper told reporters Sunday after meeting with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny in Dublin. “Mr. Putin and his government are supporting the thugs of the Assad regime for their own reasons that I do not think are justifiable and Mr. Putin knows my view on that.”


The decision by the United States to arm Syrian rebels has put Syria at the forefront of discussions and set up clashes with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the only G8 leader to support the Syrian regime.


Mr. Putin had his own harsh words for the U.S. and other countries that support the rebels, saying they are backing cannibals. “I think you will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines, in front of the public and cameras,” Mr. Putin said at a news conference in London after meeting British Prime Minister David Cameron.


He apparently was referring to a video that has circulated this month and purports to show a rebel eating the heart of a dead Syrian soldier, an act fiercely condemned by leaders of the main anti-Assad forces. “Are these the people you want to support?” Mr. Putin said. “Is it them who you want to supply with weapons?”


Mr. Cameron struck a conciliatory tone after the meeting with Mr. Putin, saying Russia and the other G8 countries can still find common ground on Syria. “What I take from our conversation today is that we can overcome these differences if we recognize that we share some fundamental aims: to end the conflict, to stop Syria breaking apart, to let the Syrian people decide who governs them and to take the fight to the extremists and defeat them.”


None of this will help U.S. President Barack Obama who will meet with Mr. Putin on the sidelines of the G8 on Monday in an attempt to reach some kind of understanding over Syria and keep alive the possibility of a peace conference in Geneva. “We still continue to discuss with the Russians whether there is a way to bring together elements of the regime and the opposition to achieve a political settlement,” said Ben Rhodes, a deputy U.S. national security adviser. “There are no illusions that that’s going to be easy.”


Mr. Obama’s task is even more difficult because of the gains the Syrian army has been making recently in the civil war, thanks largely to Iranian-backed Hezbollah fighters. That has emboldened Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who has dismissed U.S. claims his army has used chemical weapons, saying the allegations were based on fabricated evidence.


The Russians, who have questioned the U.S. evidence as well, are also in a stronger position. The decision by the U.S. to arm the rebels could clear the way for the Russians to supply missiles to the Syrian army. Mr. Putin also did not rule out the possibility of a peace conference, saying on Saturday that he remained committed to a political solution to the crisis.


Mr. Obama also has to deal with divisions among his allies. Britain and France have already accused Mr. al-Assad of using chemical weapons and they pushed the European Union to lift its embargo on providing weapons to the rebels. However, neither government has yet to agree to supply arms.


Mr. Cameron is in a difficult situation politically because most of the members of his coalition government do not support sending weapons. The French government has said it wants to discuss the issue of arming the rebels at the G8 and it prefers to have any no-fly zone sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council, something that is seemingly impossible given Russia’s veto power.


Mr. Harper has also balked at supplying arms, saying he is concerned about extremist elements among the rebels. “We want to see the opposition in Syria become more representative, less sectarian,” he said Sunday. “We are not in Canada, at the present time, ... contemplating arming the opposition in Syria. I understand, fully understand, why our allies would do that particularly given the recent actions by Russia, Iran and others. But our aid at the present time, our aid for now, will continue to be humanitarian.”


Mr. Obama has reached out to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta to discuss Syria, but they have yet to commit to sending arms. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also expected to keep the focus on humanitarian aid To the more than 1. 5 million Syrian refugees and plans to announce more funding for that at the G8.


G8 will focus on other issues, such as clamping down on tax evasion and introducing more transparency into offshore bank accounts. Here too divisions abound.


Mr. Cameron is eager to push G8 countries to adopt a registry of beneficial owners of companies, something he and some rights groups say will help crack down on corruption and tax evasion. On Saturday, Britain and its territories and dependents, including Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Jersey and Guernsey, agreed to develop such a registry and exchange tax more tax information. It’s not yet clear what information will be covered or if the registry will be public.


However, some G8 members, including Canada, are cool to the idea of creating a registry. Mr. Harper said Sunday that he supports the ideas in principle but that Canada would have to get its provinces onside.

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G8 summit: Harper slams Putin for supporting “thugs of the Assad regime”

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper suggests Russian President Vladimir Putin has outworn his welcome at G8 summit: “This is the G7 plus one.”


DUBLIN, IRELAND—On the eve of a summit of world leaders, Prime Minister Stephen Harper castigated Russian President Vladimir Putin for supporting “the thugs of the Assad regime” in Syria and said there’s no reason to hope other G8 leaders can convince Putin to help depose the Syrian strongman.


Harper, who wants an end to the dictatorship of President Bashar Assad to halt the bloody civil war in the Middle Eastern nation, went so far as to suggest Putin doesn’t deserve to sit at the table with leaders of some of the most advanced industrial democracies.


“I don’t think we should fool ourselves,” Harper said, using what may be his toughest language ever on the international stage. “This is the G7 plus one. Let’s be blunt, that’s what this is: the G7 plus one.”


The G7, which includes Canada, the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan, France and Britain, has been meeting for decades as a way for like-minded leaders to talk candidly about global problems. Russia was only invited to join in 1997.


The two-day G8 summit, which begins Monday in Northern Ireland, is shaping up to be a tense, fractious clash over Putin’s support for Assad. Russia is the main diplomatic backer and arms supplier for Assad, whose efforts to suppress opposition forces seeking his ouster has led to the deaths of nearly 93,000 people so far.


Most of the other G8 leaders have come out in support of U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to deliver military support to the Syrian rebels — a decision Obama made after concluding that Syrian government forces had used small amounts of chemical weapons against their opponents.


Putin has scoffed at efforts to convince Russia to moderate its backing of Assad. On Sunday, the Russian leader added more fuel to the expected dispute at the G8 by warning the West not to back rebels “who kill their enemies and eat their organs.” He was referring to the purported photograph of an anti-Assad fighter taking a bite of a liver he had cut from a dead Syrian soldier.


Harper, speaking to reporters after a bilateral meeting with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, said Putin’s position was unjustifiable but added he doesn’t expect much co-operation from the Russian leader over the next two days.


“Unless there’s a big shift of position on his part, we’re not going to get a common position with him at the G8,” Harper said.


Canada should instead, he said, “continue to work with our allies in the G7 and in NATO to see how we can move the situation (in Syria) in a positive direction where we get the transition towards a government that is genuinely representative, broadly based, democratic, not a threat to the world and certainly, not embracing of terrorist or extremist elements.”


Harper said his government is not budging from its refusal to send Canadian arms to Syrian rebels even though Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Canada understands why the United States is doing so.


“We are not, in Canada at the present time, we are not contemplating arming the opposition in Syria,” Harper told the media.


For now, he said, Canada will continue to send only humanitarian aid but he fully understands “why our allies would do that, particularly given recent actions by Russia, Iran and others.”


He was referring to countries whose support has helped Assad’s forces gain a military advantage over the rebels in recent weeks.


That may be seen as a bit of a shift in Harper’s position. He has said repeatedly that sending lethal aid to forces trying to topple Assad was a risky move because the weapons could fall into the hands of terrorist-linked groups who number among Assad’s opponents.


Earlier on Sunday, Baird had explained on CTV on Sunday that “what the United States wants to do is ensure there’s a greater level playing field so we can get both parties” to join in negotiations to wind down the civil war.


According to one theory, recent successes by his army might make Assad less inclined to join the talks the U.S. and Russia have been trying to set up in Geneva. U.S. officials say more help for the rebels could shift the balance of power in the fighting and induce Assad to sit down and negotiate.


On another key issue at the G8 summit, Harper said his government supports a move by the host, British Prime Minister David Cameron, to enlist the co-operation of G8 countries to clamp down on tax evasion.


Cameron wants countries to develop registries to prevent individuals or companies from dodging taxes by hiding corporate ownership in shell companies.


“This is a very important initiative by Prime Minister Cameron,” Harper said. “It is important that we do it and we do it together because when we are dealing with tax evasion, we’re dealing with problems that cross borders.”


Harper said the only reservation that Canada will bring to the table is that “we’re going to have to consult with our provinces.”


Harper and Kenny discussed trade, immigration and historical ties between Canada and Ireland in their closed-door meeting at Ireland’s official guest house in the outskirts of Dublin. On Monday, Harper travels to Lough Erne in Northern Ireland to join the other G8 leaders in their summit.


Harper, who wants an end to the dictatorship of President Bashar Assad to halt the bloody civil war in the Middle Eastern nation, went so far as to suggest Putin doesn’t deserve to sit at the table with leaders of some of the most advanced industrial democracies.


“I don’t think we should fool ourselves,” Harper said, using what may be his toughest language ever on the international stage. “This is the G7 plus one. Let’s be blunt, that’s what this is: the G7 plus one.”

Usual blabbering of his nonsense, as if it was not already known what the outcome of the conference.


Decisions are generally known in advance, and the actual meeting is just a formality to show the stance of each country.


Harper should face the blunt reality that he and his party would be out of power in the next election.


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